How many White Americans today descend from Colonial ancestors, or even pre-Civil War ancestors?
How many White Americans today descend from Colonial ancestors, or even pre-Civil War ancestors?
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My ancestors fought in the revolutionary war.
Most of them.
8 million quebecois in Quebec descend from the original 3000 settlers, and something like 3 million Cajun are also extended to this family.
I'd imagine America has the same rates.
I don't know, but it makes me uncomfortable the colonial heritage/ancestry is constantly downplayed in favor of the "nation of immigrants" propaganda.
Do you have an equivalent to Ellis Island in history?
I am a descendant of someone who arrived on the Mayflower. Been here since day one. Would hate to explain how bad we fucked things up in the last 50 years. Of course, the only reason we acted like we gave a shit about niggers and chinks is because we tried to impress the world that we were better than the USSR.
Some of my ancestors may have been original settlers, but all the records in my family go back to post civil war immigrants from Scotland or Ireland.
Though, all it would really take is for one of my Scottish or Irish ancestors to marry a colonial descendant.
Same. My heritage dates back to the early 1500's actually.
I told a mexican girl this at work and she said 'um my ancestors were indigenious to this county' to which i replied 'oh they were native americans?'
Bonus: Family evaded the civil war all together. Left South Carolina and moved to Key West, and became Rum Runners between florida and the carribean. Great great great great great great grandpappy made millions between that and this salvaging company he had, and became Key Wests first sheriff. Has a mansion in town named after him to this day, now it's a museum.. Legend passed down from my family says he was super racist. Always mumbling about 'niggers'. Something like that. My family would late become Florida's premeir 'treasure hunters', working for the state of Florida finding and scuba diving old spanish ships that had sunk and taking their booty. They split the worth of the gold 50/50 with the state. No more ships left or else I'd be doing that for my job.
my family comes from farmers on each side who came here from england and germany
peasent tier, but still better than being mixed confusion
My ancestor was a conquistador who led an expedition through Colombia, raping and pillaging as he searched for emerald mines. Today our family name is immortalized with the naming of a neighborhood and a library in Bilbao, and his portrait hangs in El Museo Nacional de Colombia as a hero of Colombia's founding.
>My ancestor was a conquistador who led an expedition through Colombia, raping and pillaging as he searched for emerald mines
>raping and pillaging
wtf was his problem
I'm an amerimutt, of mostly German and Irish heritage but I'm descended directly both one of the signers of the Mayflower compact and from Ira Allen, brother of Ethan Allen and one of the Green Mountain Boys.
Me. On Dad's side, his father's family came over in the 1600s, not long after the Mayflower. His mother's family, just a little later. Both families had sons who fought in the Revolution. My paternal aunts are in the DAR, therefore. My daughters will be too.
Sounds like you have a cool family, user. Adventuresome and enterprising.
At least ten different progenators on the Winford Fleet, here. As far as I'm concerned, the Nazis can take a flying leap. This is our country - everyone else is just a visitor.
my great grandfather came off the boat from Ireland and I like to fight and drink and im pretty stupid so im def not a descendant of a colonial ancestor
Supposedly mark Twain is a relative of mine somewhere along the line. Maybe that explains why I like to say nigger and feel like I should have some southern pride even though I'm from Ohio.
I literally share my name with my great ancestor Morgan Morgan, of Wales, who landed here in the 17th century.
Patrilineal wise, we were slave owners and Indian Fighters, until we moves to the hills of West Virginia during the Great Awakening of the 19th century and became Methodist Preachers.
One of them fought at the battle of Point Pleasant in Gallia, Ohio.
Very proud of my Sup Forums approved heritage.
7 revolutionary war heroes here.
And, nice to meet another american. Wtf happened to our country?
Me. My ancestors owned a plantation with slaves and I give two fucks. Everyone is a nigger to me, I don't discriminate.
Massachusetts Bay colony and New Amsterdam for me. Diluted with Irish trash and German gutter sweepings.
>US flag
You have to go back.
Quebec had a lot of British settlers before ww1
I have some family that goes all the way back to Plymouth colony. The rest I can only trace back to antebellum from my knowledge.
Most Americans in the South are decendants of original settlers of the British isles because not many people immigrated there and they isolated themselves from other cultures.
I fucking hate how everyone thinks I have an African ancestors because my hair is curly since I'm in the South. The reason it's curly is because of my family being Scottish and their curls.
My family's Scottish and I'm a southerner and I certainly don't have curls. My dad even has a fucking kilt.
I think it actually might be quite a bit less. Remember, the U.S was indunated with European immigrants for almost a century from 1850 ish to the close of WW2. I won't even try to guess, but post Civil war was a huge immigration boom.
I have ancestors in Pennsylvania during the revolution, but they were quakers, so odds are they didn't fight. Founded a town in Ohio during Jefferson's administration though, so I got that going for me, which is nice.
Very few.
Entire cities in the U.S like Chicago are filled with "Americans" who have no kinship to original settlers of the country. These "Americans" actually think they belong there.
I do. My grandfathers family is pure Anglo Saxton. My uncle had the lineage and family tree made almost 20 years ago. Came from England with the first mayflower fleet, and one of my great ancestors was even a governor of Virginia in the 18th century, and have 2 that fought in and survived the revolutionary war.
The commies and sharia law won’t take this country while I’m still alive, better believe it
Wow this reads pretty much EXACTLY like my family history as well. Surname Walker?
I would fight right along side you
I've got a quarter irish admixture while the rest is pure french-canadian blood.
Will you stand with me brother when the time comes? To reclaim our freedoms, we must water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots
I had some land in Plymouth 1630s. That means when I say all Jews and shitskins need to leave, I should be taken seriously and obeyed.
How do pure English/Scottish/Scots-Irish Americans feel about the UK? I'm assuming it's it a case of liking the people as they're the same as you but hating the government/monarchy that were pricks to your ancestors during colonial times
It would be an honor to die actually defending this country from commie scum.
Just give me the orders.
my dad spend years putting together the tree and found people almost back to the start
found people on both sides of the civil war
found a slave owner
he found a copy of a land ownership document signed by U S Grant
I do
Anglo brothers. :')
Family arrived in the 1640's. The male line of my family has been in New England ever since.
Both sides of my family were here before the revolution. One side from the south and the other thr north. My several times great grandma was kid napped by Indians in the 1600s.
around 51-62% of the pop are related to the mayflower arrivals.
We moved from Massachusetts to Virginia finally settling in the Philadelphia region. All our families were instrumental in founding this country, it is now time for us to take it back!
>Massachusetts to Virginia finally settling in the Philadelphia region.
Three based choices right here. Literally the backbone of early America.
>be at sea for months with dirty lice ridden bearmen
>get off the boat and you're met with this
There were 19 million of us by the start of the civil war. Do you think we just disappeared?
Wait patiently my son, your time will come. You don’t need orders, just follow the sound of the guns!
Me, my white side is pre revolution Philly.
Definitely not pure. Scottish/Irish American here.
From what I've seen from the diaspora, and what I've seen internationally, Irish and Scottish have a big problem with virtue signaling and faggotry.
They are still my favorite groups. It's just when people start trying to get all political I can't be a part of it.
Fuck the EU and Fuck the Jews and shitskins. God isn't real so don't fight over it. Bring back the warrior spirit. Purge all Irish and Scottish mudsharks into the ocean.
It’s so important to remember your history and ancestors. What a struggle they had, living through gigantic wars, making a perilous journey over the ocean, surviving the harsh wilderness. And how filthy commie trash want to burn it all down, sweep away the pages of our history.....not gonna fucking happen
>my white side
I'm not terribly butthurt about it. The feudal system obviously left little room for upward mobility (read: basic opportunity), and that's why my great^x grandfather left for America. The English kind of instigated some shit for fifty years or so, but we've fought with them far more than we've fought against them. Zero reason to dislike the Scots or Irish.
I may have misunderstood the question. As a Scottish man, the film Braveheart had a very negative effect on my view of the UK. Particularly the scene where the man's wife is taken from wedding and presumably raped. Since the film is made by Mel Gibson who is a known anti-semite, I trust it more than your typical Hollywood production. I would certainly help out the UK, but Irish and Scottish must come first.
They were native savages. The declaration got it right when it says they are merciless Indian savages.
As an everyone, the history of the British empire had a very negative effect on the view of the U.K.
Similar to me, Scottish ancestor pre-civil war, took part. Have no idea about my English side. Seems like the only history my family knows of is from our paternal side.
I'm a direct descendent of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island.
Also, history has proven the Adolf Hitler was correct. The United Kingdom's level of culpability for everything that's gone wrong since almost has parity with the Jews.
Descendant of pre revolution farmers sounding off. Our family has owned farms for over 400 years in Southwest PA. I represent the first line that's not strictly German, my mother is pan European. The govt regulated the farms right from under us and now we're mostly white collar. Have an uncle that's openly Nazi but most of the generations my age are blue pilled as fuck. My mother's side of the family has bred exclusively with niggers and I've begun telling them why this is retarded. Father's side still doesn't include niggers even in family gatherings except for my brother who is a rap producer (wants to be black). That's just a little about me since I fit who you're asking about.
Jamestown ancestry
Mayflower Society here. You're all illegal. No more gibs.
Legit is awesome to know your roots
Yall got clans or what?
Two Confederate ancestors both died fighting.
Most of our populations came in after ww1 and 2. Anyone who says they descend from the original settlers is a muh heritage retard.
Me to user
Me, apparently.
My uncle has spent the past five years of his retirement researching our family back to the late 1500's. he found that on my dad's side of the family, is a relation to one of the people who signed the Mayflower Compact. I think his name was William White or something similar to that.
I assume this makes sense, because a fair portion of my family (especially my dad's side) has lived in New England for quite a while.
I am a collateral descendant of George Rogers Clark and Second Lieutenant William Clark.
Scottish clans are gang gang.
i believe that most of american nigs have some pre-civil war white ancestor
I descend from John Griffin, who immigrated in 1635 on board the Constance. He started a tar and pitch works, which the indians came and burned down, so he formed a militia which took their chief (Manahanoose of the Masacoe tribe) captive to be enslaved or executed. In exchange for his release the indians gave up most of their land in the area, on which he founded the town of Simsbury Connecticut. My family is pretty big on our geneology and we have our family tree tracked even further back into their history in Europe. I have many other colonial ancestors but this one is my favorite and most interesting one. A lot of his history is pretty well documented. Griffin remains a family name for us to this day, with many of our family members having it as a first or middle name if not their last name.
>his view on the Union is influenced by Braveheart
God you're all so fucking stupid. It was a Scottish king who initiated the union of the crowns in the first place.
Well of course, you have to breed house niggers with higher IQ species. Hence the mulatto was born.
Uhhh... I'm like 20th cousin to the queen (legit far).
My family's ancestral home
Have lineage traced back to roughly 1100 through the Baupre into the St Omer.
A lot, but at this stage in the game it's primarily British sprinkled with German, Irish, and Italian. There's a lot of direct descendants but they mixed with more recent immigrants. The South is where you'll find the purest British people. They are probably the closest people to their Rev War/Civil War ancestors in America
Me, part of my family came over in the 17th century.
Kek, scottish kings ruled england, the mighty anglo-saxon cucked by the superior Scottish bull.
This is my ancestral home.
Go down to the street and pick up a wog and suck on his penis.
I never said anything about the union of the crowns. How am I supposed to know shit that isn't taught in school, and I'm not a world traveler. No need to shit on my honest perspective.
This is your level of discourse? How the hell are you going to save the white race if this is the pathetic shit you spew out daily? You're worse than a nigger, because you're making an active effort to be useless scum.
How about one fucking google search before you form your opinion and decide to tell everyone else about it. Fuck your 'honest perspective'
Mine are Finns and Poles that came in the 1800s...
Pretty sure my homies came over around 1910-1920. GOLDEN AGE OF IMMIGRANTS
Colonial ancestors. Before that my paternal line goes back to an outlawed clan in Scotland cause they kept stealing cattle and killing people or some shit.
You sound like an uptight english asshole. Fix your bad teeth and maybe your crush won't fuck Muhammad instead.
I wasn't responding to anything about the union of the crowns. I was responding to a question about my view on the UK as a Scottish/Irish American. If you want to act like a shitskin I'm gonna treat you like a shitskin.
Gang gang.
Very nice. I have a hard time understanding my UK ancestry. They were Normans but also Templars. Many Templars fled to Scotland. We loose sight of my surname for a bit and it pops back up in Elizabeth's time period. I don't know how to feel about braveheart as my people were most likely on both sides
Dude, he's just an English prick. He feels inferior about being not Scottish. Give him a break.
4th generation Floridian. Didn’t fall for the Jew so don’t know specifics. Definitely before the 1900s.
Thanks. I'm just saying, if he wanted to know he should look into "Braveheart" it's a powerful movie for American diaspora. They should confront some of these alleged atrocities if they want to curry favor.
2nd Gen Floridian, but ancestry is entirely southern. Yankees must be culled.
That's what the United Kingdom is - a union of the crowns of Scotland and England. Jesus Christ you just keep going don't you.
>as a Scottish/Irish American
Fuck off, LARPer. I've watched Braveheart, retard. It's a film, made by an American, riddled with historical innacuracies and hopelessly biased against the ebil Anglos. It takes two to tango, you know.
Sorry m8 u gotta go back. Beat you by 20 years
I'm a direct descendant of Aaron Burr.
I hate national banks as well. ain't too bad
To be honest ethnic english people in Britain today are probably genetically the closest to the colonial americans as most of them were english.