What a beautiful photo. Thank god for this timeline.
What a beautiful photo. Thank god for this timeline
What does the guy standing immediately in front of the US flag know, Sup Forums? He knows something that he's not telling us.
God Bless Donald Trump.
Wait does he get to choose to have Jackson as a picture? If so this picture is actually gOAT
>jefferson above lincoln on president's right hand side
>jackson above bronco buster on president's left hand side
a man keeps his right and throws away with his left.
jackson confirmed worst president ever.
He's done interviews saying that Jackson is his Presidential role model. Liberals were handwringing about it, actually. Bill O'Reilly interviewed him and it came up right before he was sworn in.
Why is there a rainbow flag in the corner?
anybody ever notice how of the "great seal" the eagle faces the olive branch of peace while the resolute desk is made for war?
Pence collects a new strip of color for each gay he personally chokes to death. It’s his version of a scalp collection.
i think you're joshing me, user. giving me the business.
Wow that actually made me laugh out loud. My lesbian neighbors are absolutely terrified of Pence. I try to calm them down about it but it's no use.
i wonder if they all stripped when the cameras went off mmmmm
Why is that chick there? I hate it when the maid photo bombs a good picture.
Clearly he knows about the coming storm.
My cashews are cogitating
>neocons, boomers and warmongering cucks
nice pic
He just farted
>War kills the cuck
Simply cannot wait.
someone at the last minute grabbed a nigger and a cunt from the hallway and posed them in the group
most likely a jew
I love how they put the token black guy in the back and the woman off to the side.
marines are not smiling
>that profile
>that hand wringing
>that facial expression ..nervous arousal?
I can't believe I went most of my life completely unaware of these .. people
? She knows Trump is about to reveal his true power level.
>rainbow flag in the corner
battle streamers
>a fucking hippie
is this photo a subtle threat to those who will soon be feeling the wrath of Trump and his DOJ? A reminder that he is the "Commander in Chief" of the armed forces and no last-ditch coup effort should be considered?
Is Trump about to DRAIN THE SWAMP?
Sure, completely ignore the nigger.
what is battle streamers? sounds fun
jackson was a good lad he dueled kikes and doesnt afraid of anything.