If shit hits the fan in America, what country would you move to?

If shit hits the fan in America, what country would you move to?

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Fuck off, we're full!

I wouldn't. I'd fight for my country and you should too.


literally no one wants to go to you since you need 20 licenses for a fork



Damn straight I am!
Australia is the Alpha of all countries.
We own all our landlocked areas, we just let the USA take the spotlight to take the pressure of us.

That is Britian, TV license etc.
You hate us due to gun ban remember.

What we mean to say is that all the nice parts are full. You're more than welcome to stay in the hot bit in the middle.


Yeah this, sorry a bit hypo.
Feel free to come to Australia and live there.

I would fight for my country!

Running is for cowards and traitors.

the question is for faggots. go find somewhere else to post your faggot shit.

What are we Syrians?

>implying I wouldn't stay and fight

The New World Order I almost here, I decided long ago that there is a quiet dignity in staying and fighting and dying if we'd be. A good patriot goes down with the ship. I need a plate carrier, a FAST B helmet, a few suppressor s, toeniqueta, gauze and some food and I'll be ready for america's implosion.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in summer

China and be an English teacher

Yes, and?
Nice digits btw

I would agree with this, but it seems that the revolution is going to be a cuck whimper with most of our "compatriots" welcoming their own destruction. I would leave under those circumstances.

I'm going to Uruguay.

Haha that sandman lookd liek a poopy

Recreate the republic of Texas.

This i am glad that there are a few white people left in this world without the gypsy mentality.Here in Europe weather its the west or the east when life gets hard and shit everybody packs and runs.

None. I'd stay here making sure every last shitskin and kike is dead.

As I mentioned above, what do you do when your countrymen welcome these changes and downfall - they vote for their own destruction. How do you fight that.

OP is confirmed niggerfaggot. Shit is just starting to get good and now he wants to bail. What a pussy.

>implying just because I'm not white I wouldn't guard a white family from hoards of ravenous negros with my life

why would I leave? it would be open season on shitskins and communists.

When all seemed lost did the Continental Army of the Revolution just say "fuck it? France is nice?"

During the war of 1812 after the Limeys burnt down the White house did the people of America say "Russia seems nice?"

No. They fought on.

We fought against odds unimaginable. By god if the Americans of the past can overcome that, than we can. Will you lie down and cry or will you protect you country?

and i want to hear the crunch of snow under my paws when i step outside on christmas day



Jews, ftfy

C'mon man, room for just one more?

Thank you. I hope Romania gets unfucked.

None. Idnstay and fight for the land my family has lived on since 1745

How bout you fix your own fucking country you spineless coward

yea i know

For what? Burying the dead?

>To kill commies

But you're nearly 35 stone with type 2 diabetes Wyatt, you'd be a liability.

Ypu guys have plenty of commies in Catalonia.

No need, the lizards and insects take care of the bodies

That's the problem. WE fought a common enemy then. Now, as the borders are flooded with immigrants and the media telling whites diversity is good, we have become the enemy. I literally live in a country where I am afraid to post a rebuttal on Facebook to some asshole demanding we let every fucking refugee in possible, because if they don't like it, they will screen cap, send to my work and I will likely lose my job. Is it worth protecting anymore?

Who's this slut?

Shadilay, brother.

Stay in the US and take out as many niggers and commies as possible.

you're welcomed

what do you mean by "country"

Yes. It is worth defending.

If you want to run then fine, but I will stay and actually protect my country.

>shit hits the fan in America
>still better than any country
>get to live out vidya in real life
die traitor faggot

Northern Scotland, Ireland, the Island around there Isle of Men, Isle of Sky, Hebrides
Shetland Islands, Some carribean or pacific overseas area, Patagonia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Northern Canada, Iceland, Alaska, away from towns with more than 50000 Citizens

What would England know about protecting their country? Has their ever been a more pathetic crash of an empire than the British empire? 100 years ago, a true bastion of an empire, today, a welcome mat for Pakis and Indians. Enjoy Sharia law faggot. At least Wyatt won't just bend over and take it.

Were going to dump all the aidsfaggots bodies in australia for the koalas to eat after we cleanse this place.


i said if
ok this is a senario in which america isnt better

Goddamnit. I will stay and fight along side you, brother. You're right.

Probably stay here and die

fuck you you piece of shitl, that's the only good bit left

1. Chile, they're predominately white, stable economy. They dont have the turmoil that shakes latin america.
2. Uruguay, its like mini Chile.
3. Poland
4. Hungary
5. Slovenia
6. Russia.
7. Alaskan Frontier

I'm not going anywhere. Even if civil war 2 doesn't end in our favor, at least I'd die taking leftists with me.

Then you make it better or you're a nigger cuck.

There aren't enough good men to defend the country anymore, all of the nationalist segments are fighting, and there is no good place to live.

The only exit strategy is by becoming extremely rich. Can't beat 'em. Might as well join 'em.

if your car gets bogged
you cunts have never been off the bitumen have you?

you guys are all beautiful brave nobel men
here have an upboat.

Sssh let them come, north territorian vagrants will wolf creek them.

I'm not going anywhere. You don't comprehend just how big this country is. "Shit hitting the fan" will occupy a very small portion of the landmass. I already located to an area that is about 99.9% likely to be immune, and if it isn't I have more than a dozen options elsewhere around the country.

Not worried.

>fuck off wer'e full.

With hot lead.

You spell it tyres? That's fucking interesting to know.

Only cowards and faggots run away

What is this question. Do you plan to be a subhuman refugee? There is aleady too much coward in europe, don't need more. Fight for your country or die.


>live out vidya irl
>never respawn
Vidya has made me a coward completely afraid of a firefight.

america is fucking huge fuck off

there'll be noone left in the US

fine with me

faggot leftists and jews will flee. they know the day of the rope is for them


if shit hits the fan, the right will win and i'll be even less likely to leave.


Found the tard

Super America 2

>leave when shit is getting good

japanon what do you think about Nippon Kaigi?

Found another one

>nearly 35 stone
We'll load him in the catapult during the siege of San Francisco.

And a third. No shortage of brain-dead chimps in Amerilardistan.

youre right its better to be a minority in a swamp of shitskins

What happens when you can't run anymore, user?

>live out vidya in real life
>remember playing stalker
>remember getting waster by bandits barely 2 minutes after taking off
yeah nah
if i get a chance to go to nippon i'll take it

Other countries will never understand what it feels like to be an American.

its actually like every few comments in this thread they say the same thing

>not going to the beach to get sunburnt and then shitfaced at the pub
Why even live

this is my country. i was born here and i will die here. ill fight as long as i can until i can no longer move.

doggone triple bypass of corn fed freedom

I don't think most of the people here realize how well and truly fucked we are.
My advice? Get as rich as you can, learn Chinese. You'll at least be able to eke out a moderately comfortable existence in China without that country having gone insane yet. Otherwise don't expect to go down in the fire and the flames as a martyr once their power has been secured. You probably won't even get the right target anyways.

join the local militia and fight

youre talking to someone who completely avoids the sun as it causes sun spots and wrinkling and i dont drink i am very against it.

Yup. It's as if a significant proportion of the population is retarded.
