Sweden Democrats

Do anyone of you think that sweden can be saved becuase SD is a party that wanna decrease imigartion with 90 out off 100 and have been the biggest on and off (becuase off ppl leaving other parties to join S)

I whold like to know what pol tinks of this.

I don't even understand what the fuck you're trying to say because your English is so shit

what do pol think about SD being a possible winner in election and do pol thik they can "save" sweden



it's too late to stop the demographic shift at this point by politics alone

well it can be stopped belive it or not if america can be saved so sweden

You're going to need to go full mass deportation mode to save sweden.

Only a civil war will save you but you would rather let them fuck your daughters than deal with them. Weak

seconded my balkan friendo

Sweden sucks, hope it burns hard

Skeptical. These kind of politicians have a tendency to go full cuck mode once they actually make it into positions of power and get to enjoy all the bribes from lobbyists and so on.

On the other hand, it's the only non-violent option that exists so it's not like you even have to think about it long. You can either vote for a straight up traitor or someone who only has the potential to betray you.

voting wont save us bro
it wont.

bullshit, Palestine/Israel was only 1% Jewish at the start of the 20th century
>genocide, expulsions and sterillizations could all still happen

The larger they get, the more influence they have which is nice, but won't the other parties just gather together against them?

Will they give Swedes guns and legalize not using seatbelts? If not

Why aren't you able to speak proper English as a Swede?

im new to Sup Forums so i dont know how reply ut im reping to german guy.

so the SD leader has been in the game a long time and he was in the party when it was "racist" so i trust him a bit more

No Sweden, less immigration bad. More immigration good!

i cant speak to good english becuase im not a adult yet and im in art class writing this so i cant write the most well written texts

why do you hate sweden estonian guy there are many decent ppl here

SD will form an alliance and win the election
They have gotten to big not to include in elections

No, because all the cuck parties refuse to cooperate with them. They'd have to get the majority of votes and that won't happen.

translate this meme

btw we have hunting rifles that we have right to defend our self with so we can win if our army cucks out and is still weak

we all know who has a VPN here

>decent people

OC from Sweden included

pay attention in school faggot

There is cars that is better than Volvo 200-700-900

What the fuck did you say? Come here you fuck

Jewish plants. You won't get your country back democratically Svens.

I have just turned 18 a few months ago and for the most of my staying here I have not been an adult either, but this didn't stop me from being at least coherent when writing in the language of the globalist. And I'm a fucking gypsy.

What the FUCK and who the FUCK are you. You're not a Swede you shill. What on earth is wrong with your English. English is taught beginning from fucking grade four.

Don't fucking say your a Swede. You're not. Don't use geo-flag anymore, use some other meme-flag cunt.

jag är svensk jag är bara ung

English is taught here since the first grade yet like a third of the youths reach fluent level proficiency. That's not an excuse, the OP is a kid, leave him alone, he might as well be 13.

my teacher is an extreme feminist so i dont wanna be caught browsing pol so i type fast and dont rlly think that much about grammar

What are doing here then? Get off and focus on what you're doing in school.

What are doing here then? Get off and focus on what you're doing in school.

im done with what im doing im not missing anything

swedes have higher standards when it comes to learning english, besides this swede has admitted to being underage so might as well report him

Don't encourage him be one of those soulless drones who blindly follow what they are taught. He has nothing to gain from paying attention in school other than facile information which one can grasp easily because the curriculum is made for idiots or propaganda.

Don't be a hypocrite, man. You were browsing here as an underage as well and I was too, I actually was in his boots lurking /r9k/ at school and posting in a broken English at the age of 15.

Do teachers there know of this website?

How is it gonna help if they "decrease immigration"? You already have millions of them. Unless they have the balls to deport them all it's meaningless.

nice vpn. reported

18 years to post

Underage b&

Don't you guys have a system where everyone else will just Grand Coalition to box SD out? Granted that will likely cripple your nation more leading to more votes for SD, but that's a big timescale.

i think it can be done politically. but the whole social mindset is already consumed by cultural marxism

yes, happened this past election, is probably gonna happen the next one too

Dude, even if we stop immigration by 100% forever we'll still be a muslim nation in n-amount of years. Because those we have here now breed at a faster rate than us, they don't assimilate because they live in poor ghettos (thus their kids are likely to keep popping out kids) and there are a shitload of them.

Massive send-backs is the only thing that can save us, and nobody except nordiska motståndsrörelsen wants to do that (and they'll never be elected).

well im NMR for most part ut i do not like the restrictions on free speach can you enlighten me about that becuase they say free speach as long as its not "folkfientligt"

SD are filthy civic-nationalists and kike lovers