When was this photo leaked?

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10/06/17(Fri)02:48:20 No.144249844

good question
where did it first appear and to who was it credited? its a crime scene photo so it shouldn't even have been released in the first place


it doesn't seem like it was included in with this dump

It was leaked HERE by a vegas cop who attended the scene. It came out in thread the morning after

those are all MSM pictures

Last I heard the Sheriff was hunting the leaker down

You mean who leaked it?

also the Sheriff was pissed

God speed leaker

archive link?

brave but stupid of him, if true

even the one that shows the corpse and the note?

This terrorist was a muslim. He converted to islam six months ago.

And the ticket shows that there was a accomplice ("2 guests").

when the psychopath that killed steve decided to

All the pictures of the room including the one that shows a piece of paper under an ashtray (or roll of tape?) were published by the MSM except the suicide pic which belongs to the set

strange they would show the corpse when it doesn't look possible he killed himself based on that photo alone

it had a series of numbers on it

Wonder why the user leaker didn't include the closeup of the note pad. It's the most crucial piece for us.

Sam hyde was the second shooter

What if he was running guns or something and fucked something up?

>This terrorist was a muslim. He converted to islam six months ago.

Try harder faggot.

>only tipping $10 on a $74 bill
Why? Like he knew he was going to die anyway

He paid 15% that's about average. 10% would be 7.40 and 20% would be 14.80.

It's absurd that somehow the pictures got leaked onto here.

who tf tips


fuck you, faggot. he's right. they're covering it up for tourism reasons.

they were leaked/given to the news? but the plan was for the one pic to not be leaked?


>who tf tips

I wouldn't order the hotel food again then if I were you

some1 who was willing to break some laws and quick minded to.

also: that welded together photo from another user showed up in some local newspaper around here albeit 'they' pixeled out the stiff. user let a good deal of moonies slip away.

understand the quintessential basics of American culture or leave newflag

It is really rude not to tip in the US because most restaurant employees live off tips and do not make a wage.

He doesn't understand that a good tipper is fought over by the wait staff. The chaos.

>working for a company that wont even pay you a wage

I never tip. They are doing a job, i don't get tips at my shitty job.

Just because they hand people food other people cook isn't a reason to tip faggots

Delete this

Too late now. The internet never forgets.

LARP. Muslin vs Angus double burger?

The fact that there's no bacon is very telling.

>The fact that there's no bacon is very telling.
Fuck, my mistake. Nice one user


see his girlfriend left the country on the 28th
so she would have been still in the country on the 27th

she left so she couldn't be implicated
suspect as fuck

I get tips and I make $9hr in retail.

how convenient the exif data is wiped on the original photo