Why is denial of evolution and climate change so widespread on Sup Forums?
Lots of rural and suburban retards
because we aren't 1 dimensional normie faggots and are able to question "science" and form our own opinions. Unlike you nu-male faggots who just follow and copy your (((peers)))
protestants in the case of evolution
climate change is just maxism in new clothes with bad science funded by those who want to control land ownership and use moving to elimination of property rights.
serious question
does jesus have gods dna?
if so,
is god literally a jew?
BTW you o realise that Roman Catholics have never been opposed to evolution an that you are part of a brainwashing secular humanist cult that lies to you and that you ended up in that position because you are stupid and badly educated?
Or maybe you're just contrarian? Just because a libtard believes something doesn't mean it's not true.
serious question? are you muslim or a pagan larper because no one can tell the difference. You both have leaders who are murders and you both lie through your teeth.
So Roman Catholics are good because they don't actually oppose evolution but I'm brainwashed for the same reason? Which one is it?
What Sup Forums are you going to? Never seen anyone here deny evolution except shills pretending to be Sup Forumsacks.
Yeah, science is made by (((them)) so better only believe in religion made by (((them))).
I've never seen anybody question evolution on here. If anything, it's the opposite.
As to climate change, that's not a settled matter, and what's questioned is "man-made" climate change. Remember back when it was THE UPCOMING ICE AGE? Then GLOBAL WARMING? Followed by CLIMATE CHANGE to hedge their bets? To blindly accept man-made climate change is really jumping to conclusions.
I dont fully believe in anything. its too easy to poke holes in anyone's theory about ANYTHING. I say theory because thats all the 'answers' we have, no ones certain about fucking anything. Why dedicate yourself to something that cant be fully proven? I'd rather stay open minded about everything until I really see the light.
Sup Forums is aggressively darwinian.
>believing the 2-4% who believe in the popular narritive instead of the 95-97% who say inconclusive
>2-4% who believe in the popular narritive
Do you not see the irony?
So do you believe in creation or nothing at all?
Bunch of reactionaries.
literally just wanna be against anything that is mainstream even if it goes against logic
>Why dedicate yourself to something that cant be fully proven?
That mentality gets you nowhere. The only things that can be fully proven tend to be rather trivial. Without any kind of dedication, you can't do commit to do anything.
I don't fully believe anything.. we could all be monkeys spinning on a ball in nothing but infinite darkness and our lives mean nothing or we could be living on a flat earth and its been hidden from us, and we actually have a meaning.. Since every photo of our "ball" is riddled with CGI.. WHO THE FUCK KNOWS MAN. Like just look at this picture, according to them the curvature proves the earth is round, but then you take away the fish eye and it would be flat.. so could you say that is proof its flat?
My mentality is logic and reason, I'd rather stick to that, than whatever you're trying to explain..
Not fully believing in anything is a good trait to have. You, however, seem to go beyond that. I just hope you don't make all decisions based on that premise.
Yeah, but the thing is that even with logic and reason, there are not that many things you can know for sure. For example it's kinda impossible to prove that anything exists outside your own mind without any kind of pre-belief or axioms.
I'm talking about things we cant explain, like our earth and existence. I'm still a functional member of society lad.
The climate change bit is sort of stupid of Sup Forums, but Sup Forums is right that the leftist idea of "fixing climate change" is completely retarded given their own claims.
The world depends on oil, it's not as simple as taxing or from the perspective of college commie LARPers "taking down the evil oil cronies". It's a multifaceted problem with a lot at stake.
I was on my nofap goals until a fucking aussie posts this gif. Thanks Assange.
> For example it's kinda impossible to prove that anything exists outside your own mind without any kind of pre-belief or axioms
that's just fun to think about.. that shouldn't really effect how you live life.
Because for the last thirty years I've been told that we're on the verge of disaster, I should plant cacti and palm trees in my Yorkshire garden, islands are going to be underwater, and meanwhile nothing has changed. Climate change is pseudo-science, their models don't work. It's a shame, because I'd actually like it to be warmer.
Christians should support and sustain God's creation, but environmentalism worships creation and puts it above God. When you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you.
Evolution is obviously true, but denial of it is not significant like denial of us destroying the environment.
>I'd like to be warmer
If it happens the UK freezes over as increased global temperatures will fuck over the current that keeps you just warm enough to be a foggy, rainy dump.
It's not that long ago that the UK was under a two-mile thick sheet of ice. Climate changes dramatically on earth over time, and they're unable to predict it in advance.
The biggest problem with a lot of these issues is the exertion of force rather than debate.
I say, "That is compelling. Let's look at the data to ensure its validity."
They say, "DENIER! REEEEEEEEEE! He's a stupid denier. This is all settled. We don't need to show you any data."
The use of the term "Climate Change" is, in itself, telling. What happened to global warming? Changing the name of the game in mid-conversation is not indicative of someone concerned with science. That is posturing that is intended to deflect legitimate criticism. Furthermore, my first exposure to the "Global Warming" concept was in the late 1980s and, according to the story back then, we were supposed to have a 20 degree bump by 1994 and 30 million dead in the US alone due to warming. It never happened but these idiots keep trying to shove it down my throat. Now they have scaled the number back to 2 degrees. How am I supposed to take this seriously? The number just got decreased because they totally blew their window and they can fudge a fraction of a degree a lot easier than they can fudge a few degrees. If you need to force us to believe rather than just let us believe the facts that we see then it is not real science.
Maybe because both those theories aren't supported by facts?
I love how you never see conservatives denying theories like gravity or relativity, even though they're just as "unprovable".
At this point, I'm only 99.99% sure the Earth is a ball hurdling through space.