You boys are super curious about all this. Stop larping and saying its for science. You're curious because you like fapping to trans and you are either wanting to fuck or wanting to be fucked by a tranny. Some of you might even wanna transition Lulz
No, fapping to either makes you gay.
You can say "wow that person is attractive" and not know it's a guy, but if you're looking up trap porn, talking about boy pussy and engaging in a discussion in whether or not it's gay then you're gay.
So...what you're saying is that if i meet a "girl" and find out later on that she was a he its not gay?
Yes, if you think someone's attractive because they look like a girl then it's not gay, but when it's revealed to you it's a trap and you're still willing to have a relationship, then you're gay/bisexual.
40% chance says the mental illness isn't cured by look
>they will be An Hero
But wht if you fap to it without not knowing it's not a real girl? Does this make you straight then?
And what if you fap to a cute girl thinking it's a boy? Does that make you gay?
And what if you're not quite sure but still fap to it? Does that make you gay and straight at the same time?
See,it's not that easy.
How about being attracted to neither of these self destructive people
All you trans faggots,cross dressers & trap lovers disgust me,you should all be hanged for risk of corruption to minors
Well but if you had a relationship with a trap and then ended it because you thought it's a real girl. That still means you're attracted to this person and could fuck it in theory. So even if you end the relationship, you would still be gay because you're attracted to it.
You're not white
Choke to nigger turd faggot kike.
>that filename
kys faggot
At least I'm not some dog fucker kike in mountain counting my shekels I robbed from some narco-politician money launders
Bring me medpac why won't ya
It does not make you gay to like trans people. You are attracted to their femininity. But it does however make you just as mentally ill as they are.
It's very simple, actually; let 'p' be defined as "the sex you are"
If they look ~p and are ~p, then it's straight
If they look p or are p, then it's gay
Thus, when p is male:
If they look female and are female, it's straight
If they look female and are male, it's gay
If they look male and are female, it's gay
If they look male and are male, it's gay
Fags should be gassed.
Both are gay.
>implying I'm attracted to either
No, you'd be attracted to the feminine features you're seeing on the left, and you'd not be attracted to the masculine features on the right.
I can't put an apple seed in the middle of an orange and then accuse a guy of not liking apples because he refused to eat the orange.
disagree with your logic
I don't expect a swiss (or most Europeans for that matter) to have the necessary mental toolkit to properly address such situations, so I will answer these questions in hope of enlightening you with better ideas.
>But wht if you fap to it without not knowing it's not a real girl?
If you're masturbating to softcore porn then you have more problems than just "Am I gay?", but if you can't discern whether or not it's a girl then it's fine.
>And what if you fap to a cute girl thinking it's a boy? Does that make you gay?
Yes, if you're fantasizing about a boy even while masturbating to a girl then it's gay, you want it to be a male and you're interested in males.
>And what if you're not quite sure but still fap to it? Does that make you gay and straight at the same time?
This is irrelevant and is basically the same as the second question, does the notion of them being male turn you off? If not then you're a bisexual, otherwise you're straight.
>Well but if you had a relationship with a trap and then ended it because you thought it's a real girl. That still means you're attracted to this person and could fuck it in theory. So even if you end the relationship, you would still be gay because you're attracted to it.
If you find the person's secondary features (face/body) attractive but you're turned off from the primary feature (penis) then you're not gay/bi.
Both are unnatural freaks of mutilation and deserve to be hanged.
Only thing left to do is to execute them.
I like how this picture endorses the gender binary by assuming that being attracted to a non-male means that your are not gay -
implying that being non-male automatically means female.
kinda does. Transition simply means going from one gender to another.
>spend thousands trying to switch genders to get benefits afforded to both genders with none of the drawbacks
>instead get both sets of drawbacks and no benefits
I'd neck myself too if I was in that situation.
>there are only two genders
I'm attracted to none of this gay shit which makes me straight
its fucking gay either way, faggot
Being attracted to features present in your own gender makes you gay. Being attracted to a person displaying features of the opposite gender to your own while not knowing that person is your gender does not make you gay.
As long as the trap passes well enough so that you don't know it's a dude, attraction doesn't make you gay, as long as the realisation that it's a dude still repulses you.
You can't behind other flags, Sweden.
>dat false dichotomy
We should gas everyone with slight deviations from the established genders. Even if it means what some innocent ugly broads or feminine males get gassed its still better than having these bodysnatchers walking around pretending they're human.
>then you're gay/bisexual.
If you are attracted to traps/trannies, you are most certainly bisexual.
Gay people are attracted to manliness.
>mfw I was just swiping on tinder a few days ago and saw this girl
No. They are both gay
>if you don't like one extreme then you must like the other extreme
What kind of pussyass betafag fedora logic is that?
someones getting catfished
>cant be a beta male
>if you're not really male anymore
Just hang all trannies from the bridges and be done with it
When did I ever mention male?
take all males and turn them into trannies.
yep, im triggered.
I know this poor lad's struggle all too well
he turned into this after they realized playing for the other team was better.
Can't be better. I'm my team's mvp and we just won the championship
More like if eating shit-covered sandwich makes you a shiteater then eating shit-covered burger makes you a shiteater too.