Chattanoogafag here, who else is going to this?
White Lives Matter Rally in Shelbyville, Oct. 28
Other urls found in this thread:
>white lives matter
>implying they don't matter more than the lives of literally every other race
>especially niggers
literally the gayest name imaginable.
it's taken from a group made by niggers and funded by george soros.
The name immediately puts a "victim" image in your head. very effeminate weak optics imo
>white lives matter
I’m already cringing
the best thing to do would be to stay home. i saw a thread earlier where the cops got a guy who had some smgs and a crapton of ammo in his car in that area. aint worth it right now.
actually just read about the rally in OP's link
Doesn't sound that bad. they are there for the mass-shooting at the tenessee church
Wonder ((who)) could be attempting to organize this
that sound like the biggest bait
Wait. Shelbyville is actually a place?
I'm afraid i have to agree with this. It's also petty.
>gayest name imaginable
Not true
Gaylord and Rupert are the gayest names
What area of chatt? I live near Mackenzie Arena
There they are in that gif
>White Lives Matter
This is the Boomer posting of the Alt-Right, what a horrible name.
Should be canceled just for that, what an embarrassment.
I'm getting really sick of this money-see-monkey-do shit.
This isn't a game, and these hurt more than help becauss they're half-assed reactions to The Left.
Stop interrupting your enemies while their making a mistake, the left is destroying itself, just shut up and stay out if the spotlight for now, blend into the normie right wing events. It's critical you don't fuck it up with direct mirrors of the left.
Don't bring your pathetic BS to my state. Grows some balls and stop acting like your poor white feelings are hurt. Not to mention there is a huge ass Somalian presence in the area. Sounds like they are trying to stir shit.
His whole understanding of the real world and the world of imagination have been turned inside out now.
Next question
>So Bedrock is real too then? Struth!
Same people who organized Charlottesville.
>in b4 that was a CIA false flag too
>patron state of shooting stuff
>no one has guns
>they all look like faggot bikers which isn't that surprising
It fucking was.
Wait, so youre saying, anime is real?
>making a rally like this
>naming it that
stoop down to (((their))) level. kys faggot.
Yes. Decent sized town. Good Mexican restaurant. I suggest the special. It has a little bit of about seven different meals. It took three plates.
I'd skip the rally and just got eat. Sounds like it'll attract douche bags and geriatric bikers. The douche bags will lose whatever fight starts. The cops will rush to suck as much federal cock as possible. In the end, no good will come of it.
If the people really wanted to do something useful, they would accept Jesus and repent of their own sins. Pride in watching niggers play with balls is Tennessee's favorite sin. Fire will need to rain from the sky to stop it, I fear.
Andrew Anglin (stormfront owner) made a great post about the future of marketing white nationalism.
He said it needs to be more normie-friendly and have only American-patriotic imagery. Anything besides pro-America imagery just scares away normies.
These helmets, logos, flags, weird group names, all of those things scare away normies. It's too dark, intimidating, and scary looking.
These fucking alt-right organizerrs and leaders are just fucking trash. It is really making me angry. I could do a better job than these fucking ass-clowns.
it's like they just can't do anything right. I appreciate their efforts, but they end up hurting the cause more than helping it very often. I am not in a position to work on white nationalism because of money/work, but people who ARE in that position seriously need to take a step back and learn about marketing, optics, and how to win over normies.
Well all live matter in my opinion, but you know that MSM will just call you guys racist as they'll assume that you mean white lives matter more. Eventhough that's what BLM practically says.
Remember, they are still losers. Not big enough losers to join Antifa, but still. If they were even just average, break-even types, they'd have jobs...and a clue.
America used to be great because it was full of good God fearing people. The people are no longer good, ergo the country cannot be great.
Edge lords and faggots will not lead us to greatness. We are a bit far into the downward slide to expect this to end well for anyone.
But white lives dont really matter.
Up yours nigger lover.
At least you pick a side and support it. Too bad you're a nigger.
>Using labels created by feminists and blacks
They MUST be the eternal boomers.
Lol no way. I have a job. With a background check. I'll stick to shooting nogs in my yard as I 'stand my ground'
Tennessee is overrun with geriatric biker gangs. Only baby boomers can figure out a way to take the cool out of Harley Davidsons.
They are doing military funerals now...WWII veterans and such. It is embarrassingly bad. They show up in leather vests and various biker looking crap, plant flags everywhere, walk up and salute the casket one at a time (dressed in civilian attire mind you), and half ass fold a flag.
They'll never make it that far. Once they find something to chimp out over en mass, they'll just burn their own neighborhoods down, rob some stores, and blame it all on raciss white people.
They'd be better off not doing these at all
The kinds of whites who show up for this are a bad example of our race
Pic related, but on the right
Tennessee is a Stand Your Ground state, right?
Remember to bring your Antifa repellent.
Moreso than violent criminals, yes.
white lies matter
Fuck this. Im holding an All Niggers Must Hang march instead.
We need to not copy niggers.
sign me up
Stop calling yourselves "white" in public.
White is a skin tone, not a race.
Why do you think (((they))) always create
>is X white
threads? To divide the Aryan race.
We Europeans are the descendants of the Aryans. Its not white genocide but European genocide. Not "white lives matter" but European Lives Matter.
March in solidarity with Europe, South Africa and Palestine. Don't make this about American whites or you look like victims. YOU support someone else, and by proxy, prevent white genocide from fully reaching America.
Where do I sign up?
White Lives Matter
I already donate $20 a month to White Lives Matter. Sorry I can't be there
only shills because this was organized by antifa
What false flag is going to happen here to make the right look bad?
This is an obvious honeypot. Stay home and shitpost on social media.
It's actually short for their full name.
>White Lives Matter (Most of All)
>ITT: Sup Forums doesn't know shit about the pro-white movement
White and European are synonymous you turbo-sperg
Another game of Dodge the Charger.
make sure you hold the main rally beneath a 30-floor or so building
Who cares about the name?
Anything that makes liberals chimp out is okay in my book.
But we role play them online!
Change the fucking name immediately.
Copying ideas is what niggers do, whites set the trends
Because otherwise they get their heads bashed in by antifa
Maybe find out if the mayor and city gov is setting up an ambush. Instead of just showing up with dick in hand.
Be careful whitebois. There might be an angry whitey among yourselves who decides to go batshit insane and start shooting everybody.
>tfw you're white, your life matters but it's on October 28th and you'll be too busy playing Mario Odyssey
The guy on the right is what this world needs
wow another false flag event to demonize white people
if you go to this you are literally retarded
While taking an inventory of the vehicle, they discovered a loaded .357 magnum, a loaded .45 semi automatic, a fully automatic AR rifle in .223 caliber, a fully automatic AR rifle in .308 caliber, over 900 rounds of ammunition, and survival equipment.
Neither of the fully automatic rifles were registered or had serial numbers.
In addition to the guns in the car, authorities found another four rifles in Edmisten's home Tuesday while executing a search warrant. Graybeal said one had been altered to make it fully automatic. Investigators also found about $6,000 worth of ammunition that hadn't been opened.
Nice try Special Agent
It was going to be Unite The Right 2.0
But have you not seen how upset the blacks get when someone says All Lives Matter?
>no one has guns
You know you make a meme but if there was a mass shooting on alt-right types it would be a boon for their movement.
YEAH! Fuck trolling!
Not good enough. None of you were there in Tennessee last week for the 7th annual Stormfront conference.