Jewish grills should be cherished like no other.
Jewish grills should be cherished like no other
>jewish grills
this thread was posted 4 hours ago.
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woooo my peenie activate!~
Miss Israel contestants
Jewish girls should be char-grilled faggot.
You misspelled "gassed"
I'd schmear their bagels, if you catch my drift...
You spelled gassed wrong.
I've seen so much hot IDF girl propaganda, that it took me about 5 seconds to realize these women were not attractive
dunt dalk bad adout lorenn xd
Well fuck me.
I regard all women initially with general distrust. So no.
I don’t give a a fuck what religion, race or nationality they are. If they don’t look like a dog and they want to fuck, I’m fucking them. I love pussy.
what i thought they were supposed to be hot blondes
Fucking infested by maple monsters
>dyed hair
>tortured eyebrows
>bad eye makeup for no reason
>a goddamned labret piercing
What's this, Tel Aviv fashion shoah?
truly gods chosen "people"
kill her before she can chunk out new little kikes
my trap gf is jewish
i bet she loves it up the ass
She's a russian Navalny supporter. It's just #pro-zionism, nothing personnel.
Israeli special forces
I agree, we should cherish them for grilling the jews.