Someone explain this shit
Someone explain this shit
Their messiah is melanin so they are people of color in the same way a christian is a man of god.
Pickers of Cotton
French Grammar because the intellectuals that are behind the terminology are French Postmodernists and other French intellectuals going back to before the French Revolution
And double standards.
it's "People of Colour" idiot
Its an intellectual invasion of sorts - and
French intellectual arrogance
how do they work?
Post a vocaroo of you pronouncing the word "Herb"
I just refer to them as nigger
Because they have to abandon terms every few years because anything associated with niggers eventually develops a negative connotation.
Black - no colour
White - all colours
It's an emotional reaction. It isn't constrained to the rules of logic.
Women do shit all the time that isn't rational at all, but to them feels completely justified because of how they "feel." This is the collective version of that emotion-driven behavior.
Isn't white technically every colour, and black the absence of colour. We're the real coloured people. Unless they're talking about the colours people absorb - then they're right.
The "H" is not silent.
It's bullshit
Which allows the spear-chuckers to feed into baseless superiority complexes like this
>Illiterate niggers
*bongs internally*
>not referring to them as coloureds and muslims as mohammedans
Or even taking it that step further and calling them ethnics
The empire strikes back
During segregation in America, we had "colored" water fountains, bathrooms, ex-cetra. It is therefore not politically correct to call the Black African American people of color "colored."
I just call them shitskins thanks
I don't know user, I turn red every time I hear it
people first language
it sounds nicer
like there's disabled person vs a person with a disability
its really just semantics but people do go for that stuff
And I bet you think you're above them lol.
Colored is literally how they've been called during the slavery period, so to not trigger the nigs pc crowd dance around with "people of color"
>implying only blacks were slaves
Technically correct. It's the French way of saying Colored
>niggers are called niggers
>niggers consistenly fuck up and a negative connotation is attached to the word
>niggers are called blacks
>blacks consistently fuck up and a negative connotation is attached to the word
>blacks are called colored people
>colored people consistenly fuck up and a negative connotation is attached to the word
it just keeps going
THey're fucking shades.
Don't allow them to censor your words, Murrikan.
As someone who was actively censored during communism years in my country - fight for freedom of speech. If you give them a finger, they'll take the hand, then arm, then you lost.
Don't allow them to tell you what to say.
>people of color "colored."
The only difference is past-tense.
Is the "Past" literally the answer to the problem.
Just the fact that it was the past tense and now it's being used in a present tense. Just like how "colored" was used in the past, during segregation, and now "of color" presently being used during mixing.
I guess you could compare that too how Libtards love to mention Colonial slavery but foam at the mouth of the mention of Modern Slavery.
It's racist but it sounds French so that's good enough
I have no idea myself, I just find it insulting
i get the joke and its not lost, these others are just fucking unread retards
I think what the image is getting at is that "colored" makes it about their race first, whereas "people of" makes them people first.
It's the same as when liberals complain about "autistic person" instead of "person with autism."
It's why I prefer "niggers" and "autists," it's much more to the point.
I never said that fag.
But since your asking for my thoughts I'd say Thomas Sowell is a pretty based Nigger.
...that makes so much more sense now. Is it Foucault? I bet it's fucking Foucault. Or is it just the polytechnique's fault?
It's very easy to understand.
Coloreds know themselves inferior so no matter what word is used to refer to them it will eventually become an insult and with time it will need a "less offensive" replacement. Even "blacks" is somewhat of an insult today and people tend to use euphemisms when talking about them (African-american, etc).
Whites on the other hand no matter how many derisive names they invent they just don't care. White is not an insult despite all the deliberate vilification of their people because everyone inherently considers whites superior and secretly wish they were white.
I hope that was helpful.
their bullshit excuse is that the first puts the emphasis on colored while the second puts it on people.
probably rather that it's harder to spit the second out with the same kind of disdain. they did the same in Germany, slowly phased out Moslems and replaced it with Muslims, because if you pronounce it in German it's almost impossible to make the second sound condescending while it's almost natural for the first.
I think there's actually more than the ones you just listed. I think there was a period where the preferred term was 'Afro-American' but they fucked that one up too. There may be more.
They see it as the more words you give them, the more respect you're given.
Call them what they are: nonwhites or coloreds.
That was a thing?
this. it's not the word that is insulting, but what has become associated with it.
you can call me Kraut all day long, I won't give a shit. it's not insulting in the least, because there's no real negative connotation to it (well, apart from the recent asylum shit maybe, but that's not really attached to the word yet).
but call someone any of the euphemisms for black and they'll flip their shit because they know exactly what you were aiming for.
Honestly at the rate SJWs are going, I wouldn't be surprised when they start referring to me as brownies.
niggers for short
Calling a spade a spade makes you racist.
Calling a spade a spade with a conjunction in the middle makes you educated.
That won't happen until SHTF.
The SJWS (((Masters))) don't want them to put emphasis on variations in non-white skin colors yet.
If they start to acknowledge people as "brown" then differences of those who are black/African and brown/Hispanic will start to become more clear. (((They))) don't want that to happen yet because it would take the focus off whites and switch to races and their differences in general.
In the U.S. we had a lot of White indentured servants. There were Irish people who were taken from their homes who lived with Black slaves, were treated like slaves, but technically were indentured servants. Of the books they were slaves. Compared to Black people the number was insignificant, though. Other indentured servants came here on their own free will to help colonize America and get a piece of land.
I think I get what you're saying. The Muslims and Black Barbary Pirates enslaved Whites and continue to enslave them when they can. During the height of the Muslim slave trade White women were the most valuable slave and it wasn't because they knew how to keep a house clean.