Worst Cultural Groups!
I'll start
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Got 4 dollas brotha?
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I'm going to go with muslims, especially ones of the pakistani variety.
fuck you dog, least we have culture you fucking white cunt
throwing stick and noise stick are hardly a culture.
Mexicans are the worst that I've personally dealt with. If the memes of Sup Forums are real, then Jews are the worst, but I haven't personally dealt with enough Jews to know. Niggers and spics though, I know plenty of, and both are awful.
>Sniffing petrol and throwing rocks at each other
pick one
>abo using technology from the past thousand years
Nice try.
you don't know what "cultural" means do you?
neither does OP
Well, i'm Australian so obviously not
library gives us computers to use faggot
fuck off you devil cunts, thats leagues ahead of eel pie and a southern cross tattoo
This is Sup Forums, so I'm gonna say Jews. Fuckin kikes are the bane of our prosperous economy.
got a 'moke bloke?
Åbó culture
Depends on what kind of mexicans, Tejanos are great. Also hard working mexicans are cool man? its the lazy faggot young generation of mexicans who think they are better than you that i detest
>aboriginal culture
Ha! Wasn't there some abo that just sits in fifth and smokes animal shit all day? Culture???? Hahahha
>be me
>be abo
>family tax benefit
>ABSTUDY benefit
>rent assistance benefit
>bedsheet over my window
>piss away my money on grog
>it was the whiteys
>always the whiteys
>break my leg at the skatepark
>call an ambulance
>go to hospital
>whitey says I was bein reckless on me scooter
>walk out with a broken leg
>fall on the crossing
>get run over
>all worth it to reclaim my native title
that's because you white mutt fucks came and destroyed our homes, gave us "religion", "education", and introduced us to grog and yarndi
you fucking caused it
Yeah, the older generation of Mexicans seem like alright people. It's the niggered young generation that group up on rap music that are completely awful.
grew up*
not group up
fucking srpskog izroda
This is fucking golden
Fucking retarded spear chucking apes.
Fuck them all off to NT and border that state up with electric fences.
Look mate, if you're going to larp as an abo you better start misspelling words in your posts
Yeah because you were doing so well before. Now instead of living in shit sober you can live in shit while taking the piss. A win for you.
How bad are abo's are they like the mexicans of and drunk good for nothing freeloading indians are to the usa?
we're not all illiterate fuckwit
we weren't living in shit
they mixed us all together, called us "aboriginals" as if we were one big group of people and took our identity
They are like Mexicans but around 40 times worse. They stink worse, more disorderly, take more welfare, get PAYED to go to school and uni. Worst of all, they are like a fucking hive of pests, they are all eachothers cousin or brotha, so if you get into trouble with one, you got the entire Zip/Post code on you
The clever man has arrived. 50000 years of collective knowledge and culture are waiting to be unlocked!
what has happened to Sup Forums?
>niggers aren't a culture
wtf? niggers, niggers, niggers. Fuck you posers
hahahaha they sound like pure cancer.
This. The fact that an Abo can use a computer is already almost impossible to believe. Now this LARPer wants us to believe they can spell and use proper grammar?
Eat a dick you fucking idiot
are you from NT or Queensland?
are you sure you've ever actually met an abbo other than the city coons? no? didn't think so faggot
1. Sunni Muslims
2. Shia etc., Muslims
3. Han Chinks
4. Congo-type Africans (Jungle niggers)
5. Poo-in-Loos/Pakis (They stink, are muslims, etc.,)
Leave the Abbos and Maori alone ffs.
Have you heard of a place called Lismore?
Thats where I reside
NSW, Byron area
Here is your great grand pappy before colonisation
And here you are today.
why are you guys bullying the abo? At least he's literate; stop sowing discontent, faggots.
they are a problem there?! fucken hell...t-these abos are richer than me!
>mfw aboriginals on the other side of the world do the same shit
generally, the abo's bully you.
I once fucked a Croatian chick i met at the bar, she told me how fucking shit your country is and is very happy that she moved here.
>Happy that she moved to Australia.
Wow Croatia must be shit.
surprisingly few places on earth arent complete shit
Going through Tim Hortons trying to get my timbits and coffee and natives constantly asking me for loonies.
I once fucked a Japanese chick i met in a brothel that loved white men
Given that you probably can't read Japanese - are you sure that she wasn't a Filipino, Chink, etc.,?
It's funny how many whites (esp desperate Brits, Aussies, NZ etc.,) go for non-Japanese resident asians.
if you can clap a fully loaded coon staggering at you at (his) high speed, then Australia is easily the best country in the world.
Bo dat price went up bo! Used to be a dolla for da bus cuz. Git me dat uber for 4 dollars bo. Dat uber is dardy!
>No somali
Truly the niggers of niggers. Even niggers hate them.
Son, get of the computah
Yes she was a Japanese student who worked as a prostitute to support herself through uni
But yes Asians dominate the prostitution industry here in Australia
The Hiragana there says "Maosayan"
>has the lowest racemixing rates out of all races
Woe is whitie.
> weeb harder
its maochan4
gotta agree with this one
no but I got about tree fiddy
B...but dat pussy tho...
Yelling white cunt at people is your culture.
>But only if they can't spare a dollar for da bus
So many discharges against medical advice
You have a culture?! Fuck me!
What are your practices? Sitting on your arse 365 days a year snorting petrol and liquid paper complaining about "DA WYTE GUBBAMENT" who simultaneously provide you with welfare cheques without having to prove you're looking for a job or clean purely on the basis of your race?
Fuck that's culture aye.
Keep telling us all how oppressed you are bcoz MUH (((STOLEN GENERATION)))
they're not niggers... They're similar in intelligence, somewhat in appearance, not similar genetically nor linguistically. And they're violent, but in a different manner.
>we're not all illiterate fuckwit
Yeah some are half white
Are abbos the true masterrace? They are beautifully blond and their feminine features are only prevalent in the female part of the population.
Yeah beacuse who needs education when you got DA RAINBOW SERPENT BRUDDA
they further inland, but go on day trips to get drunk and cause common havoc