Well, Lads..... they've fucking betrayed us. When will the day of the rope come for this neocons?

Well, Lads..... they've fucking betrayed us. When will the day of the rope come for this neocons?

"The National Rifle Association today issued the following statement:
"In the aftermath of the evil and senseless attack in Las Vegas, the American people are looking for answers as to how future tragedies can be prevented. Unfortunately, the first response from some politicians has been to call for more gun control. Banning guns from law-abiding Americans based on the criminal act of a madman will do nothing to prevent future attacks. This is a fact that has been proven time and again in countries across the world. In Las Vegas, reports indicate that certain devices were used to modify the firearms involved. Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law. The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations. In an increasingly dangerous world, the NRA remains focused on our mission: strengthening Americans' Second Amendment freedom to defend themselves, their families and their communities. To that end, on behalf of our five million members across the country, we urge Congress to pass National Right-to-Carry reciprocity, which will allow law-abiding Americans to defend themselves and their families from acts of violence."

no, they did the only right thing.

>preserve gun rights
>sacrifice functionally useless modifications that only serve to satiate retards and enable deadlier fish-in-a-barrel crowd attacks

its very clear that they thought very carefully about this, and i am with them 100%

t.northwestern gun owner

plus they fucking hang it on obama while they are at it. poetry.


This surely will get the points with the people that call them a terrorist organization.


stop being hardline fucks

I will gladly give up stupid ass slidefire stocks if it means SHARE gets a chance before next November.

>day of the rope
>not some RPers wet dream
Its not going to happen, the day of the rope will always be "Grrrr!! If they cross THIS line thats it!" every time the line is crossed.

Nothing big has been crossed in a while except for maybe privacy but because the effects of that aren't being felt nobody cares for the time being.

Thank You. The shill tactic is to try and get gun owners to not want a ban on bump stocks.

>functionally useless modifications

This misses the point. Functionally useless or not, surrendering on this will not sate the left's thirst for more gun control. They're not going to be magically satisfied by a bump stock ban, they will only be emboldened by it. What's more, think about the message it sends. The message is sends is that there is something wrong with a gun owner being able to fire rounds at a high rate with a semi-automatic rifle. The WILL be used as precedence by the left for further justifications at infringing the right to keep and bear arms.

Why give them an inch? For what reason? Republicans control Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. There is no reason to submit to the Democrats on this or any gun control matter.

Looks like political compromise to me. They should be bargaining for nation-wide constitutional carry, though that is taking it too far in some eyes. Basically reciprocal carry translates to the former, though it just involves some paperwork in another state.

While I think bump-fire gadgets are just silly gimmicks, this could lead to a new set of "umbrella legislation" that leave us with draconian CA-style regulation all over the country. Sure, you can carry, but carry what? Your awkward .38 6-shooter?

Ultimately, we need the NFA repealed, and a complete overhaul of what we call "society".

Politicians and policy makers are turning the world into a sanitarium wherein all the dangerous objects have to be removed, otherwise the unattended cannibals and psychopaths with use them to sate their "antisocial desires".

Yeah, that last line wasn't big enough!

The current GOP are closet Democrats, though.

Be loud and never give an inch when advocating, otherwise they will compromise from the middle than the top. It's not dumb, it's the proper crowd response regardless of compromise put fourth. Hardliners keep things in check.

I'm a big gun owner also, I can see the strategy behind this like you say, and why they might do it. But god damnnit! its another nibble.... I'm so sick of it.

Fuck the gun control cunts
If we actually stood to gain something, sure, but until then fuck em

I have nothing nice to say about the modern GOP, but they are not the driving force behind gun control legislation in America. The Democrats are.

Then we can say "Remember when we compromised on gun control? Look at these faggots not allowing us to deport Jose and Pablo! or consider lowering taxes!"

I think it's smart politics without actually giving up anything.

The 1986 FOPA act outlawed new fully-automatic weapons and for damn good reason, which was that the publics need for self-protection and the constitutional mandate to counteract government tyranny, were both satisfied without the need for such weapons, whereas those weapons included an unncessesary and very high risk to the public, which counteracts the existence of gun rights in the first place.

Allowing bump stocks only served to negate that decision, and it shouldnt even have been considered after the fact.

>oh hey machine guns are illegal because good reasons
>but you can totally stick this device on your trigger and have a machine gun perfectly legal NOW

seriously wtf.

A tragedy like this will cause something to be banned, it's just the way politicians work, it's easier for them to do that and pretend to be doing something useful.

By banning meme stocks that make accuracy tumble and offering it as a sacrifice to get nationwide carry AND blaming Obama for legalising them in the first place... they are playing the long game.

Gun Owners of America is the only big non cucked second amendment advocacy group in the country. NRA has always been terrible

When has that ever worked? What do you think all the ridiculous do-nothing gun controls in existence right now are if not past attempts at "compromise"? Does today's left care that the yesterday's
right compromised in the past? No. Why should they care tomorrow. They never do and never will.

And FOPA is bullshit, unconstitutional, and should be repealed. The NFA should be repealed in its entirety. THIS is what gun owners in America have wanted for a while, not this soft shoe the NRA is now pushing.

Glad to see we're moving forward with common sense gun legislation! Perhaps you aren't quite as retarded as you look, drumpflings.

Read it again lad. If we lose bumpstocks but gain national reciprocity and/or suppressors, that is a win.

Nigga I can own a machinegun legally regardless.

>I have no idea how bump stocks work: The post

We don't care about the left, of course the left isn't going to care. We care about the middle. If one side appears reasonable and the other side appears fucking insane and unrelenting, they're going to vote for the former every time.

STFU you sound like another neocon. fully-automatic weapons should be legal as well. Fuck giving these people one more nibble! pic related, its you.


The left already knows fuck-all about guns, so they will think they've scored a victory if this goes through. It is an empty victory, particularly if we get national reciprocity.

Choose faggot.

That is fair enough. But there is nothing more fucking stupid then shunning the NRA because of one miniscule compromise regarding a gun alteration most people hadn't heard of before Paddock.

No samefag intended

>Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions...

I came

>>preserve gun rights

The 1934 NFA didn't preserve gun rights.

The 1968 GCA didn't preserve gun rights.

The 1986 FOPA didn't preserve gun rights.

Kill yourself if you think MORE AND MORE ENDLESS REGULATION is the preservation of gun rights.

There is already a clear argument that a limit on civil weaponry must exist somewhere. Liberals aren't completely off-base when they point out that you can't own nuclear weapons, or anti-aircraft missiles, or even tanks (they just fuck up the conclusion).

The constitution, and the letters of correspondence perhaps more importantly, outline clearly the reasons for the 2nd ammendment. As long as those reasons are fulfilled, then the security of the public is ensured as best as it can be. But there is no reason to surpass, especially in a technological world where a person can conceivably destroy hundreds or even millions without encountering any reasonable defense.

what are you surprised by? They sold us out in '68 too. A shitload of the presidents (((echo))) since the 1960s.
>NRA is as real as astroturf

>a person can conceivably destroy hundreds or even millions without encountering any reasonable defense.

You could kill hundreds with a cannon, which were legal at the time of the signing of the Constitution.

>millions of americans own millions of guns, more than any other country on the planet

you need to shut the fuck up about not having gun rights, you sound like an idiot.

You could get off a shot into a crowd, which might kill a dozen or more if you were lucky, at which point every fucking free man in the crowd would shoot you.

what's the next modification you wanna sway on?

Explain to us how restricting the manufacture and possession of new machine guns to strictly law enforcement and military, giving them a substantial tactical advantage over the average citizen, helps protect the public from the implementation of an state.

*oppressive state

>gun rights

The 2nd Amendment says nothing about GUN RIGHTS.

It says the right to bear ARMS.

Nucelar weapons are nuclear ARMS. Anti-aircraft missiles are ARMS.

Any limit on any kind of weaponry is the infringement on the right to keep and bear ARMS.

There is no compromise with the Bill of Rights. ALL ARMS MUST BE UNINFRINGED.

Get fooked
John Wayne (Bobbit)

This & Checked.

Full auto is legal
Stopping you carrying full auto is a crime

The average Joe gun owner would get superior results with a semi automatic than a fully automatic.

>hurrp im a shill trying to make gun-owners look like idiots guys
>i even got a confederate flag guys to nail it home

Why do you cunts need a fully auto AR in a functional society? I can understand semi-autos, as I love hunting myself, but why is a fully automatic weapon needed in any circumstance in a civilized country if not for killing other people? I guess if you're defending from an invasion, but when the fuck would that ever happen? cmon

>functional society

To answer your question, to kill cops, soldiers, politicians and bankers.

Agreed. We don't need pussy countries telling us what's reasonable on this.

cuckolded retard