>be american
>get shot
>"that'll be 50,000 dollars"
lmfao. yes call me a leaf i dont even care at this point. your country is an absolute joke.
>be american
>get shot
>"that'll be 50,000 dollars"
lmfao. yes call me a leaf i dont even care at this point. your country is an absolute joke.
not as big of a joke as yours lol
fuck off you cuck ass leaf nobody cares
> Sheldon
The leafboys are back
The survivors will own MGM when this is all over and get everything comped for the rest of their life
>be american
>have a job and therefor health insurance
>no longer costs 50 000
well look at that
>Tries to speak out on anything
>Can only bash the US because you lack an identity of your own.
>People show up to your borders and you let them in and call themselves Canadians.
There is no value to the Canadian identity, cuck
Don't bully the leaf, he already gets enough shit from his step-dad Hamza
Why can't the the dude who shot them pay? He was rich and won't be needing it.
Leafs talking about healthcare with other leafs:
>Our healthcare sucks donkey balls, I broke my collarbone and had to wait 3 months for an x-ray. Oh well, at least I didn't die waiting for an operation like a dozen other people this week.
Leafs talking about healthcare with Americans:
>"that'll be 50,000 dollars"
Plus tip
don't get shot. problem solved
Ive blowed many leafs today and Im coming for you Op
>not having insurance
their own fault desu
>Be leaf
>Pay a terrorist 12 million for hurting his feelings
>Get BTFO from your homes by Asians
>can only afford to live in a shit hole in an area full of mudslides, but who cares bc muh health care
Fuck off leaf, we're building a walk up north soon to keep all you cucks out of Murica
Pic related
>his surgery isn't comped
What, do you work at Taco Bell?
Well how do you think this would happen?
Through a civil case.
Just like OK, who didn't even get convicted but today still owes 70 million to families of those he killed.
Jezus leaf you dropped off the tree too soon or something. And now the Day of the Rake approaches enjoy the calm before the storm. Trump warned you just today you still yap and yap so sad.
>be leaf
>not know what health insurance is
Stay in your lane. Just say nice things and apologize. Isn't that how your "people" operate?
*Wall goddamit
"Oh sorry I never asked for you to save me so I dont owe you anything"
and then never pay and nothing will happen except for some letters they send in the mail until you die.
Plus snip
>Ive blowed many leafs today
I know you don't know, obviously, but when an American gets shot, it feels like a young Kelly labrock is licking your assume. You don't have that in Canada ?
It's pretty simple, really.
You can have nice things like universal healthcare, decent free education, and other socialist programs.
Or you can have mass immigration.
You can't have both. Right now we've got our hands full with unchecked immigration.
Does it really matter at this point leaf?
Why would you screenshot the picture instead of saving it? Nigger what are you doing
>be american
>get shot
>"that'll be 50,000 dollars"
>plus tip
>be american
>get shot
>that'll be 50 grand
>plus tip
>get out of hospital
>notice that your foreskin is gone
>go back
>pay another 50 grand to have the doctor grow it back
>Get disarmed
>Commies grab power
>Millions of defensless citizens are murdered in Gulags
No thank you, Leaf.
Also, yes healthcare costs money. In Europe the healthcare system is about to collapse, I have to wait months to get a normal appointment at a doctor, doctors are overworked, I pay a quarter of my income for health insurance.
>1 post by this ID
>be sub-100 IQ normalfag cuck
>pay $300 plus tip for music festival ticket
>get shot
>pay $50k plus tip to have bullet removed
>be smart
>pirate music
>get digital pussy for being such a badass internet outlaw
>Be American
>Have the choice between 100 Grand Bar and some weird chocolate egg
>Whatever go for the egg
>Choke on something inside the chocolate egg
>Hurts so much that I start to experience phantom foreskin pain
>Luckily the television was on because the credits to the Hobbit just started rolling
>Start wildly clapping
>The sound waves ricochet and eventually give me the extra push that my black lungs needed to force the object out
>"Who puts toys in candies? The only toys you should be swallowing are sexual in nature, I'd better sue"
>Exhausted from straining my bloated body, the most exercise I've gotten in years
>Try to find my emergency liter of Dr Pepper
>It's empty
>Remember that I drank it before eating the egg
>Pass out
>Wake up in the hospital
>Get shot
>The hell I didn't even have the flu
>That'll be 50 grand
>Wish I had gone with the 100 Grand
Being American is suffering.
>be american
>get shot
>die with dignity and honor, knowing you weren't cucked out of your right to self-defense
> Be Canadian
> Get injured during sports
> You'll have to wait in this year long line to finally get surgery to fix that broken joint
> While you wait, your bones set improperly
> "Looks like we'll have to re-break them to fix this properly."
Your healthcare is only good for those in absolute need of specialized treatment or basic pediatric care. Anything in between and you're fucked with waiting lines.
>be american
>foreskin removed at birth against your will
>forced to heavily indebt yourself if you want (((education)))
>have to tip in restaurants for recieving fake smiles
>get shot
>"that'll be 50,000 dollars"
Truly the land of the free
>travel insurance
Didnt even know this was a thing. Funny that you call someone else a joke when you need to buy travel insurance to have coverage outside your country. What a shithole.
The world should end in 1990.