>Student Noa Jansma has been taking selfies and posting them on Instagram with every man who harasses her in the street.
>The 20-year-old from Amsterdam decided to do it as a month long project.
Why are Dutch men so uncivilised?
>Student Noa Jansma has been taking selfies and posting them on Instagram with every man who harasses her in the street.
>The 20-year-old from Amsterdam decided to do it as a month long project.
Why are Dutch men so uncivilised?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he fell for the archive bots pushing traffic to their sites lel
>mfw no white person cat called her
LOL, I remember liberals being buttmad that the catcalling video was singling out minorities when in reality the video was edited to show fewer of them.
Time to see where their loyalties lie this time.
Funny how all of them are shitskins.
She's not even white herself. She looks like a mediterranean or some shit like that. What the fuck.
Why can't women handle the bantz
>be French
> say meds aren't white
>Dutch men
the Dutch men are civilised. it's mostly the huge Morrocan community who harasses women
Meds aren't white bruh
I almost never compliment women. I must be the perfect fella...
If all of them turn out to be shitskins, she is doing God's work.
Noa is an Israeli name, and she has the face of an ugly Israeli girl, so there you go.
>asking for a phone number is considered "cat calling"
stupid fucking bitches like this deserve nothing but sadness and loneliness for their entire lives.
From where do you post from?
They aren't, I can tell, half south of my country is full of this filth.
They are but there are no meds in the pictures.
Couldn't she literally take a picture of herself in front of any man and accuse him of that and they would have no recourse?
Chads every one.
Yes. But do you think this attentionwhore thought this through?
Chads every one.
My sides
That bitch totally loves the attention.
>count the number of times blacks/arabs are on these photos
>accuse of racism
>enjoy the ensuing shitstorm
>Wear slut clothes
>Walk in shitskin areas
>Walk alone at night around drunk guys
Get catcalled. Really activates my almonds.
I think half your countries south (and half of your country) isN't full of meds but of Africans
>accidentally exposes that it's 90% non-whites
Meds from the other side of the mediterranean sea, in other words sandniggers
That's just Amsterdam mate, all the fucking negros lice there
Can we please start a Sup Forums dictionary and get on common ground with a consistant wording?
for me meds are everybody living in a country with acces to the mediteranean sea that's not turkey or africa
Report her for racism
Your containment nation doesn't work so well. Time to call the kike diaspora home.
Yeah but its 100% men. #EndToxicMasculinity
Men should not feel like the streets are a safe space for this kind of behaviour.
I don't make a difference. I'm certain I'll see a north/south partition of France in my lifetime. France is at the end of its run, and the shitskin flooding is the final blow.
But you, my dear hans, it's already over, you managed to commit civilizational suicide faster than us, it's amazing. By 2020 in Germany, there will be less german of age 15/35 than non german of the same age. I knew you Germans were efficient motherfucker, but this is a whole new level.
I'm talking about southerners. Most of the time I can't a southerner from an arab. You all look the same to me, and you behave the same.
If they aren't then neither are you
>see a cute girl
>hey, your cute my names stev-...
>before i can finish she turns around and takes my picture.
>two weeks later my pictures on a solon article about how this women took a picture of every man who tried to "rape" her.
>mfw i lose my job, and get doxed by feminists.
Ha, its the walk in NYC video all over again
Can you hurry the fuck up with whatever lame ass plan you have to bring those fucking oven dodgers back to the desert?
I know it's hard for a nigger to tell the difference between lighter colored people. Same for me, I can't tell niggers from one another, or asians from one another or arabs or whatever.
Mediterranean has become the PC way of describing an Arab or Persian.
>dutch men
>Noa Jansma
Is this what enrichment looks like?
Auvergne or even the alps are in the south. I don't think the people living here look arabs.
It's the roasties first redpill to realize that only shitskins harass and rape women
People say things to me
Nice things
I'm a childish little cow that can't handle it
Therefore people shouldn't be allowed to speak
Chemical catration for all men
>Fucking neck yourself you stiffy little stinker
Dutch men are very feminine though and women do not like that ;)
>She's not even white herself. She looks like a mediterranean or some shit like that.
like most French people.
>giving traffic to (((BBC))) is better than giving it to ""archive bots""
nice try, actual shill
>froggy can't tell southerners from arabs
We have the same problem in England
>Dutch men
We really need to meme her being a huge racist angle.
Why did she only show the non-white men who cat called her???
No shit...
I was a cook at a """"Mediterranean"""" restaurant it was stright up Middle Eastern food. They where dumb as fuck to they made me head cook after a month and still paid me 11 a hour. The food was fucking gross. I think they called it Mediterranean food to trick people because it sounds a lot less risky then Middle Eastern food to customers. I know how to make dope tabooli now but other then that everything we cooked was shit... except the beef... an the tabooli.... humas was pretty good too, but everyone like that shit its like pizza
Why hasnt she be group raped by the moroccon comunity yet?
Why is that cunt dead inside? Look at the dead eyes.
>Boohoo strange men pay attention to me even though daddy was a cuck and neglected me
It's not a good thing. It's because white guys are so effeminate betafag cucks that they don't ever catcall anymore
It's Netanyahu.
shitskins are happy to get photographed lol
they have no honor to defend or public image to protect
they don't give a fuck
They also love describing themselves this way bc they are desperate to be a part of euro civilization. Same way Turks live under the delusion of being european.
That's funny because in every experiment like that, be it in Belgium, various cities in the US, and now the Netherlands, 100% of the men who "catcall" women are black or brown.
Every single one of them
But yeah, the problem is the evil patriarchy, fuck white males am I right? Leftards will never admit that the problem comes from importing inferior races with an inferior religion, culture, language and history into our countries. Yeah not the issue at all, it's all those evil frog drawing nazis.
Yes but the white knight cucks fall for anything a toaster claims as long as the guys she's attacking are non-white
>God bless, When I see you, all I get is wild thoughts, wild, Wild Thoughts!! Darling"
>*honks again 3 times*
Based cripple
Underrated post
Daily reminder
Catcalling just isn't part of our culture, Mehmed.
Men do it to show other men they aren't gay.
Which is important in black and Muslim communities but not here.
You know for a fact they are on parisitifal Dutch welfare leeches. They do not give a single fuck.
Sure thing bud.
>every man who harasses her in the street.
Golly gee willickers I wonder what the combined skintone hue would look like.
She didn't she update her picture when she aged that much?
Garsh how unexpected.
Nobody has ever wolf whistled me or asked me for sex :_:
I will
ay bb u wan sum fuk
good luck getting married roastie thundercunt!: youtu.be
welll because dutch men are know to be feminine and alot of them are pedofiles or gay .
morrocan community is traditional , they like women . of course they will say something if it looks nice and pretty . doesnt mean they harass them.
Fuck off retarded betafag. Construction workers have been doing this forever, I bet you haven't been around non feminized white dudes ever huh?
t. kankermarokkaan
>How to spot a morrocan in 3 easy steps.
Niggers gonna nig, yo
What a racist cunt she is.
Catcalling is men being men. It's banter and nothing else. Nuwomen dukes and numale cucks are the only ones not getting it.
Following someone and asking for sex is not catcalling though.
nigger detected
Bet she studies at the local uni and a certain (((professor))) put her up to this.
Racist whore, how dare she put minorities in the spotlight like that.
>doesn't like getting cat called
>still wears makeup and does her eyebrows
This picture really isn't contradictory.
Opgekankerd achmed.
Probably because of that fucking flag
Looks like an asian/European mutt most likely Indonesian/Dutch since its the Netherlands.
How isn't it? She complained about being catcalled and now says she misses it.
>morrocan community is traditional , they like women
Then why do you dress up your women like this?
>all shitskins
no friendo, those aren't Dutch men
Med, to me, is wog. Greek, italian, etc
>the local uni
We have more than one university in Amsterdam my agricultural friend.