>Space Council Chooses the Moon as Trump Administration Priority

>“We will return American astronauts to the moon, not only to leave behind footprints and flags, but to build the foundation we need to send Americans to Mars and beyond,” Mr. Pence said during a meeting of the National Space Council.


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>america is so culturally devoid of any new ideas that our government funding Moon 2 Electric Boogaloo in real life

Did they find aleens

if they're serious about this, i volunteer.
i'll piss in a cup and dump it on the moon.

my moon.
find your own.

yay spaaaaaace

Trump is going to roll out top secret UFOs and go there personally.

>>“We will return American astronauts to the moon, not only to leave behind footprints and flags, but to build the foundation we need to send Americans to Mars and beyond,” Mr. Pence said during a meeting of the National Space Council.

pence probably choked saying those words, considering he believes the moon is god's hiding place or whatever the fuck his gay asf book says

why the fuck are we so anal about sterilizing everything that goes into space? why not let as many bacteria as possible go to mars to see if you can jumpstart an ecosystem? muh fucking origins

I hope they land on the backside (it's not "the dark side" because it's not without sunshine as morons think) this time so they can expose the ayy lmaos.

Doesn't merit all caps. Just further statement of 'we're going to advance... eventually' like they always do.

Not that I don't believe them. I think they we will see advancement and we'll be close to going back to the Moon in ten years or so


>moon base is american
>USA has everyone taken hostage

there's enough people who will say we only have one shot to do the science, which is a fair enough point, that unsterilised spacecraft are vetoed. I would like to see them build Mars in Earth's image too though, to hell with space bacteria

sorry if I upset you lad :(

No, I'm sorry if my all caps did. I'll be more considerate next time, I promise, mate! :)


this is what trump meant by the storm

I'm sure we're already R&Ding the giant moon laser, don't you worry trips.

Fuck yeah.

Due to decreased gravity we can eat even MORE burger on the moon!

They actually should send really fat Americans there so they won't float as much.

Damn, it's been what, 8 years since NASA shot the moon? I wonder if the dust has finally settled :^))

Time to put niggers on the moon and fuck that up too

Oh, and kikes and women of course. Also trannies. And some fucking pooinloo

There might be microbes on Mars and it would be shit, if we couldn't study them thanks to our bacteria eating them.

Rick and Morty fan?

Never seen it, so I don't know...

Trump Tower on the Moon, you've heard it here first.


Wish he would desu

Great. Sounds really expensive and we'll never see any benefit.

Yes, because there are more important things than ensuring the survival of the human species outside of Earth.

Everybody knows that bacteria who evolve on Earth slowly develop into gay faggots. NASA is trying to preserve the Clint Eastwood bacteria that might still exist on other worlds from our microbial faggotry.

Yeah, why waste money on drumpf's racist moon mission when we could use that money to send 6 million negroes to college?


I can't handle all this faggotry


lul. kys

just go ahead and off yourself limey, get it over with, don't wait for the truck of peace

Yeah but you have the extra cost of launching their fat arses into space in the first place.

This was bound to happen because the official documents regarding the faking of the Moonlanding are set to be released very soon.

This will try to minimize the impact of the post-"American Dream" trauma that is about to happen, and the total discredit of American "science".

Gotta mine that Helium isotopes for fusion reactions mah dude

Deniers must be exterminated.

time to fire up those letters to our representatives.
no new spending on anything.
no more taxes.
Shut the government down.
Radically defund the government.


.... they are already building the rocket anyway, this employs americans, might as well launch it.


Well, it's not too expensive to pull the old set out from some old hollywood warehouse

>to send Americans to Mars and beyond
Have fun with that fruitless bullshit that will cost billions and yield little results. Though tbquiteh, I would love to see dumb retards go to Mars and watch them slowly wither and die living in a fucking portable metal tube for the rest of their lives.


Not so fast, you racist oppressors.

Virgin earth bacteria versus CHAD mars microbes when?

we can affrod this and stop sending money to illegals and nogs in Africa.

>Not so fast, you racist oppressors.
Go starve to death you boons.

>Thread theme:

I'm really looking forward to this. They might even be able to fake stars this time.

Yeah that's not how this works

worthless as shit looooooooooool wtf are you gonna do in space you dummys

We build a moon base, we get a shit ton of helium 3, easy space travel and a reinvigorated American pride.

Finally, we can accurately calculate mankind's greatest mathematical mystery.

Top KEK Op

His book says that God lives outside space-time in another dimension.

Know why we stopped going to the Moon?

Because it cost's billions of dollars and there is nothing there.


But rock and dust memorabilia are the best selling things to spacefags in auctions



Harvest trillion dollar asteroids you vacuum skilled ninny.

Sweet, they are gong to go to the Moon for the first time. And plant flags and boot prints up there.



you need a huge rocket tons of fuel to travel to the moon, but only some aluminum tubes glued together with tape and tin foil to come back

What will Trump do if he encounters ayy lmaos??? Will he build a space wall to keep the illigal aliens outside /our/earth

The did that shit with Lord of the Rings, too.
It wasn't fucking "middle earth" it was fucking Scotland or some shit.
Lyin ass cunts.

>there is nothing there
Including jews and shitskins. That's the whole point. We need to get off this rock before we're overwhelmed.

like ensuring the survival of the human species ON Earth FOR EXAMPLE


>I'm so fucking retarded that I can't comprehend that NASA trains people to operate rovers on rough terrain on Earth.
>Even though half my pic says "NASA Training course" on it.
>"NASA is totally faking Mars pics with a shot that clearly has plants all over it guise!"


CGI is amazing.

99.999% of the effort is simply escaping Earth's considerable gravity, as anyone with a 6th grade (non-Southern) education knows.



>Going to the moon again

Patiently waiting for someone to land a man on an astroid

But doesn't your book say the moon IS god?

This same unbelievable fucking faggot has been making it impossible to have a thread referencing outer space on Sup Forums for over a year, he's gonna dump over a hundred "THE EARTH IS FLAT" pix like he always does and shut down the thread

In your lifetime other agencies from ither governments can revisit the landing site to see the remnants. It will all be there, and then you fags can finally move on to worrying about actuall conspiracies and lies instead of this meme.

Seems to be going well, overpopulation is gonna be a thing.

Did you ever ask yourself why the metric system is not use for somethings?


Not before Alice does

New zealand

you seem very knowledgeable and highly educated individual, what are your credentials?


The weak should fear the strong, who cares if Mars microbes gets EARTHED


> i can do basic geometry look at me

You will actually get gassed in the near future if I have a say lol. Retards are a waste of resources

>nothing there

>staging for off world operations
>energy production

>nothing there

Thanks, stupid. You're right. We should stay here on this rock and butcher each other in endless race and religion wars. Survival is for chumps, right, retard?

>muh overpopulation
then stop feeding niggers with free food and monies faggot

The flat earth posters ironically sound like Hitler's quote about arguing with Jews

Any individual element you debunk they're like "okay but what about this one" and then the next fucking thread they're just posting the first one again

Like he posts this one and somebody points out the astronaut was referencing the fact that no human rated spacecraft has been beyond low earth orbit since moon landings ended in 1972 and his response is just to post it again later

>Mr. Pence
lmao so absolutely nothing will happen


>Implying SLS will reach moon before BFR
>Implying Trump is in some way responsible for Elon Musk betting half his paypal money on SpaceX
>Implying Elon Musk didn't quit Trumps advisory council because of Trumps retarded stance on global warming
>Implying this never happened

And this is what they will find.....