>study claims that transgender's suicide rate is motivated by enviromental factors
Study claims that transgender's suicide rate is motivated by enviromental factors
environmental as in everyone points and laughs at them until they off themselves? i beleieve that
who gives a shit?
>just accept the fact that we are convincing mentally ill people that mutilating your body to feed your delusions decreases suicide in mentally ill faggots
yeah nah.
Probably a big factor but from my own experience many trans people are mentally unstable. I know two and I wouldn’t trust my kids with them.
natural selection
>mentally unstable people off themselves
>better find/make a study that it's other's fault
And the gold medal in mental gymnastics goes to....
> Our findings support a strong effect for social exclusion, discrimination and lack of medical transition...
I am biologically and genetically hard wired to differentiate between men and women. Millions of years of evolution has made my brain like this. If I see someone with traits of both and get weirded out, it isn't "social factors" that are the problem
>99% of the society can't relate to this mental illness
>transgenders feel excluded
Who would've thought? And why should the rest adjust to the 1%? Why are they so special? I'd rather have homelessness and other social problems sorted out first I don't give a fuck about traps
its not, they're most of the time already unstable. people just dont want to hear the truth that the greatest hero Bruce Jenner is prob mental.
Also we really are just normalizing mental diseases, but whatever fuck it, as long as they dont miss its not my problem,
Google pic related. You'll find articles online and reddit posts about dilation.
Traps and trannies are two different things you bigot
I think it's a shame so many of them are suiciding before they can get roped
If by "environmental factors" they mean that their brain is suffering from an incurable mental illness that causes them to believe a claim as valid as if they claimed to be a dragon or unicorn or eternal 8-year-old, an incurable mental illness that causes them to chop off their dick and pump themselves full of hormones, then they realize that they're entirely delusional and fucking insane, then they off themselves, then yeah. Definitely environmental factors.
>mentally ill
>[Citation needed]
If you count that dildo they have to shove in every week and pulling hairballs out of the "vagina" as environmental factors...
It was regarded as a mental illness up until very recently when political pressures caused them to remove it from the list. They even renamed it to placate the faggots.
SEE: gender identity DISORDER
> that causes them to believe a claim as valid as if they claimed to be a dragon or unicorn or eternal 8-year-old
I don't think any trans person believes they are biologically female (which is demonstrably untrue) they just understand the definition of 'woman' or 'man' to include be more than just vagina or penis
That's like saying drowning is motivated by environmental factors, you've still got to learn to swim!
>wanting to cut off hands or fingers is a mental illness
>Wanting to cut off your dick isn't a mental illness
A bit strange?
>It was regarded as a mental illness up until very recently when political pressures caused them to remove it from the list
Gender identity disorder is still in the DSM the point has just been made that it doesn't apply to all trans people. Plenty of gender non-conforming persons don't experience any kind of distress as a result of their identity.
My mistake for trying to reason with someone on Sup Forums.
What do you think is meant when an MTF says they 'feel like a woman stuck in a mans body'? Do you think that you and trans people might be operating under different definitions for what a woman is?
>What do you think is meant when an MTF says they 'feel like a woman stuck in a mans body'? Do you think that you and trans people might be operating under different definitions for what a woman is?
But that's exactly what you said
>I don't think any trans person believes they are biologically female (which is demonstrably untrue) they just understand the definition of 'woman' or 'man' to include be more than just vagina or penis
>Checkmate faggot if I remove the context everything your saying is retarded
What if my fingers were infected and cutting them off was the only way to save myself from a great deal of pain? Transitioning can help trans persons deal with their identity issues.
>What if my fingers were infected and cutting them off was the only way to save myself from a great deal of pain? Transitioning can help trans persons deal with their identity issues.
You are moving goal posts.
You're fingers are fine everything is fine you are just think you have extra ones and you need to remove them.
Be honest: are you a tranny? Maybe you enjoy fucking trannies? The mental gymnastics required on your part to take your position are absolutely astounding.
Hate to break it to you fag brah but you will never be woman, the best you can do is become a mutilated man with a gaping wound between his legs, read meme related and get on with your life.
Yeah I know. Sup Forums operates under a definition of gender that they don't even uphold. By the standards of penis/vagina you can't verify the gender of 99% of people you know.
>pay thousands of dollars for a gaping wound between your legs
>have to stick a dildo in there every day for the rest of your life so your wound doesnt' seal up
That's gonna be fun when you're 80.
yes its society's fault they sudoku in large numbers post-op
>You are moving goal posts.
What standards had been established?
>You're fingers are fine everything is fine you are just think you have extra ones and you need to remove them.
But thats not analogous. Trans people do often experience distress due to their sexual organs.
Yes i can.
It's pretty easy.
If a person has a working biological vagina its a woman.
If a person has a working biological penis its a man.
Now i know you are going to say something like HURR DURR FUTURE, well there are two other things. One being chromosomes.
Two being how you were born.
>Trans people do often experience distress due to their sexual organs.
Distress isnt a physical problem distress when connected to trans is having a psychological problem.
Also distress can be as you Australians say it being a soft cunt.
the rate remains as high in countries that are the most accepting and accommodating aka "scandinavia"
highest suicide rate with only exeption of jew-concentration camps
>lives in an environment of severed cock
Sure, why not
because no one is convinced they're a real woman because you can see the beard and nfl linebacker shoulders
>many trans people are mentally unstable.
Redundant dude
No and no
>The mental gymnastics required on your part to take your position are absolutely astounding
If you can learn one thing to day just learn to respect other positions more. This isn't controversial among psychologists, sociologists and pretty much any other academic who spends a good chunk of their time studying this stuff. Just based off your replies its pretty fucking obvious you have no clue what people who dedicate their lives to understanding this stuff think about this and pretty much formed your positions after watching respected and famed psychologist Ben Shapiro tell you everything you need to know about gender psychology.
I'm just saying there's probably more to the issue than you might currently think.
>GEN'DER, noun [Latin genus, from geno, gigno; Gr.to beget, or to be born; Eng. kind. Gr. a woman, a wife; Sans. gena, a wife, and genaga, a father. We have begin from the same root. See Begin and Can.]
>1. Properly, kind; sort.
>2. A sex, male or female. Hence,
>3. In grammar, a difference in words to express distinction of sex; usually a difference of termination in nouns, adjectives and participles, to express the distinction of male and female. But although this was the original design of different terminations, yet in the progress of language, other words having no relation to one sex or the other, came to have genders assigned them by custom. Words expressing males are said to be of the masculine gender; those expressing females, of the feminine gender; and in some languages, words expressing things having no sex, are of the neuter or neither gender
>GEN'DER, verb transitive To beget; but engender is more generally used.
>GEN'DER, verb intransitive To copulate; to breed. Leviticus 19:19.
Webster's Dictionary, 1828. Before people like our Australian friend got their hands on the dictionary and changed the meaning of words to suit a political goal. I sure do see a lot of talk about being distinct from sex and social constructs!
Because they're mentally ill and need treatment. If some schizo said he felt uncomfortable about having an arm because it was controlled by jewish pedophiles and tried to cut his arm off, should we let him? It's clearly causing him distress.
I'm just saying there's less to this issue than you might currently think.
One post by OP (who's a raging faggot)
Slide thread
I'm not pretending a man who thinks he's a woman is a woman. It's as simple as that. They wish to be a different gender or feel like a different gender, but they're not that gender no matter how they feel. I can say I feel like Trump, will that make me the President? Of course it does because I feel that way and identify as the President, and if you say otherwise you're just a bigot.
Such a standard could only ever apply to some of your family and anyone you have sex with. I can guarantee you used a different set of criteria (breasts, hair, facial features) for every person you met today before deciding which gender they were.
I didn't say it was a physical problem
>Also distress can be as you Australians say it being a soft cunt.
I mean it could but its probably not the case given there is way more than just a few trans people
Learn to pastebin you fucking bitch.
>I don't think any trans person believes they are biologically female (which is demonstrably untrue) they just understand the definition of 'woman' or 'man' to include be more than just vagina or penis
No. The current meme is to claim that they have intersex brain. Which MIGHT be true for some of them.
You can legally change your name to trump any damn day of the week. You can also get surgery to look more like trump and get an orange cat to sit on your head all day.
Hey man you must be lost, the gas chamber is the other way
there's a special chair for you in reddit, please proceed
Great I'm experiencing a lot of distress this is the best way to take care of it thank you Dr. Weinstein
Yes i have.
But see i don't live in a country with a bunch of poofters hopped up on meds and propaganda, so it has served me well.
>I mean it could but its probably not the case given there is way more than just a few trans people
So what if there's more than a few automatically they aren't soft cunts?
I'd say there are a lot of soft cunts.
I still want him to respond to .
>but people with a political agenda have changed the definition of the word in secret!
>that political agenda has caused a different group of people to eventually relent and remove it from technically being classified as a mental illness!
>that means that the word has always had the new definition, and it's not a mental illness!
Does environmental factors include "I'm a freak that has irreparably damaged my body" and "I'll never feel comfortable in my own skin"? Because if it does, I can believe it.
Transgender people have gender dysphoria, that's a form of depression. It's not surprising that a lot of people kill themselves who are transgender. It's like that study on accutane that people are killing themselves on the drug...but it's a drug for people with severe ACNE and people with acne have a higher propensity to want to kill themselves because they don't like their appearance. It's just bad reasoning in my opinion. People on the left and right want to make shit up.
Thank you. I was wondering what this fag was doing. He'll be much more comfortable in the chamber
no way you can get a cat to sit on your head all day
Whats your point? Nobody recognises that definition anymore. Even if it were to revert back a new word would just be created to describe the social and cultural aspects of sex.
Arms are a bad example because they have plenty of utility, penises are pretty much just for sex and for urinating and when one transitions they can still have sex just in a different manner.
Just say he though Jewish paedophiles controlled his penis and he wanted to cut it off. If there was no known cure for the condition and he suffered depression, anxiety and had frequent suicidal thoughts because of it then if we can avert him killing himself by cutting off his penis then I don't see why not.
>transgender's suicide rate is motivated by environmental factors
They chose the environment to live in. They pushed themselves in that environment knowing how it will look like in the future.
If you want to mutilate your genitals and LARP as a different gender you already have to be pretty far gone in the first place. Then add to that all the hormones they are given and that as they begin to age nobody is even going to fetishize them anymore. They will just be a 35 year old dude with disappointed parents and an artificial hole where their cock and balls used to be, facing a future of people staring/laughing at how ridiculous they look and nobody wanting them.
If you train it from a young age. I had a friend who had his sit on his shoulder like a parrot.
I'm praying for a übermensch-nazi with high intellect that debunks the article with statistics. That would give me an erection. The result is being a little bit disappointing.
>believe you're something you aren't
>not a mental illness
Ok, have read it and conclusions seems to be (table 4):
1 If you are bullied (in this case transphobic remarks), suicidality increases.
2 If you are religious, suicidality is cut in half.
3 If you are being physically beaten of raped suicidality increases.
4 Support from friends have a small effect (-25% drop in a small sample size)
5 Transitioning increases suicidality by 200%, ie from 0.22 to 0.65.
Worth noting:
Medical transition status - suicidality
Completed - 0.11
In process - 0.65
Planning, but not begun - 0.22
It does seem that if 65% of all suicidal trannies attempt suicide during transitioning, the number of suicidal trannies after transitioning should naturally be fewer.
By comparison, jewish suicidality in 1945 was
Oh yeah because thinking you’re the wrong sex and wanting to mutilate yourself is sane.
I identify as a Simpsons character, please pay to have my skin coloured yellow.
At last! Thank you.
These aren't similar sets of criteria though. If you want to tell if someones a woman there's a long list you use, plenty of which isn't necessarily exclusive to either gender:
>Interests (cooking, sports, cars, movies)
But you can verify whose president by just finding who had the most votes in the electoral college
I don't think pronouns is an issue in any case. At most an MTF just looks like a masculine woman, you'd probably use their pronouns if you were to talk to them without even thinking about it.
I guess all the "psychiatrists" in this thread are mentally ill too then. Same with the "lawyers" and "navy seals" that populate Sup Forums these days.
Do you recognize how crazy you sound right now?
>"Its fine to let people do irrevocable harm to their bodies because they're delusional"
Thats how you sound right now. Just think, if a person with Schizophrenia claimed to hear voices and said those voices told him to do terrible things, would it be appropriate to say to him "why yes, your version of reality is just as valid as regular peoples"
Hell, do you think it would be okay to tell suicidal people to kill themselves? Think about that, why is it wrong to tell a suicidal person to kill them self? And think about how much worse it would be if mental health professionals told suicidal people to kill themselves.
>interests (wow you're generalizing much???? women can only be interested in shopping and netflix and snapchat??? BIGOT)
This is where trannies fail
>breasts, facial features
Anatomical features defined by hormones produced primarily in reproductive organs.
Schizophrenics wouldn't kill themselves if we only worshiped them as gods.
this should be considered child abuse
all the smartasses, too
Die ICD-10 classifies children with gender non-conformic behaviour not as transsexuals. Most of these children grow out of it, even in severe cases.
Children "transitioning" is not approved by the WHO.
What's my point? You don't recognize the fact that political pressure is what hijacked the word in the first place, and then that same political pressure is what caused the disorder to no longer be classified as a mental illness to placate that crowd? You don't see how that plays into our contention that it was considered a mental illness 50 years ago, obviously checks all the boxes for a mental illness as a result, and still would be considered a mental illness, if not for the fucking political pressure that hijacked the word and built up enough power to force the hand of psychologists?
You don't see how that might throw a wrench into your central tenet argument about SOCIOLOGISTS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS not considering it a mental illness? God fucking damn, man. That's just incredible on your part.
Happy to give you an erection mate.
Jokes aside though, the report is really poorly written. My conclusions may be wrong since the difference in the numbers between table 3 and 4 are pretty substantial.
Nice flag btw. Pergite my Nubian friend!
I'm getting real sick of these Jews
Yes, we call those environmental factors reality
Not to mention, the literal fucking hatchet wound that's created after removing the penis that needs to have things constantly shoved into it to prevent it from healing itself and closing kind of throws a wrench in your argument about "just for sex and urination" when it is a significant hindrance to both. That sounds like a great deal of utility, akin to an arm. Not to mention the whole removing oneself from the gene pool thing.
>doesn't know how to read a table
So if a FTM trans person met your typical standards would you not recognise them as being female?
>So what if there's more than a few automatically they aren't soft cunts?
There are plenty of things you accept just because people have told you. Someone telling you about their mental state meets the same bar of proof you'd expect for most things.
Transwomen don't believe they were born female
>"Its fine to let people do irrevocable harm to their bodies because they're delusional"
If that can reduce the pain, suffering and risk of death of course, why not operate?
If there was a cure in the form of a pill or course of therapy then I'd support that but transitioning seems to be one of the best methods currently around.
> Just think, if a person with Schizophrenia claimed to hear voices and said those voices told him to do terrible things, would it be appropriate to say to him "why yes, your version of reality is just as valid as regular peoples"
There are plenty of other ways to deal with schizophrenia though, none of which involve hurting others or the patient
Source on trans persons suffering delusions
>Think about that, why is it wrong to tell a suicidal person to kill them self?
Because I want to avoid them dying.
I don't think I'm getting my point across. Losing your arm because you suffer from a mental disease is terrible but that person losing their life is worse. In an ideal world we wouldn't have to put trans persons through having to transition and face the kind of discrimination trans people do and we could just cure their distress with a pill. Its simply not an option in the current day though.
>aphex twin
wtf I love nogs now
So what? It's only nature correcting the unnatural balance and there's nothing new about that.
Trannies can freeze their sperm before they start transitioning. Thus they will not be removed from the gene pool.
Without dilation the "neovagina" will lose depth, but it will not close. After one or two years dilation is needed only once a week or only once a monthy. Having sex can replace it completely.
In really ugly cases the surgery goes wrong and the flesh down there dies. That is called necrosis. Trannies who are older, unhealthy or smokers may get this.
Truth be told. If done professionally on a healthy person, chances are good that even an experienced gynaecologist will not notice the difference between a "neovagina" and a real vagina. Sup Forums is focusing on the scary scenarios.
The transitioning in that article was in reference to the child transitioning to kindergarten from preschool.
Really? You need a citation?
>t. Michelle, formerly known as Michael, and its extremely wishful thinking
traps are just pre-op trannies, they were the original trannies before the surgeries became mainstream
And not exclusive to women.
>You don't recognize the fact that political pressure is what hijacked the word in the first place
From what I understand it was changed back in the 70's in response to sociologists using the term in such a manner. I don't like the terminology and they probably should've just chosen a term which didn't have any pre-existing associations because it just confuses people about what is meant by sociological and psychological claims about gender.
>that same political pressure is what caused the disorder to no longer be classified as a mental illness to placate that crowd?
Its no longer classified as a mental illness because trans persons have been found to not experience any kind of significant distress due to their identity.
>obviously checks all the boxes for a mental illness as a result, and still would be considered a mental illness
It probably changed due to increasing acceptance. Even going back to the early 2000's you'd probably struggle to find someone who didn't experience distress as a trans person but these days there are plenty of places and cities almost universally accepting of trans people, only now have we started to see those who don't conform to their birth gender not experiencing any kind of significant mental distress.
>You don't see how that might throw a wrench into your central tenet argument about SOCIOLOGISTS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS not considering it a mental illness?
I might if I hadn't spent time learning about this stuff and was just accepting these things on the word of sociologists and psychologists.
>when it is a significant hindrance to both
But neither functionality is fully lost. Its preferable to increased risks of serious mental health issues.
>That sounds like a great deal of utility, akin to an arm
What kind of damage to an arm? Certainly not chopping off someones arm, there's not a chance you could get a job outside a library otherwise.
>Its no longer classified as a mental illness because trans persons have been found to not experience any kind of significant distress due to their identity.
>It probably changed due to increasing acceptance.
Yes, there's no increased rate of suicide in that crowd. It's all environmental from how the world reacts to them, and has nothing to do with them realizing that they'll never be what they see themselves as and being suicidally depressed as a result. Also, "probably" changed due to increasing acceptance, with the political agenda had nothing to do with the change whatsoever. You're right. You've made me see the light!
God fucking damn, man. You're entirely fucking hopeless. Glad to see that after the liberals and cultural Marxists dumped a huge steamy diarrhea load in your mouth, you're able to maintain a smile, say it was a delicious steak dinner, and ask for more. Then when people come and tell you "Hey, you realize that they made you eat shit, right?" you respond with "NOPE! It was a wonderful steak dinner!"
Thank fucking God that you live in a country that's already gone beyond hope.
>Yes, there's no increased rate of suicide in that crowd
For those who have transitioned suicide rate often lowers
> It's all environmental from how the world reacts to them, and has nothing to do with them realizing that they'll never be what they see themselves as and being suicidally depressed as a result
It'd be both internal and external pressures, you've probably spent enough time in conservative circles to know how a lot of people tend to react to trans people.
>Also, "probably" changed due to increasing acceptance, with the political agenda had nothing to do with the change whatsoever
It had everything to do with politics, is it a bad thing that trans people have lowered risk of mental illness nowadays?
>that last fucking paragraph
You've definitely looked into this before so its pretty hard to believe you're still at square one.
>FUCK education and FUCK smart people
>motivated by enviromental factors
if true it seems like we could increase those numbers with a little effort
>Social support, reduced transphobia, and having any personal identification documents changed to an appropriate sex designation were associated with large relative and absolute reductions in suicide risk, as was completing a medical transition through hormones and/or surgeries (when needed).
Post op who according to them become fully female have the same rate of suicide than pre op.
>Study based on survey of mentally ill people
Im sure schizophrenics who kill themselves will say that its because society doesn't acknowledge them as Napoleon.
Good. I go out of my way to ensure gender freaks are made to feel like the shit they are. Im looking out for the welfare of my children, and if I can influence the death of these freaks, excellent.
Time to up my game now I know a study has backed up my efforts.
>I'm not wrong
>it's the world that is wrong