>*blocks your 2020*
Will Republicucks EVER recover?
*blocks your 2020*
Would be the habbenings of all habbenings when Trump ultimately wins by a landslide in 2020. I can already imagine the Twitter meltdown.
>Oprah runs for President and secures the entire black vote just by being Oprah
>it not remotely enough win the election just like in 2016
that picture smells terrible
Is this racist shithole of a country ready for a #woke Black queen?
Will the long hidden wisdom of Ascended Master Yakub Ali be available to the Black man who can handle it?
Will the final race war against the white ice devil subhumans be soon?
This would guarantee the death of America.
She get Democrats + 4-5% more black turnout in each state = she wins.
Plus a lot of Women LOVE Oprah.
You get a gib! You get a gib! 100% of non-white vote
>secures braindead women everywhere vote
more like it
Didn't know they had jewelry in the zoo.
I watched an interview with Michelle Obama and Shonda Rhimes talking about "muh womenz/minorities" and "bars" and Michelle said "you know" a thousand times.
Trump was an almost universally loved, respected celebrity with adoration from nearly everyone before he ran. It took a groundswell movement the like of which the country hadn't seen in decades to help him survive the political process.
You think Oprah's star power will survive that same machine? Especially if she runs as a Democrat not ordained by the Clintons?
Checked but the machine will be on her side.
If Clinton runs again and Oprah finds herself in a position not unlike Bernie I sincerely doubt the DNC will be pulling strings for her flabby ass over Clinton's.
Clinton won’t run again
Those fucking eyebrows on my God what the hell
I think she will, she's that much of an egomaniac. Pay attention to how she threw herself into the public conversation after Las Vegas, and released her book. She still wants to be in the picture. She'll be back. She thinks the Presidency is her destiny. She won't quit until she physically can't run any more, and I don't even know if that would stop her.
It doesn't matter. Don't look at what women say. Look at what they do. Women talk a lot of bullshit but fall in line when Chad walks up to them and tells them to buy him a drink.
Trump is that Chad. Bitches will get back together with Chad even after he's cheated on them multiple times. They love the abuse. They don't give two shits about leaving their best friend to swallow another load from Chad. That's why Oprah doesn't stand a chance.
>All minorities
>All women
Trump BTFOd.
MFW Pic Related will be the 2020 republican candidate.
>white ice devil
They. Are on. To us.
>t. white ice devil
4-5% more of the black vote isn't worth much. Pretty measly numbers.
1-2% of the white vote is much more significant.
Pretty sure he was born in Samoa or New Zealand.
Texas or California. He could run under current laws.
>Plus a lot of Women LOVE Oprah
Women also love a competent men in charge of important things, like running the country. If Democrats don't want to guarantee a Trump reelection they wouldn't dream of pulling this sort of stunt.
she's getting uglier by the day
I'd seriously rather fuck Oprah
I unironically want to be in bed naked with Oprah and smother myself with her repulsive shit smelling breasts