How do you feel about interracial couples?

Hey Sup Forums!
I'm an Asian male that has an Aryan girlfriend.
How does this make you feel?

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doesnt bother me.

literally how does that coorelate

Doesn't bother me at all, a lot of women prefer a small penis.

Post gf's tits or GTFO you mongoloid

Chink in pink

>has to larp about having a girlfriend on Sup Forums

Chink in Pink

Get on your knees and suck off that Japanese

Don't have tit pics

I don't feel much...
Neither does your gf

she is probably a fat weeaboo

I'm an aryan and have an asian girlfriend. Knock yourself out.

My Japanese gf loves to remind me of how small Asian boys are as she rides my 7'' Texan steel rod

hah is that you bill?

Who? No...

I don't feel anything about that. However I think it's not logical in the long term because your son might turn out to be Elliot Rodger.

lol i know a chinese with an aryan gf thought he was you

You're probably a goddamn Flip.


Best of luck to you then.

Indifferent, as I am an Aryan man who has had many Asian girlfriends

fuck her and have fun. but don't waste your fucking Genes, dude.

Good, another asian woman ready to [spoiler] reject me [/spoiler]

>"How does this make you feel?"

Like you're lying

I've deflowered 2 Asian girls and had sex with roughly 7 others.

How does that make you feel?

Statistically it's unlikely, but an Asian guy having a white girlfriend (especially an attractive one) means he must have really, really good genetics and prospects for an Asian. That's why AM/WF couples tend to produce fewer fucked up kids, because for an Asian guy to score a white chick he has to be a huge Chang Lightningwang.

You chinks are all right. Fairly smart, don't stink, basically not niggers.

Honorary aryans as far as im concerned.

I'm an Italian mongrel with an Asian girlfriend. We still need to secure the existence of white children. Best earn your honorary status.

As long as you're not a subhuman Indo/Malay/Flipnigger I don't care.

AMWF is inferior to a racially pure pairing but not by much.

Your offspring will be pretty much white in a generation anyway and statistically you're fairly unlikely to wind up divorced.

So really. Enjoy my dude.

If I see another Flip with a White Bitch, Ima gonna flip!

By aryan you mean lithuanian?

It's alright, I've got an asian girlfriend.


>It's alright, I've got an asian girlfriend.
Just like the Las Vegas shooter .... right

Asian guys get actualy hot White girls who look like this.

White guys get SEA whores from the Phillipines / Thailand who look like goblin monkeys,.

>Asian guys get actualy hot White girls who look like this.
Same girl above with her Asian / Chinese husband

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with race-mixing as long as no niggers are involved

>with race-mixing as long as no niggers are involved

You dont have a problem with White men ruining their genes by mating with low-IQ brown jungle asians from SOUTHEAST ASIAN? You do know that on a per capita basis, countries in SOUTHEAST ASIA are poorer than African countries.

>countries in SOUTHEAST ASIA are poorer than African countries.

SE Asia
Thailand : 5,778.98 USD (2013)
Phillipines : 2,765.08 USD (2013)
Indonesia : 3,475.25 USD (2013)
Cambodia : 1,006.84 USD (2013)

Nigeria : 3,005.51 USD (2013)
Botswana : $6,040 (2013)
Angola : $3,819 USD (2013)


t. Chang
very good chang. you are seen as the least sexiest race in the western world.
Lets stop for a minute and not think that whites largely prefer whites, asians prefer asians etc.

Need photo of white gf in order to give good opinion... ib4 shes an ugly fatty

Shit my nigger, you and me are like opposites.

>Not mixing Asian and White DNA to create a master race

>you are seen as the least sexiest race in the western world.

Really? Welcome to the year 2017, grandpa.

And enjoying your real texan IQ with approximately 78 points.

>>you are seen as the least sexiest race in the western world.

It is almost like you dont know what teen young girls like ...

Buncha effeminate, girl looking asians are sexy. I agree.

As opposed to fat white men .., right?

Wouldn't care if there was a way to address the perfect gentleman question if it ends up producing a hapa male. Otherwise there's literally zero downsides to mixing the most intelligent races. Race mixing is only an issue when it reduces the quality of the genepool.

But produce a perfect gentleman with her and you're going to have to live with that.

Cool, im japanese and german blooded
I guess im a nazi and a kamikazi pilot

>Otherwise there's literally zero downsides to mixing the most intelligent races.
Most White men are with 'Asian' females from SE Asia not East Asians. Are you so stupid you dont know the difference?

you should get an italian wife, that way you will have pure axis children

I only mean NE and Central Asians though. SE and most South Asians are shit-tier to the same degree as Arabs, spics and niggers.

you used the world 'asian' that applies to a population of over 4 BILLION worldwide.

>have pure axis child
You sir are a genius

how about some conquistador genes in your pool?

100 % Kebab removal guaranteed.
+25 % / year rate of Bravery and Exploration.

That's good. Keep your white sow, I keep my gentle East Asian gf.

>your gf wasnt a virgin
gross and degenerate

Go for it

Protip: grab the hair at the back of her head while you kiss. Women crave dominance and loss of control

OK. Usually Asian males breeding with white women results in some good offspring with high IQ. Unlike the other way.

>i got an aryan gf guyyyss!!!

kill that race traitor, as for you i dont give a fuck, just kill that retarded slut.

>How does this make you feel?

Like you're a liar

Nah, I have a super pale northern chinese/mongolian gf with perfect english.

Indifferent. Asia has a great culture so what's to have an issue with desu.

italy's performance was disgraceful

t. actual axis who got his w/o firing a shot

you dishonor your race and your penis is small

OP wouldn't feel like bragging if he had a black gf because nonwhite men worship white women because white people are superior.

All the white chicks I see around dating asians are either extremely ugly, pink hair, etc, either eastern europeans who want a japanese passport in order to get the fuck out of their shitty countries.

>great culture
they literally don't.
What is modern Asian culture? a cheap copy of "the west' with even more soulless consumerism, gimmicky merchandise....and cartoons!

wow, simply amazing. What a rich culture.

Doesn't bother me. God said it was okay in the book of Exodus.

>>i got an aryan gf guyyyss!!!
>Hair isn't blonde

nobody worships ugly white women unless you are black (because black men are with the fattest ugliest white girls). it is true that nonwhite men worship attractive white women.

>the least sexiest race in the western world
That's poo in loos though.
(No, I'm not a jap)

only fine with Japanese

you're obviously some chink american pretending to be jap

kys you disgusting downsyndrome mongoloid

Japanese are bro tier, good on you.

who cares? White x Asian interracial couples are the only acceptable interracial pairing, everything else is absolutely haram

I prefer if whites bred only with whites. But if it's an Asian, it's tolerable... barely, but only in small non-threatening numbers. If it's muzzies or niggers, kill them both. Sub human chimps need to be purged from the gene pool imo.

>White x Asian

This is what the majority of the population of the Phillipines looks likes. The Las Vegas Shooter was with a woman that were from this country. You think this is okay?

>but only in small non-threatening numbers.

You do know there is this region called Central and Western Asia with hundreds of millions of people?


Besides I was talking about Japan and South Korea

cool with me, I'm about to impregnate half the women in your country to help with the depopulation problem.

I don't give a fuck because I'm not a Stormweenie

random cherrypicking, do all africa combined and all of SEA combined, idiot

Asian Americans are Americans of Asian descent. The term refers to a panethnic group that includes diverse populations, which have ancestral origins in East Asia, Southeast Asia, or South Asia, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. This includes people who indicate their race(s) on the census as "Asian" or reported entries such as "Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Other Asian."

Your definition of 'Asian' differs with the rest of the world. If you just meant Japan, Korean, etc why didnt you use the word East Asian?

Aren't you Fins mongoloid-aryan biproduct?

AMWF is much better than WMAF.
In AMWF there will be actual love, in a WMAF there will be yellow fever and white worshipping

WMAF is cancer

Nigeria has a population of 200 Million and has the largest population of any country in Africa. I even omitted countries like South Africa would would crush any country in SE Asia in terms of wealth.

>If you just meant Japan, Korean, etc why didnt you use the word East Asian?

Because I thought it was self-explanatory since nobody gives a fuck about Asians who aren't East Asian

hahaha hi Ahmed.

I wish we enslaved them instead of niggers

>Not a savage monkey
Good for you senpai


gtfo and go back to lefty pol you reddit faggot.


The shooter was a fucking white male with yellow fever. WMAF is the worst pairing, AMWF and AMAF is god tier

Pathetic yellow fever beta closet pedophile/10