What would you respond with

What would you respond with

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A sage

Just throw sushi at them and yawn loudly till they fo away

joy lane


I punch the whore in her throat and shove that glass up her cunt hole

Well, better than dressing up as a perpetrator of black on black crime, and having half the country not want to acknowledge your costume exist.

Cute, but statistically, Blacks are STILL disproportionately more represented among serial killers than whites are soooooo.... I'd just smile and walk away.


shit wrong picture

I guess she should drop that wine glass, the drink inside it, her 500 tons of makeup and her shitty earings too because those were all made by wypipo.

13% of the population, 75% of the homicides, and the creator of nothing. It's really odd to see other people steal the Black Races shtick.


Throw them some KFC bucket.

Someone said said I should dress up as Tyrone's dad but then I wouldn't have a costume...

I wouldn't say anything, just dress up as Trayvon martin

>implying I hang around white guilting nignogs
Throw them out of my party.


My MO is killing niggers on a rainy night and you've just made the list

Straight hair also, that's a white thing.

>be useless race
>make fun of race that has given you everything

I'd say good on them for using non-PC humor which also mocks the idea of cultural appropriation in general (intentionally or not).

Fucking behave yourselves, youre 52% of the murders.

crime statistics by race, or just laugh and walk away.

im sorry why is this a thread?

At lest I'm not a nigger

serial killer statistics
the majority of them are black now


A screenshot of the government crime statistics showing black homicides per year compared with all other races

Niggers should stop drinking alcohol and using firearms since it's apporpriating white culture.

Technically, if you're speaking English, drinking wine, and posting on the internet...you're appropriating White culture.

I would turn 360° and walk away

nah mate you gotta 180° spin and then moonwalk away

Inform her that drinking out of a glass is appropriating white culture and demand that she lap up water out of a stagnant puddle like her incestors.

why would i respond?

going as a ghost appropriates our culture

here's my costume this year

Dam, wite pipo be scary. Smh

>what would you respond with

"shut up nigger"

Someone said not to steal my halloween costume because it's appropriating nigger culture.

No This is Appropriating White Culture

Then dressing up as a suicide bomber is appropriating mudslime culture

with this

I guess mass shootings are an Asian thing

I don't dress as anything for Halloween, but apparently that's appropriating black culture

Slide thread

>talking to a nigger

Someone said to not dress up as black lipped tribal murderer because that would be appropriating black culture

based kike I has a question, csn you use your jew powers to undo the damage your Jewish counterparts have done to the Christian world

dressing up at all in something that is not a loincloth would be appropriating white culture


not at all. if they actually believed any of what they said, they'd fuck off to one of the numerous countries on this planet that basically have no white population at all.

the only reason they constantly lash out against whites is because they are aware of their inferiority and living in a white country triggers the fuck out of them because they are constantly reminded of it. but at the same time they know that there's no place where they could have a better life.

A hearty laugh while wearing black face

Halloween itself is white culture.

>Someone said not to dress up as farm equipment on Halloween because it's appropriating black culture

i laugh because i'm a good sport

I would chuckle and move on.
If it wasn't a joke I would respond with "last time I checked prisons are filled with black murderers, not white".

Halloween is white culture you stupid negro.

First off why am I visiting niggers on a holiday and secondly we're statistically underrepresented, but the individuals who do deside to do it tend to drastically over perform. If the news flipped out evey time a black desided to kidnap and torture a white woman, child or, elderly person in some horrifically inhumane way. Your people would be in fucking Liberia right now. So how about a little sage and fuck off and OP can eat a box of shit. That being said god damn Columbia way to reach for second wholly shit you fuckers are brutal. Once again black stereotypes fly in the face of reality. 13% of the population 40% of the serial killers. But hey fuck white people right?
Alo surprised surprise blacks mostly target based on racial discrimination. Its almost like the jew and the nigger both cry out in pain as they strike you.

And in the most niggerish thing I've seen all week I present to you the KFC murderers.

Guess you can only dress up as a mud hut tribesman then

they are aware of special treatment and they start acting entitled, upstuck and bossy at the expense of white populace. It is also believed that whites are the most empathetic race on earth, especially white women, which is a honeypot for the said minorities.
That is till they get reached out and touched by the cold reality.

The anecdotal whites that commit serial murder are just more interesting. The niggers never put any work into it so it's just boring and forgettable.

This. First post is best post.


> cunt hole
as opposed to smacking her in the clit with it?
>captcha: staff plantation

LOL white devils BTFO

I would tell them to stop using all forms of modern technology because they were invented by white people. If they really want to stop appropriating culture, you gotta take all the wonderful gifts white people made, and send them back to wherever their ancestors came from.

mass murder

Someone said not to dress up as a black man and not take the kids trick or treating because it's appropriating black culture.

still dont get this white people food meme. isnt european cousince most famous ... Italy , france ? spain? hmmm

The jerk store called.

I don't talk to niggers.

I'm sure the logic behind this humor doesn't cut both ways. Can I try?

"Someone said not to dress up like a nigger for Halloween because, even though it's hilarious, nogs lose their fucking minds over it and I could die. So I went out as a chink."

there's a big joke among minorities that white people don't like anything spicy/seasoned/salted

tell them you are going as a black father and dont show up.

it got me wondering aswell and i found out that basically niggers have eaten so much fast food that everything else tastes like water, and their cousine consists in drowning everything in ketchup and other shitty spicy sauces.

Most of it stems from the fact that slaves had to eat the shitty leftover pieces of animals while choice cuts were used by plantation owners. The south also has a history of, for lack of a better term, heavily flavored food, meaning zealous but often well executed amounts of butter and spice. From those two sources, black cuisine in the area was often heavily fried or over-spiced to cover the shitty food's taste, lacking the expert touch you'll see from traditional southern cooking or cajun cuisine. So basically, they'll say you can't handle the spice just because they'll load shit up with cayenne pepper and completely mask the original food's flavor with heat.

There's other stuff like the idea of bland lunchmeats being marketed towards whites or that poorly spiced "spicy' food at fast food places comes from white patronage, but history in the south is the biggest factor.

because blacks drown their food in shitty sauces / seasoning blends to hide the low-quality tasteless meat

Well, if they don't want to appropriate white culture, I've got a whole list of stuff they shouldn't do.

Black serial killers exist but since blacks killing people isn't shocking they aren't covered by the media extensively.

I'd go as your dad but no one knows what he looks like.

Most serial killers these days are blacks.

someone said not to dress up as a criminal, black, etc.

I see Talcum X is present


Are black people really this stupid to make memes like this? Don't they realize the irony?


and thats a /thread, folks

Friendly reminder; only white serial killers make the news because it's a rarity.
Statistically and therefore factually speaking, there's substantially more black serial killers than white.

It stems from white women dying being incredibly news worthy and the fact that most serial killers kill within their own race.

die with your rage

and it does work with images

Because these are created by cuck whites

I would serially kill dem niggers.

The "all serial killers are white" and "all mass shooters are white" stereotype is a total statistical myth. Black men are about 4x overrepresented in American serial killings relative to their population percentage. And around half of American mass shootings since 2000 were perpetrated by none whites, with niggers once again being overrepresented. Proportionally whites are less likely to commit any form of violent crime, including serial killings.

Basically, niggers and liberals have nothing again.

Literally everything you do "appropriates my culture," from the language you speak to the clothes on your back to the food in your kitchen. But most of it's a weak imitation of something whites do better.

You can include murder in that if you like, but it's just part of a very long list of shit you suck at.

Should be a free sterilisation machine

That's alright, I plan to dress up as a black father.

AKA I won't be there.

You forced them to speak English

dress as a watermelon or a kfc bucket so i can appropriate nigger culture.
or a suicide bomber to appropriate paki culture

>Captain colonize giving anyone else shit for making subhumans speak words instead of clicks

No issues appropriating a western diet over cannabalism though, right?

>Azelia Banks
batshit insane
