Another win for our comrades! The nazi alt right will lose again, pepe is already dead but our great antifa forces will bury him deeper
Another win for our comrades! The nazi alt right will lose again...
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I fucking hate this generation
yep, that´s basically it, you guys won
Antifa taking their blow up crocodile boyfriends in public.
Remember Karl the Cuck ? The left truly can't meme.
why are lefties so bad at comedy and memes? aren the supposed to be the "creative" ones?
Karl the croc = carl the cuck
>yfw this is actually a right wing meme
This has to be a fucking setup.
holy fuck karl is a meme gone extreme
im on board! Its nazi punching time!
Lol Crocodile fuck them.
That's what they want you to think, all the creative ones follow a vision and know how to set it up.
Why are they using blow up crocodiles as shields?
Karl Marx get it! Lol
>crocs are legit retarded and bite anything that moves and have not evolved in tens of millions of years
wew bet you a dollar someone from Sup Forums came up with this for lulz psyops
This has to be bait. right? I can't even tell anymore. Just fuck off with your gay lizard, you flaming homosexual.
2/10 made me reply.
Karl the Krazy Krokodile is ours now. We own him.
i saw croc comrade killed on stream
Jesus when leafs have good points.
May the rake spare you son.
Looks like clip art
Please tell me it's not real
I'm from quebec so technically not a leaf
Karl the Kuck?
Pepe will rise like the fourth reich
Those sad fucks. They leave their own behind.
>Not Kyle
You had one job,
Nice meme antifuhh.
ammit is going to hate you
Technically not French either. How does it feel to be eternally despised by your fatherland and your motherland both at once you useless piece of shit.
Stop. It didn't work the 6000000 times before and it's not gonna work now.
eh most of them came from normandy
And of course they are race mixing with a fucking sea turtle.
They are very bigoted and moralistic, what are they supposed to make fun of? They can talk shit only about christians and whites, all the rest is violation of their idiotic ethic rules.
the highest level of comedy they can reach is stuff like Rick and Morty, this show have success because is set in a storyline where the two main characters don't interact with real issues, and real people including the so called minorities.
Karl the cuckodile.
lol, this could work
Anyone got rare karls??
How they dare to disrespect sobek?
fuck off! karl stabs foreigners!
Karl the Kuck
That's not Karl the Croc, that's Alligator the Jewish Exterminator.
Are antifa /ourguys/?
All heil the new Antifa mascot
At last you'll have something to fuck at night.
There is a surprising amount of Nazi alligators and crocodiles when you google image search it.
Karl the cuckodile
top kek
Also just noticed that this one is also called Karl.
Are antifa playing 3D chess?
>tfw you have Swedish classes with some antifa transgender
Fuck I hate that cunt, but I don't want to get kicked out of uni so I have to sit like a beta bitch and listen to that things subtle communist propaganda
Come home white man
putting the rad in far left radicalism!
Is it an hommage to Karl Dönitz?
>antidabs thinking crocodiles aren't already rightwing propaganda
the state of the left.
But the Jew-lumnati wants us to keep using the frog...
I'm planning to take an 11 month military education and then possibly move to Norway and serve in their military
Not sure if that is possible, but atleast I can hope to fight for a better cause and a better country
Thank you for this picture. First things that came to my mind.
Kek be praised.
thanks for the free propaganda on based crocodiles, though!
Jesus, first Kek, now Sobek. Why are there so many Egyptian gods in our political symbology?
Karl the cuck croc
Wouldn't it have made more sense if they made it Karl Sharks
Hi Carl! Lookin real sexy...
>blue eyes
So... they've elected Sobek to be their leader...
its a schnappe, schnappe krokodiell
You know someone has masturbated to this picture just because it is online.
Don't you know what happened to Alunya?
D..did you masturbate to this picture?
Digits of pain
So close to trips...
I don't indulge in porn.
I think it's right-wing death squad time.
>implying it wouldn’t be hard to just shoop a German flag on his outstretched hand
>also implying it would be hard to shoop a swastika armband on his left arm
Antifa are seriously making this too easy....
is this the same crocodile, victim of rape by africans?
crocodile porn when?
When will you leftard subhumans learn that forced memes never work. Piss off my board, leftist scum.
>Sobek is, above all else, an aggressive and animalistic deity who lives up to the vicious reputation of his patron animal, the large and violent Nile crocodile/West African crocodile. Some of his common epithets betray this nature succinctly, the most notable of which being: "he who loves robbery", "he who eats while he also mates", and "pointed of teeth".
makes u think
hes kinda cute
Sometimes I wonder why we pay you
lol how fitting
Checked. Oh shit. Look up ammit lads. Soul devourer of the unworthy. WEW. dis gun be gud!
crokistan can be real now?