Burka and niqab to be banned in Denmark, with huge support. The fire rises.
Denmark NO!
Based Danes.
That's not really something to be proud of in this day and age
Shut up, leaf.
I wonder how many woman wear the burqa in Denmark. In the Netherlands it's around 200 tops
Shoo shoo leaf.
But really, having your face covered in public is against the law, so it's about time that this hypocrisy was put to an end.
time to unwrap these kinder eggs, who's going to enforce this in Mjolner parken?
Based leaf. But as a based centrist I can see both sides of the argument!
But it's a civil liberty
Be easier just to ban muslims.
>media asks question if a ban should be put in place
fuck you OP, we‘ll get things done first. Austria did it and we‘ll follow.
red white all night but quit larping
Christ i saw 7 last night. Appearntly my city figured my part wasnt diverse enough. Or the sack of cloths bought apartments here. Which is unlikely.
Its already banned in every western countries, other than swedcuck and britcuck of course.
We also have a ban on them recently enacted.. some rich muslim got out in public and said he would pay all the fines for it.. our politicans and police basically told him to fuck off :)
consider it revoked, Ali Baba
do you
no, no wait
were you trying to say
IN ?
when i was in london i saw them everywhere
i even met a qt who wears one at a coffee shop and actually pulled her number. we texted a bit and she snapchatted me her face no covering. qtpie. she was too nervous to meet up with me though :/
Ticiniggers already did it.
Its a ban on covering your face in public/banks whatever which was always kinda a thing dude
>Ed det en god ide at forbyde niqab og burka i danmark?
"Is it a good idea to forbid niqab and burka in Denmark?"
Did I get that right?
>tfw burkas are still not banned in Poland
retard, that‘s a hitjab. you wouldn‘t know if it‘s a qt as burka and niqab cover everything (ok, niqab doesn‘t cover the eyes).
OP is larping
The Eternal leaf
Behind every shitpost
then exile shitskins, yes?
>But as a based centrist
Fucking hang yourself, leaf.
But I guess you guys don't have nearly enough of them yet for it to be an issue. Will probably happen for you guys sooner or later as well.
Huh. Do you guys even have SJWs to complain if you did?
don't worry justin, you can still wear it at home
Why is denmark so much better than sweden? What happened?
Why not let him do it?
Free tax money. Soon the state will fund itself.
as long as it‘s not federal it doesn‘t count.
Remember all those guys seeking refugee in Sweden in WWII?
Shit has been banned here since 2010 and that with having the jihad capital of europe
do you speak english
she wore a niqab
she snapchat 'd me a picture of her face no cover
i knew she was a cutie from her legs and eyes, and was right.
she was too nervous to meet up with me though even though she would not stop texting me
said her brother was taking care of her and super controlling
this so much
Believe it or not, but we have a crypto-communist party ( in a leaked phonecall the founder of this party admitted that their program is communist, but they can't call themselves communists due to the fact that communism is illegal in Poland ) and a progressive party in Poland.
And both of these parties went through a meltdown after ruling party decided to give gun rights to poles few days ago.
Sooo yeah, they would start complaining if we tried to ban burkas.
Well, it's not like our government cares about their opinion
germany shoudl quickly annex the irrelevant state of denmark to get them back on track
Canada strikes again.
Now, that's interesting
Danish seems more.. 'understandable' than German
Should have started fining him but each fine would get increasingly more expensive.
this is unacceptable and to think we neighbor this nation of intolerance /spit
forbud joder næste
.. in reality its all just for the election.
Of course he could just pay it but the optics would not be good for the election and any party.Afterwards no one cares i am sure... well unless we get a fpö majority lol
Don't listen to the Nazis, leaf.
dang! congratulations from eastern germany!
you're making me nostalgic, Hans
>But really, having your face covered in public is against the law,
does that mean you can sue antifa now?
please annex britain
When those fags came to Auburn University in Alabama they were demasked by police because of anti-KKK laws.
well we got tired of the roasties throwing cobblestone at police
In Almere alone there are already far more than 200.
why hasn't all this intolerance caused a diplomatic crisis with sweden yet
Funnily enough antifa are basically the (sometimes even paid) footsoldiers of the bourgeoisie in europe lol
So left political parties dont care antifa are basically their private army of fags to beat everyone that disagrees with left wing politicans.
I bet he's on the Islamic version of Sup Forums right now posting about "degenerate modern Muslim women" need to be kept in line or they will absorb the cultural European brainwashing and start showing their faces and having sex with white guys.
on point! its funny that most people cant even deliver that kind of a simple explanation!
>Burka and Niqab to be banned temporarily in Denmark, until muslims are the majority, then they'll revisit the issue
Fixed that for you
This is bad. We shouldn't try and integrate the Muslims.
Why would we want to remove things that make the easily distinguishable from the native population? We would if we wanted them to integrate and interbreed with the Danish population.
The point is, Europeans were never really living with a Muslim populace before, so they didn't know any better that Muslims cannot assimilate into a society without taking it over. This is the end of the Fucking? Perhaps?
"""""""fire rises"""""
its just common sense mate, nothing to do with islam, you just cant walk around like that in modern societies.
Always feel dirty after when I don't have sex with a white woman.
he probably is
he took care of his sister, though. i respect him for it. I was just a tourist in london for 2 weeks looking for a lay, i was able to break past the niqab but not past him.
>2 weeks
i meant to say i only had 2 weeks left after i met her
It's not an end. The bluepilled will need to learn it the hard way. Violence is the only thing that might change their mind on islam.
Nothing will rise man, muslim will just cry and shut the fuck up.
We prohibited the niqab/burqa in France 10 years ago, they was just crying and they did no fucking shit about it.
Still man, it's a really good thing for you to forbid this cancer on your street.
Bull shit. Amsterdam was pretty and the magic truffles and dutch girl i hooked up with were amazing. But what a fucking (((multicultural))) hellhole. White people were a fucking minority
that gif :D
Proud of you guys. Danes are good folks.
200,000 or 200?
Good, so we don't have to send them back
Congrats. Its a shame we have to ban dress codes instead of just banning these cunts from entering our borders in the first place, but its a start.
Denmark seems to be a liberal country with the majority of people actually being sensible, unlike Sweden.
I like Denmark and fuck Norway.
We tried, or at least say some people could come, while others not. But that was discrimination according to the EU
in oostende i saw 2 of them 2 years ago, last year only one. In gent 1 in february
Het is hier helemaal vol met die kanker moslims
Daily reminder that your cucked governments only give a shit about this because it upsets their facial recognition 1984 tech.
>niqad og burka
det kommer ikke til at ske
Gå ind på tv2.dk og se selv
sweet. crusades soon.
>negativ bornholmer
hva' faen? troede i var solskins oen
>ban islam
>no need for burka ban
>watch muslims riot
>next day: hey!we were joking!
>too late rebel muslim state grounded in Rotterdam
>fire tomahawk missiles
>check Sup Forums
Zero soon.
We already did it Danebros, it is totally possible. Most people completely agree with it, apart from screeching libtards and jihadis.
I think it's already ban everywhere in europe
the real thing that will change everything is just to deny them any money. Nobody would come then. And the reality is that we have to decrease spending. Even a socialist will eventually have to see that. We can't have a welfare state and immigration.
And futher more if the argument is we need immigrants for future then we should take the closest ones first. Poles, Balts, russian, irish and such. Or maybe ethnic swedish refugees if we are really desperate. Actually iw ould be happy to take south african whites to.
thank you. seriously, though.
btw. even social democrats are open for this. Can you imagine martin schultz or corbyn backing something like this?
dont for get the hijab
>In the Netherlands it's around 200 tops
is that per square mile?
Don't worry too much yet, brother Finn.
We got other means.
kys dune nigger
based lego
europe's fucked anyway but at least you don't give up
This is fucking propaganda dude. Way more use Burqa and Niqab than the media like to say. They claim 200 here too actually, but that's fucking strange because when I went to Oslo I saw them all over the place.
Even in a town nearby mine with 10k population I saw one wearing it in the streets.
The reason for why they defend this clothing is because they can't risk rapefugees/economic migrants thinking that they can't live exactly like they do in their own shithole of a country, so that they don't come.
>guaranteed replies