Australia admits more migrants than any other big Western country
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
>And Australians still like them
>and Australians still like them
wrong, if these cunts wanna come here and not be Australian they can fuck right off
Not surprised at all. Everywhere Anglo steps it also must bring niggers and chinks with him. Weak inbred island genes.
Literally everyone hates them. Even leftys if you get them alone will be ok with stereotyping them.
At least it's not Arabs
It's Indians and Chinese and British that make up 85% of immigration over the last 3 years
Only Joking
This will be soon brothers. We will teach the convicts how to behave or be beheaded
And this is how it ends up.
As far as I can tell, the majority of Australians would want basically no immigration at all
Why are you still admitting them?
Saw some chinese on the beach this afternoon.
Dad was wearing surf gear, kid was running in the water with his boardies and boogie board having a good old time.
I said gday, he smiled an in his best aussie accent said 'gday mate'.
Dont know why but felt good to see him and his kid assimilating
You got a bit of yellow fever, lad?
He is still a tiny-dicked chink.
Australia's are a pacified bunch of morons that will happily get fucked up the ass if the government tells them it is enjoyable.
You think we have a choice?
the word sultan reminds me of sultanas
Because the issue is never put to a vote.
why does their dick size matter to you?
Still not full, send them more
Why are there not any mass movements against it then? Protest and strike until it is put to a vote.
>tfw going to live in Australia soon
Masallah, I am going to enjoy this
das rasis
Doesn't matter if him and his kid we're a spitting image of Ned Kelly with slanted eyes.
They still don't belong here, civcuck.
The study is everyone since 1970, a the vast majority of all that Is British isles
something like 30% of our population is from overseas since we had massive migration from the UK,Ireland and parts of Germany,Italy
No one likes ragheads, m8... not even other ragheads.
Good. Bring some of your religious dogma with you. This country could use some.
I don't give a shit if you pasty cumskins don't like me
either do you pomgolian
or are you eurofaggot
you don't know what a migrant is do you champ
you'll be giving and shit when your stupid sandnigger brain is smear all over the concrete mate.
Small dicks make me uncomfortable as a man.
The only thing that will be smashes is you sister pussy. By me
Us Anglo-celts build this country for fellow Europeans, some arbitrary rule change in the 1970s doesn't mean shit.
Go home.
you shouldn't be thinking about dicks at all brah,
Australian's are so dumb they think they have a better quality of life than Americans. Just go onto google maps and find out that isn't true. Thing is, Australian's can't use street view, it is too complex.
Just look up the best selling vehicles. USA: ford f150. Australia: ford ranger. f150 is like double the cost of the ranger.
Sounds fantastic #openbordersforaustralia
that doesn't address the point I made.
You know there's a free travel policy between our countries, right dipshit?
Hopefully the next race riot turns into a war and we can remove kebab once and for all.
>Implying shit won't move onto you.
Your just the next domino after us. Also enjoy your Chinese spies in parliament
What point? You spouted gibberish that doesn't make any sense.
Fuck off some of us dont know how to be happy
but I do and I'm fucking straight
I love Australia, How do I move there?
I am 35 years old, I have a phd, am I allowed to go?
I have blue eyes, blond hair, is it fine? Or only Chinese can go?
Keep dreaming while I keep pumping in your sister
Indians are the true enemy.
>edgy sentence
>meme flag
go lurk Moar newfag
best selling vehicles for September
Rangers are made in the USA, their dollar is worth more
>google maps
yeah, use street view and go through detroit or any city. youll be glad you live here
Australia is like 90% desert, they have enough space for trash.
only asian qts are allowed
Friendly reminder to not respond to such obvious shitty bait. Not even ironically.
Yes, more immigrants, no wonder are gaols are overcrowded
you're saying gooks dont belong here but you're from another country too.
Really only folks living on certain train lines like immigrants and that's only because they're so distanced from it.
They see that Indian bloke prajeet down the road and think wow they're just like us, he's a doctor and clean and think all immigrants are like that and that dispersed.
Majority of folks bloody hate em. Thy street spitting scum who leave footprints on the toiletseats.
Muslims are the west, this includes Africans and lebos. Violent, good for nothing, high crime rate, drug dealing, and usually welfare recipients.
Then Indians, they work and have low crime rate but fuck they are feral. Just filthy creatures in general barely a step above baboons in terms of hygiene.
Chinks are most likeable but there's a fuckton of them. I can't remember last train I've been on where they weren't the majority. But at least they hate Muslims and Indians. Plus the girls are half fuckable.
At least we can agree she'd need honor killing if that if happened. Protip: it wont you guys stink and are somehow always sweaty, not to mention arab subhumans.
This is bullshit.
I thought we took no one in.
dude we accept like 250k immigrants a year
you are clealy not an aussie m80
What other country? People of European heritage born in Australia are Australians; Gooks born in Australia are Gooks.
I don't expect you to recognise that, Chang.
Anyone work at centrelink or some sort of welfare office? Tell us what it's like, because I bet I can guess.
nihao m8!
Are cops these days too fugging tactical/militaristic? should we get rid of these gay vests?
gonna go immigrate to australia soon the merit-based system favors high-skill high-iq ppl like me, dumb locals need to understand that corporations need workforce to develop the whole continent
majority are leeches, only votes of the academy and the rich should count
The English built most of the current societies. Now the greasy kikes are trying to steal it. Hitler was right.
australia really is a mess
Kiwis I bet.
You don't know what the Western elite is like, Ivan. Universities are like left-wing indoctrination camps.
>and Australians still like them
Melbcucks and Sydenerates are not Australians.
ordinary people build nothing, they are means of construction like bricks or concrete
alot of them are ex military ,wannabe military or failed adf applicants
We dont need guns in our open tolerant society
man i live in brisbane, the amount of gooks in cbd is crazy
Good luck teaching the Aussies anything there going to feed you to the roos.
Most Academics add nothing of value to society either.
Unless indigenous studies has suddenly become useful.
Thats our retarded governments for you literally Canada tier.
Fuck this country. Importing third-world scum that will work for 50 cents an hour rather than improving wages for Australian citizens.
The government is as traitorous as they come but the spineless Australian public are so brainwashed that they actually think the abc is "owned by the people".
It's cute. It's really, really cute.
people of mainland euro heritage are cancer.
Great Britain found modern Australia, Euros flew here like cockroaches at the same time chinks did
You can both fuck off
>Just look up the best selling vehicles
What a stupid comparison. Australian's purchase more Lamborghini's, Mercedes AMG's, BMW M's, Ferrari's and Porsche's per capita than the USA.
Given the ridiculous cost of housing here now it is surprising the best selling vehicle here is not a cheapo econobox.
they are now changing the signs in the great ocean road to mandarin and english to accomidate the gooks
At least they seem proud of Australia and not spitting on flag or wanting Aussie day banned. I'll take these as Aussies over some of the scum coming out of uni at the moment.
But the ADF are nothing to aspire to, 3rd rate military made up of mostly overpaid welfare queens.
i have a stats phd from stoney brook, so i now quite well
i don't care if opinion of smart ppl contradicts 'common sense' or 'conventional wisdom' of some blue-collar 'human' who is gonna be replaced by robots soon
again it doesn't matter if a leech has iq of 85 or 100, they are still leeches who invent nothing
you know most ordinary people here are/were farmers right? think long and hard before you reply Andrei Andranovich
t. zhao
Every single time there's a study or inquest into the firearm ban, it's concluded that the gun ban did fuck all to stop violent crime and basically all it does is restrict freedom of law abiding citizens for zero benefit.
Meanwhile, our free speech gets more and more restricted every year.
I want to move to the USA.
So the intensive Jewish bias in academia does not bother you or?
Nice to see your flag change Austrailia
Wear it with PRIDE
>I want to move to the USA.
I'm planning on it.
Said every slave, ever.
I pay $60 for unlimited internet for which I get 5mb download 1mb upload