This retard is going to attempt a coup with his "military people" isn't he?
This retard is going to attempt a coup with his "military people" isn't he?
Get ready for the gulags you always wanted
Ur retarded
How exactly do you envision he overthrows a government he is currently in charge of?
yeah faggot he's gonna try to become President with this coup of his
Sage in all fields
My body is ready.
he's not "in charge" of anything drumpflet, at least not the way he envisioned he'd be, we live in a system of checks and balances drumpf doesn't understand having spent living his life as a CEO which is basically a mini dictator
DRUMPFELSTILSKINS everyone still as dumb as they were in 2015
>kennedy files are out
He has read them
Hope so
Aren't you guys excited?
what has he done that's lead you to this conclusion?
FFs, guise, what if Trump is part of a coup or something to make himself president?!?
It's not a coup when you're already in charge...
>Thinks being the owner is the same as being the CEO
I sure hope so, do we get to throw shit at bernie sanders and chief warren when they're at the gallows?
DRUMPFELSHITSKINS literally can't understand people in power pull military coups to consolidate their power and purge opposition, Hitler himself did it after serving some time in the Weimar government, he used the Reichstag fire as pretext it was called the Machtergreifung
>I don't know what a coup is
A coup against whom, Timmy?
stop talking all that pig latin you hippy fucker
More like counter-coup, if anything
his opposition, drumpf obviously wants to purge all checks and balances against and set up a junta with him in charge
do drumpfkins merely play dumb or are they actually dumb
Trump was president of The Trump Organization before assuming office.
>a coup
>against his opposition
That's not how this works, friendo. His opposition isn't in power. It's like saying he's planning a coup against Obama.
>muh junta
Fuck it, why not. You've already taken our country so far off track, what's another foot into the weeds?
You're misinformed. The term is "Fich dich Schwuchtel"
If there was a coup, it would be against him.
drama queen much son ?
his opposition is literally running the show, specifically Congress and the obstructionist (from his perspective) judicial branch, drumpf is not "in charge" the executive is weak as fuck as a branch of government and drumpf was completely ignorant of this from the day he announced his campaign and it's clearly wearing him thin just how much little formal power and how little his back door political pull is
he's all alone in the oval office totally impotent he is NOT accustomed to this after basically being a dictator of his company for over 4 decades
Falseflag incoming. He's been trying to get himself declared a "war time president" since last November. Looks like he's found a figleaf. My best guess is intelligence has a bead on North Korea about to pull some sort of shit (detonating a test nuke in the Pacific?) and they're preparing to "rescue the world" from lil' pocket rocket.
> Looks like war's back on the menu, boys!
looting the U.S. Treasury for several trillion in free monies and g. bush worldwide economic meltdown 2.0 in 3... 2..
>attempting a coup
>whilst in power
He’s going to seize power from himself?
You're either larping or are going to feel very stupid when none of this materializes. I would have thought you people would learn after all the "OMG HE'S LITERALLY GOING TO HAVE GAYS SHOT IN THE STREET BECAUSE HE'S HITLER!" hysteria.
Fucking this
I want to play in the coup. It sounds exuberating.
I fucking hope so. A coup will clean up the mess Leftists have left.
you know for a board that is constantly prattling on about "the deep state" fucking Trump at ever turn without even understanding what the deep state you sure are making a 180 claiming he is in charge
so do you think he feels in charge here?
Who's the president of the United States?
...You really underestimate yourselves, you progressive faggots. Even a large minority of the military is in your filthy neolib hands. Media, hollywood, 90 percent of the world elites, every damn thing is in your guy's hands. Fuck, even foreign influences are trying to destroy Trump with secret neocon/neolib backing. If you were honest, and not such a dummy, you would have seen a soft coup against Trump for a good long while now.
brother you are too fucking stupid to even understand what I'm getting at
it's okay
Who's the president of the United States? Also, I'm not your brother you degenerate donkey.
You guys have screamed "hitler!" for so long, that when a hitler truly comes and you start screaming, nobody will believe you. Bunch of hysterical bipolar women.
If Trump ever did pull an illegal attempt at overthrow of constitutional government, even some folks like me who loathe you disgusting SJWs would fight Trump.
Problem is the elites have you brainwashed. Parts of the military are actually working against Trump. If there was an attempted coup against Trump, and Trump successfully squashed it, you would see it as Trump usurping power! Fucking idiots. Why can't you see you are being used by the elites? You would believe anything they told you.
You already had a soft coup, dumbo.
>Sup Forums is one person
>it's you
>you are now responsible for whatever I say Sup Forums says
You're here too, communigger. :)
thread hidden
>trump is in charge
I hope so, america must be destroyed.
this. i hope putin sends us some goodies so we can go full syria on ourselves. this place can only be cleansed with blood.
yes Drumpf is confirmed for starting a coup to become president
china wouldn't let it happen so no
>In power
Liberals really do live in their own world don't they?
honesty this thread is silly, I didn't say he will be pulling a coup I simply asked if he will, I had to spend half a dozen posts explaining why he would it and explaining what coups even were
Sup Forums seems to be circling the drain these days
The west is circling with us. What is that famous saying of /pol? Surf the kali yuga? That is the kind of fucked up mentality of the modern west. All ideologies have been tainted by the evil.
Hmm I wonder what devilish creature could be causing this...
David Brock's cock is deep in this one
If you are actually being serious, then I will tell you something. They know, man. They are just having fun with you.
SHAREBLUE doesn't exist
Coups are initiated for any number of reasons. Perhaps a qualifier is in order. Coup d'etat? Coup de jure? For someone ranting about "teenagers," you certainly seem to be speaking poor English, full of words you've simply heard and don't actually understand. you're confirming that he really is /our guy/ ? Righteous. Thanks for the (sage) advice.
Ok, drumpfelshitskins killed me
What else could it be?
"Military people"...makes you think.
Probably. I mean if I were Trump I'd try to pull a coup. The government is effectively neutered vis a vis of pushign any kind of real agenda through.
Well, when he fires Tillerson (and Mattis and Mnuchin as a consequence), he'll have that big cabinet table mostly to himself. Does that count as a coup when all the voices of reason are gone?
No. The legal underpinnings of the state have to be radically altered. That would just be an empty cabinet.
>LARP thread
I'd love to see how Trump is going to attempt a "coup" against himself, though
Amerikanischer Reichsführer
Donald Trump.
Heil Trump.
Sending love and power for the Führer of the USA from Austria.
Ps:The 3rd Sargon will be from Austria.
another drumpfkin enters the fray
What's so funny on the name Drumpf?
Does it mean something in English (what i don't think so), or is the more obvious thing, that you Libs are unfunny and can't meme?
President could charge the militias with arresting members of government office for seditious acts. It's almost literally that simple for him to put extreme pressure on every other facet of the government- the executive is limited and vulnerable to reprisals, but they are not by any means weak.
>a coup against himself
Fucking retard
They think making fun of "stupid white names" is high comedy. It's literally the same thing they complain about when the subject is any non-white, because like OP, they have no integrity nor solid ideology, just faggotry that's entirely dependent on the likes or upboats of their peers.
Goddamn Commies are fucking retarded. Sage.
Woah this thread really is full of teens that don't understand what a coup actually is and why they are carried out huh? LOL
at least we're not dumb enough to sink a billion fucking dollars on an incompetently ran campaign
OP is referring to himself
>thinks CEO is a dictator
>doesn't know about owner or board of directors
liberals can't into business. are you a neet, perpetual student or public sector?
Lol its either a troll or complete delusional leftist retard when you hear "systems of checks and balances"
You learn that term in like 6th grade. Confirmed underaged. Should be banned.
I hope this faggot is trolling....
This guy is retarded but he's also correct about Trump not being in charge, I seriously question the critical reasoning ability of anyone who thinks that the US Government is still controlled by the President. Its not "checks and balances" though thats literal propaganda tier stupid, its that the civil service/media are 100 times more powerful than any mere elected official.
>implying he isn't a puppet for the zionists.
Do you feel in charge?
Please god yes
God I hope so.
God I wish that were me
A coup d'état, also known simply as a coup, a putsch, golpe de estado, or an overthrow, is the illegal and overt seizure of a state by the military or other elites within the state apparatus
don't bother with these drumpfkins, let them wallow in their play pen of ignorance and sub high school level knowledge of civics and history
>Three branches will become one
No. Trump is cool but he isn't /ourguy/. Remove yourself.
Based Viking!
People like you make me fucking ashamed that I was ever a liberal.
Unironically kill yourself.
Last swede standing.
god I hope so
Nah, he doesn't even know the difference between the Coast Guard and the Air Force. No way he's pulling a military coup.
you are a retard
Coups are where the military overthrows the democratically elected leader of a country.
Since he's the democratically elected leader, you are an idiot.