Hinduism general
>not hindu yet
Explain yourselves
Hinduism general
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off pajeet
>debased religion that was influenced by Indo-Europeans but is now full of cuckery and/or shitskin gods
But we already have Christianity for that.
>American education
Based crypto panjeet
>Indian education
The 'writers' of the Vedas were clearly harrapans, the indo European did bring certain aspect of the religion with them
hindu nuffin
Hindus are dirty
>clearly Harrapans
Harrapans wrote about Indra smiting the dark-skinned and then stopped honoring him. Makes complete sense.
I only adhere to aum shinrikyo
You do realize indra is a position right, and the fact that Asura was a Visage and not skin color, even indra is referred to as an Asura
The Myth of Aryan Invasion in India - Dr. David Frawley - India Inspires Talks
The Collapse of Aryan Invasion Theory and the prevalence of Indigenism
Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge - Full Length
How Germans Distorted Hindu Ideas Which Led to Nazism: Rajiv Malhotra
Rajiv Malhotra explains the genesis of the Aryan Dravidian Myth
Dr Subramanian Swamy exposing Aryan Dravidian Theory
Aryan Invasion Theory Exposed By Sri Rajiv Dixit Ji
t. Paki
>irrelevant monkey babble shit
This is what I'm talking about. Modern Hindus are jungle monkeys who no longer honor the gods. When was the last time you offered sacrifice to Indra?
Oh, please. Save it for your Hindutva rally. You can't just ignore genetics and linguistics and expect to be taken seriously.
>O'er Sire and Mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up riteless men,
>Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which Indra hates.
Indra not a God you retard he is a deva, Deva and bhanhvan are different, it's just that westerners don't have a word for it so they categories them as gods
And we'll omit the part when he referred to as an Asura in the rig veda?
Blue devil spawns aren't a thing in this world
Come back when you are a catholic
Check out Alan Watts for anyone interested in hearing a different way of thinking.
And as Europeans, we of course welcome ideas that can help us to evolve. This is why we have been on top, historically.
Don't wannabe confused for muslim & shot by burger
Fuck it, here's one of your favourite ones for the lazy fucks:
Also, the Ambient Life channel on YouTube has some great ones.
Anglo education
>my modern reinterpretation is all that matters, and this doesn't keep proving your point over and over
Stop and think about it for a minute.
>muh asuras
Did a deva tell you that genetics and linguistics were evil white man science?
>Vishnu and his avatars
Most of them are blue
What linguistic you absolute retard our language derived from PIE, and the migration is a well accepted historical fact it's only invasion that's anglo propaganda
>what is artistic freedom
>I have conceded your points
>but you're a retard
Ok, then.
shut up bitch you know they are blue with 4 arms
That is retarded on a high level
But what is expected out of street shitters?
what can you tell me about karma?
Only those who born within a caste can properly practice Hinduism. Else it is nothing but larping.
>not having multiple hands
They don't accept converts. That's from the mouth of useless H1B. Hope you enjoy converting to muzzie or christy someday, they have no problem converting dumb poos.
Pretty simple explanation m8, believing a darkie religions is blue pilled and top shelf cuckoldry.
>busy rewriting history
>anglo propaganda is history
>>not a hindu yet
I'm not a poo lover you faggot
>what is expected out of street shitters
thus said the proud viking as he capitulated to a desert death cult
Karma is basically what you do, and if it's good or bad.
If you are helping a person/animal in need then it's good karma. And if you are hurting a person/animal then its bad karma.
Not interested in being a hindubob
Why would a god lead someone into bad karma?
Because humans have free will?
No, God won't lead you to do bad things, that's what Satans do.
>a god will lead you into evil because free will
Think about this and get back to me.
Ah. So Krishna is a devil?
No, Krishna is a God for us.
And be it Jesus or Krishna, they always ask us to follow the path of good.
>believing in muh giant world turtle
But you said that hurting people was "bad karma." Did Krishna not explain to Arjun that it was his duty to fight and kill?
It's almost like there were Indo-European morals involved that modern Hindus have abandoned because they don't understand them, as I tried to explain to your faggoty countryman.
You got things mixed up their maybe.
Krishna tells you to be saved when you are doing good and judges the "sinner"
Jesus saves the sinner. He came for the lost sheep not the good for they dont need to be saved. They already are.
You seem to be someone who knows a lot about Hinduism, and I like that.
Now coming to your point, yes Krishna did ask Arjun to kill and fight but that was for the sake of good. Let me give an example, it's like you are being beaten to death and you try to beat/kill that person in response, will it still be considered bad karma? No, I don't think so. But if you are voluntarily doing that to some person then it's definitely bad karma, isn't it. Krishna asked Arjuna to kill and fight since it was a war for justice.
Yeah, may be.
I don't have much of a knowledge on Christianity. Can you please elaborate a little more on the last part.
And you are exactly right about the Krishna part. Though, the teachings of Krishna are a "part" of what Hinduism is, every Hindu God has a little bit of difference in their teachings.
I completely agree, so there's that. Hurting people isn't always bad.
Yes, but only if it's a response.
You seem to have interest in Hinduism and its teachings.
Are you an NRI.
Not at all. I'm simply a person of European descent who looks to older teachings than those from the middle east. Studying some of the earlier works held sacred in Hinduism is part of that.
Can you let me know a little bit more about Christianity.
Also, I would like to answer questions, if you have any.
Post boipussy
It would be better to ask a Christian. I've never understood it, honestly. It's as fail to me as the Indian asking for boipussy is to humanity.
No problem, probably the best conversation I had on Sup Forums, everybody here is a bully as soon as I post with an Indian flag.
And ignore the retard.
A God is not responsible for our actions, we are born with our dharm (duty) but what we do is our karma the closer it is to dharma the easier would it be for us to escape this cycle of life and death
>No problem, probably the best conversation I had on Sup Forums, everybody here is a bully as soon as I post with an Indian flag.
Go back to plebbit
What you said had literally nothing to with what was being discussed. This seems to be a pattern.
No your definition of God is western /retarded, I'm talking completely on the point but you're too retarded to understand how Hinduism works
>introduction to Hinduism for westerners
>I can't keep up with the conversation, so I'll call you retarded and imply ancient eastern secrets outsiders cannot understand
Ok. Here's some western wisdom you may not be able to understand: fuck off, fake swami. I am not one of your shitskin peasants.
Bagavad Gita changed my life
Hitler wasn't blue though
I like the one with the elephant's head, Babar is it?
eternal reminder there is no such a thing called Hinduism it's a British meme to name thousands of indian subcontinent polytheistic religions
Ganesh, Rasheed
>the whole subcontinent follows the same books
>not a real religion
Take your madarsa education somewhere else
Kill yourself Achmed
I bet you think Christianity is a bunch of different religions too
Pakistan WILL be Hindu again and the traitorous muslim fucks will pay in blood for their weak faith
Hari Govinda!
>follows the same books
When did you last offer sacrifice to Indra?
what book is that? vedas?
>Pakistan WILL be Hindu again and the traitorous muslim fucks will pay in blood for their weak faith
oh no please don't take Pakistan t'll be such a loss for me :-(
The same meme again, and sacrifices were a part of yagyas that still happen
Yes each every ritual performed is from the Vedas even what the priests chant
...jeez that was...cold. Even for me. What happened to Ummah?
>Explain yourselves
Because Daoism is truer
>Indra is a meme
>I already explained how it's just a title for a shitskin demon and, like, we totally do it and stuff
When. Did. YOU. Last sacrifice. To Indra?
Ok, seriously, are you even Indian? If you are, you know for a fucking fact that not every ritual amongst all sects of "Hinduism" is a Vedic ceremony.
wasn't it collected and distributed under british colonialism from various northern indian legends?
why should i give a shit about some indian converts who aren't genetically related to me
Are you retarded nigga, even the dimensions of the yagyas are from the Vedas, some rituals do consist of other chants according to the rituals being performed but that's part of Hinduism
>still think indra is a God
The Vedas describe him as a deva, the leader of his tribe it is a title their were multiple indras in the Vedas many more after them
No they are texts that were passed down vocally for thousands of years and were written down 5000 years ago the earliest 'written' veda is from 1200 bc
Hindustan's last Hope is Sanjeev Newar. He and his followers stared Agniveer. Men with balls of steel fighting Jihadis in a nation filled to the brim with cucked, secular Hindus who can't even say "It's wrong" when a gang of Muslims rape a 16- year old Hindu girl for 10 days and force her to eat beef.
>Go to Facebook
>Search "Sanjeev Newar"
>Be red-pilled on the true nature of Islam
>Hindu shitskin hiding behind Nazi flag
>Concise, to the point books on Hinduism.
>Money paid will be used to fight Islamic terrorism in India
Today a girl from India came to my uni, fucking 8/10 holy shit
>everything we do is like totes Vedic mang
When did you last sacrifice to Indra?
I don't really need any instruction, but I do like fighting Islam. Will buy...something. Fuck Muslim savages.
>Know that your money will be spent teaching a young Lakshmi why marrying Abdul is not exactly a good idea #LoveJihad
>Know that your money will be spent debunking the myths of the "glorious" Mughals who destroyed 40,000 Hindu temples and looted India.
>Know that your money will be spent to stop brainwashing and conversions of young,vulnerable Hindus to Islam
but not to potty train Indians?
>Falling for the porcelain jew
I'm fine with teaching them to reject Islam, honestly.
toilets are NOT Jewish
who gives a shit about your opinion
I don't know if you can understand this, even intellectually, but the concept of some idiot Muslim shitskin asking me who gives a shit about my opinion is nothing but mildly amusing. You're simply not relevant.
i'm not asking you, i'm implying that i don't give a shit about your opinion
yet you're still giving it again and again with 0 self awareness or dignity
>I'm not asking you
>who gives a shit about X
Improve your English. The idea that responding to you is undignified as you continue to respond to me is a rather childish game we call "rubber and glue" here in civilization.
I like to poo in my loo