
Do you think that Europe is islamised ?

It would be good but no, it's a meme. Even in these times you need to remain realistic. There are no mass conversions, the law isn't getting islamized, people aren't getting islamized, Europe isn't getting islamized.

This is your dream ?

I'd rather see Europe getting Islamized than cucked & atheistized (which is probably the future or the present for Western Europe at least)

I prefer be atheist than a slave of a religion that is not mine

If you're ready to sacrifice your belief in God for the absolute void it's up to you. There are no slaves in Islam

by the time europe gets islamised theres nothing left of europe

fuck you. FN is totally discredited by now.

And obviously you realize Melenchon will be our next prez - and the last

Melenchon is a joke that will be over as soon as next year, time to die

>les oeils
Truly made by a nigger.

Nah, I'm just worried about France

Not even normie leftists like Mélencuck. Even cucked Macron voters say that they would rather vote "far right" FN than him

Does this map include the thousands of Africans who land on your beach every week (wisely helped by your Navy)

Just like there is no sex outside of marriage in Islam?

Muslim literally means "submission".


No, Muslim means the one who submits to God. Don't be stupid. Islam is submission to God

We are talking about religion not race, the majority of them are christians from Eritrea and Ethiopia


Read Schopenhauer's On Man's Need for Metaphysics. It will shade some light on your puny faith.

Just what I said. Submissive to god - one who submits to "god".

Nah, only mass muslims in shit tier ghettos, they are not seen in the everyday life of a normal person unless you are also living in a shit tier ghetto.

Also no mass conversions.

Also european females laugh at the sandniggers because they are so small and weak. Muzzies are made fun of everyday and everynight

Muzzies dont participate in democracy because they think its forbidden. They are totally irrelevant on a societal level.

And turks are moving back to turkey thanks to erdogan, syrian "refugees" are also heading back because no white waifu for them

Other than that, we do have some problems with arab/turk gangs in some of the bigger cities. Looking forward to get rid of them

The islamisation of the west is a meme. In order to islamize the west, the sandniggers have to get into positions of power. But sandniggers are fucking lazy and throw their butt up into the air 5 times a day instead of working. There is zero chance for them to get into any relevant position

The "muh 40% of germans youth has a mgirant background" is a meme, too. People assume 40% of germans youth are sandniggers, but germany has (and always had) a huge influx of europeans. Many poles, italians, spaniards, some french and ukrainians here. No probs with them.

The amount of sandniggers is still below the 6 gorillion line