anyone wanna see some swedish school propaganda
Swedish school propaganda
Sure, always nice to have a good laugh at swedes.
...okay bring it on
Just post it Sven
heres a summary about the alt right in the swedish school encyclopedia(translated)
alt-right movement, alternative right, umbrella term for right-wing extremist fractions in the United States.
The term was coined by the racist Richard Spencer (born 1978) and can be seen as a stunning rewriting of that movement. The movement confesses two theories of white identity and supremacy. It consists of anti-Semitic, feminist, Islamophobic, homophobic, radical nationalist and racist groups.
Supporters advocate an isolationist and protectionist policy and are critical of immigration. They are aimed at both liberal and traditional conservatives. Common to the members of the movement is that the United States and its inhabitants are attacked by what is called multicultural forces. Alt-right-movement has no formal ideology and is placed on the political scale far out on the right-hand side.
The movement is estimated to have 25,000-30,000 members, which indicates that the number of residents in the United States is very few. The All-Right Movement acts primarily on social networks and in social media.
The movement got in touch with presidential elections 2016 attention in both national and international media. The increased medial interests can be partly explained by Donald Trump's campaign chairman Steve Bannon (born 1953), who Trump Sedermera appointed the White House Management Strategy, was recruited directly from the Breitbart News High-Level News, which is described as a platform for the all-right movement.
There is no formal leader for the fractions. Richard Spencer I have to some extent become the front figure of the movement. He is behind the nationalist thought tank National Policy Institute (NPI).
It's always nice to chip at the little faith I have left in humanity, go for it Sven.
>alt-right still doesn't have a definition except "movements I dont like"
I'm so tired of this crap
Almost the same as the article in wikipedia
Like this one?
Probably because they're written by the same person.
Wew sweden that is mind blowing multiculuralist propaganda.
They know you have to get them when they are young.
Here's what I never understand about the Jewish Conspiracy: Who gives the orders?
Unless you expect me to believe that ethnic Jews are hardwired to subvert nations because ???
In jewish tradition the mother has to induce the respect of religious authorities into the son.Circumcision take care of any subconscious will to revolt to authority by putting a symbolic threat on you .
The most logical thing from then on are the big banking families .
Families are kept strictly traditional , no choices allowed .
also the City of London .
This almost made me cry.
Sweden is truly gone.
The Babylonian(!) Talmud is seventy-five volumes full of rules aimed at inducing maniacal self-loathing. Circumcision cripples the frontal lobe, ruining pattern recognition and impulse control. On top of that there is the child-fucking okayed by the Talmud and permanent fear-mongering about everyone wanting to kill them, 24/7. Standard cult shit, really. Demon cult shit, specifically. Molech, the Golden Calf, you name it, they serve it. The top five percent keep the others retarded and breed them down so as to live like gods, with the ones who try to break the cycle (or just integrate) getting left out of the loop in the sabotage they will be blamed for later. All in the name of "tikkun olam", repairing God - as in, collecting all the gold in the world to build their cow statue back and become people-burning slave-farmers like in Babylon (St George anybody?). So yeah, it's literally hardwiring. Artificial hardwiring, aimed at creating a self-destructive spy caste for their Arab "brethren" to exploit in conquering more white fuckmeat to finally re-purify their race to what it definitely was at some point pinky-swear (note the Hebrew term "arob", as in one of the Egyptian plagues, means "multitude", "swarm" or "admixture", with "arab" still being "mixed" in Arabic). Their hatred for us whites ourselves meanwhile comes off the widespread belief that the tribe "Amalek" whom Jews must genocide for not genociding them at Moses' command became the Germans at some point (when you Britons' ancestors, the proto-Saxon/Gothic Scythians, the original people called "Ashkenas", travelled through here after the literal Huns laid waste to the pozzed-up ruin that was the Middle East, their early homeland, at that time; they were themselves mixed with the Medes, who were the first to be called Aryans and are credited in the bible with wrecking Babylon). It's all really complicated. Tl;dr though - they're brainwashed cucks for Arabs since the Bronze Age at the least.
>white men are either gay or impotent
Every fucking time.
Kom igen, nu jävlar vill jag se marxist propaganda
What in the fuck janking hell
Been meaning to post this shit. Nephew showed it to me asking for help for the civics fair. What the fuck happened to our education system?
Yeah, I want to see what propaganda atheism breeds
>mfw the jew outs himself
The nose knows
this thread needs some NMR
How is this faggot the leader of anything? I've seen 70+ year old thrift store employees that look more intimidating than this chump
he's just the co-leader
the main leader is then the third leader is
They look like chumps. I support what NMR is doing but with these unrespectable looking morons in charge the organization won't go anywhere. You need some actual brains and balls, and none of them appear to have both
too many organizations these days look too much like skinheads
we need more george lincoln rockwell, less hooligans
more jared taylor, less thugs
Nuke Sweden.
i think you/they meant misogynist.
>gay flag
>wants to nuke sweden
this is quite a big oxymoron
>Gay flag
>Doesn't want to live in a sharia hell hole that hates gays
He actually seems pretty smart, unlike your people.
lol I don't even pay attention to the fucking flags. Guess I'll be a nazi from now on.
Actually scratch that, I am gay and suck big fat juicy schlongs. Just not nigger schlongs. Or spic or arab.
>works as a teacher at an elementary school
can we get a screencap or something? you got anything more?
Self flagellation accomplishes nothing you faggot. Either work on fixing the problem or kys.
>30k members
Jesus that looks like my ex, plus tattoos and a bullring. Disgusting.
This is almost nauseating to look at.
No I am having a good day don't fuck it up
>that hair
thanks sweden
Where did they get 25000-30000?
I'd say 10x that much just as the nucleus.
25/30k of us, hahaha they wish we were still so few, easily in the millions. Easily.
Oy vey the Nazis are back, the goy are ignoring us - quick tell them that it is a tiny extreme losing side! Write "right wing extremism 10 more times in the article!
The white guilt is sadly stronk in us... The chance of getting rid of all these non-whites are pretty much non-existent (at least for the time being). However, we should take this seemingly hopeless situation and try to turn it into something positive instead. The sharp influx of mudslimes in the west could (and should) be used for our own gains. We all know something must be done about the JQ eventually.
Look, I'm not a fan of these camel riders. But since there's no realistic solution as to how to get rid of them right now, manipulating them to do the dirty work for us would be the smart thing to do here (and shouldn't be so hard to begin with).
1. Most of them hate Israel and joos in general.
2. They're not burdened by white guilt.
3. They enjoy the full protection of both the establishment and the people on the left, always insisting they dindu nuffin even though they clearly did. Which is a pretty neet thing to have, if we're be able to exploit it.
Any thoughts?
this, Spencer has very few followers, only 500 showed up at his tiki torch parade
>Spencer has very few followers, only 500 showed up
someone post a pic of hilldog's rallies
Sweden went full retard. Old people and women shouldnt be able to vote
>no mention of reddit
i am disappoint
>Any thoughts?
they cannot be trusted and will turn on you once the opportunity arises
Spread anti Semitic propaganda amongst them pointing out that Bonnier who own all the Swedish Media are Jews.
Ofc they can't be trusted, that'd be foolish. The intention is not to establish any form of alliance here. Remember, we're only using them as a battering ram in order to start making some gains. Nothing else.
Will do user. It's pretty cheap bait but they'll swallow it whole nonetheless.
Farwell to hell Swedistan
At least Germany is fighting back with the last resort AfD hidden nazis. Its like sending the retards to the front, better these idiots than no one at all. SIEG HEIL