America is dying, when will you come to glorious China?
Our country is very beautiful and prosperous. Our government is stable and BTFOs all libtards and leftists.
America is dying, when will you come to glorious China?
Our country is very beautiful and prosperous. Our government is stable and BTFOs all libtards and leftists.
I'm allowed to grow pot where I live
Fuck off proxy chink.
Go be an English teacher in a country that matters.
>still not nuked
You can grow pot in China as well, just make sure not to get caught or its a bullet to the head for you, degenerate junkie scum ^_^
>""""communist"""" chink land
>the middle class didn't revolutionize against the one party shitty government
Soonly doodly
uhh hey schlomo, you guys invented communism in the first, you should be natural allies to china.
Also why do you discriminate against chinese men using jewish prostitutes? you RACISTS, chinese males and jewish women are a beautiful couple.
I will come because china is beautiful country with gorgeous women. I want to improve your genetic pool, and when WW3 is over and we are being stationed there as a peacekeeping occupational force i will try to make as many mongrels as possible.
Sorry, but I want my children to have careers than don't involve rice farming, I want them to have a full set of teeth at age 30, and I want them to be able to read more than two letters of the alphabet before dying of old age. I don't think living in China would quite work out.
been awhile since i've seen a gook hate thread
When the hundred year plan gets rid of all the pollution and builds super forest cities n shiet.
Taiwan #1 faggot
>Our government is stable and BTFOs all libtards and leftists.
>BTFOs leftists
China is litterally a fucking communist shithole
Get of the proxy amerilard, we all can see your education shine through the flag
I would like to but the language is hard to learn for me
>Our government is stable and BTFOs all libtards and leftists.
Literally only Americans talk like this.
What in the name of Jesus christ are you talking about?
What the fuck is any of this has to do Jewish women and chink beta males?
Fuck off proxy cunt.
hahah got'em
Looks cozy af. I plan on vacationing in China next year.
lenin and karl marx were jewish. You'll find that a lot of the early communists were.
lol, no
And yet you cant even invade little old Vietnam
I work for a Chinese company and go regularly to China for business.
I don't speak the language but that's not a long term issue, I could learn.
My main issues are
>the cities are dystopian level of shit that make living around shitskins seem a better alternative
>rural areas are too poor and very ill served in terms of general infrastructure
Basically I either live in 19th century material conditions, or in an ugly concrete jungle where you never know if people are spies for the Party.
>Our government is stable and BTFOs all libtards and leftists.
>Our government
literal commies that cut the link with 6000 years of history in a ideology fueled commy hissyfit
Dude, asian guys and jewish women are a very common type of interracial coupling in the US. Look it up. Same as kike men with chink women.
Also becareful with the use of beta, since being beta is literally the most jewish characteristic. Look at jews like woody allen. Y'all short and wimpy. You literally have to use your money and influence to get laid, like Harvey Weinstein.
too bad most of chinese is not liek this
Fuck off, degenerate expat faggot!
Calling upon foreigners to come to China is fucking treasonous.
Anyway, don't pretend that China isn't a disastrous dump fetid entitled materialists. You give yourself too much credit. There are no more ill-mannered and soulless people in the world than the Chinese.
Wow looks like valley of the four winds
Foreign forces have tried to change the chinese genetic pool for millennia.
This is what always happens, the invaders get chink'd. In 1000 years, one will look at Norway and everyone will have slanted eyes and yellow skin.
looks like a dbz landscape
You say China but that doesn't look like the Chinese flag...
Why should I give a shit what some unrelated fuckers do in the US? I know I'm not beta and that's enough for me.
Hey, if the US can't invade Vietnam with the highest military spending in human history, the largest bombing campaign in history, the largest mass chemical warfare attacks in history, why do you think China would?
i do not hate China
but stop eating dogs, or at least do not boil them alive
i'm serious
Taiwan no 1?
Now we're talkin!
China is great, I went on holiday there last summer, here's a selfie I made in a beautiful large Chinese city!
You mean defend South Vietnam? If that's what you meant, we did do that, and then we left because of fifth columnist hippies and congressmen.
No, China is no 1.
South korea sucks, low salaries and about to be nuked by mad norks. Come to china to actually be successful.
>people kill each other and die like its literally a nothingburger
>everything explodes
>your air spontaneously combusts if you drive a train through it
Socialism is govt policy but you are anti leftist. How?
wtf is this dr suess lookin shit
Don't ask, OP is not chinese
Yes, you did it very well, bravo america, now let's take a trip to Democratic Vietnam and s... wait. What? What is this? It seems like Vietnam is... a communist country? It seems like they have Ho Chi Minh on their money and venerate him? C-could it be? Could it be that... a burger is full of shit and STILL butthurt that they got BTFO'ed by north Vietnam?
Must be a pain to get a stable internet connection there...
Well to be fair it wasn't a full scale invasion, otherwise Vietnam would've been an irradiated hole
Stable like your north korean slave built sidewalks that cave when people walk on them? I dont want some chink to steal my dog flower and eat her nor am i interested in watching a child get ran over by a car whos driver gave no fucks. Im also not interested in watching people walk past said child for 45 minutes only to have one person scoot unconcious child out of way so they can move their cart by.
Go ahead and invite me though ill alpha all your women and then go on a killig spree when i see some stupid shit; not like anyone would care you chinks are a dime a dozen.
>that screencap of the mandarin speaking guy that dealt with chinese steel jobs.png
>haha im a european and i hate america haha ;)
truly epic
vietnam lost the vietnam war. the US literally only left because public support for the war was rock bottom. we quit because the US citizens hated us killing and destroying foreign countries so totally. so i guess if you think winning so much that your population thinks its cruel and asks you to stop is losing, then yeah we lost lmao.
now if you really want to pull out a war to say "amerilards BTFO" over, mention korea. we fought to a stalemate because NK was strategically raping us until their ability to fight ran dry vs the plentiful american and korean troops, at which point china flooded in and pushed us back to present borders.
Hahahah holy shit it's like a monty python sketch. Love how nonchalant everyone involved is.
Lived there for a few years, learnt Mandarin fluently, still had people attempting to rip me off everywhere I went because white = rich & gullible in Chinese eyes. Got bored of it, came back.
Picrelated looks exactly like my little cousin.
Completely lost it.
If only there was some way to combine socialism and a strong civic patriotism into a political philosophy
You are the backup if everything else fails.. but first it must fail which will not happen especially not with genz on its way to get old enough to vote.
>this kills the jew
I am pretty much chinese since I put my dna in many chinese holes.
Yeah, that's China alright.
I don't believe you. Show proof.
pick one
As would the US.
Every time
China is literally full though
>if the dominoes fall the wrong way, you win