is it ok to say the N word here?
Is it ok to say the N word here?
you mean nigger? Its just a word kraut.
Not for you.
Don't use my flag either. That's illegal
The fuck is that thing in the background?
Yes Ahmed, you can say nigger here
Sup Forums is a progressive website you faggot
oh cool
Nope, it's not good calling a nigger out as a nigger on this message board.
You should probably go to plebbit or Twatter if you want to demean an entire race of ppl by calling them niggers.
Please refrain from the word nigger, for we are lowly macdonia content farmers and are a board of peace.
only if its reference to neets. You don't have to be black to be a nigger, just have no job and blame people for it and you too can be a nigger. Its only racist when you imply that someone is an unemployed nigger because they are black.
Sup Forums is a board of piece, if you're going to say words like nigger it should be in an educational or argumentative context
Not acceptable: "lmao niggers XD"
Acceptable: "Jews are mysteriously at the center of virtually every legal and social hallmark directed at destroying traditional western culture along with morals of good, wholesome, peaceful family life. Where one would value sanctity of marriage and long relationships jews seem to push for divorce and pornography onto younger and younger people, infiltrating the education system especially. They are very treacherous to their hosts, sort like niggers but far more crafty and dangerous."
there are multitudinous words that begin with "n"
Guten Tag, mein Nigger.
people often use the nigger to describe a black person here
*the word nigger
first pay the toll white faget
Newfag is mean tho
No, that's racist. Sup Forums is a board of peace. Any use of the n word is just satire.
N- nani?
No, necrophilia is downright evil
You will now get fined for 3000 Euros. Better think twice.
Wut the fug is going on in that picture???
> die with your rage