>New PM koike met George Soros and exchanged opinions about open-society
>she will run for Prime minister in future
>she leads most powerful party in Japan
>her slogan is "opened conservative"
Japan YES
Japan will open border for everyone. GET READY
>New PM koike met George Soros and exchanged opinions about open-society
>she will run for Prime minister in future
>she leads most powerful party in Japan
>her slogan is "opened conservative"
Japan YES
Japan will open border for everyone. GET READY
no surprise diversity propaganda is shoved down everyones throats already for the 2020 olympic games. mud miss japan was just the beginning
Didnt Japan just have their parliament dissolved over this shit?
conservatives are the new cucks
liberals are the new socialists
taiwanese quilling board is the last bastion of western civilization
Yeap. Disbanded a significant part of their parliament because PM said so.
Magnificent country.
Bordel de merde, i already knew in my heart that gook was bad news and a jew-slave, but to see it confirmed that way hurts.
I hope she gets assassinated, and quick.
Well I heard that he police in Japan were running out of things to do. Just import a bunch of niggers and you'll soon find you have a shortage of police.
? so was she btfo'ed over this or not?
thats a old pic from like last year or so. soros isnt even going to japan since hillary lost he spends all his time in canada or europe
also there is zero sjw movement in japan really. the plane full of niggers from africa a couple years ago was enough to wake up 2/3 the population. even armed the nigs couldnt do much but get beat up. because no asian likes nigs and the second some one on tv said a plane full of nigs landed at the airport every one in the country flipped out and didnt need to hear anymore. the yakuza and local gangs all showed up in force + a few hundred armed civilians
jews and nigs are basically the same thing
why is this soros fag as influential as he is anyway.
sure, the money, but has anyone really worked out the detailed mechanics of this?
imagine having a proxy for japan and using it every single day to make this thread
is that part of your nofap strategy, user?
fucking women, always
He short national markets then use organisations against racism and fascism, and for peace and tolerance and destroy the country.
That's literally all he does, not only does he produces nothing with his billions, he actively destroy whole nations.
He's like the uberjew, the jew all jew aspire to be.
He's really sloppy about it, since he's a retarded jew, so that's why he's so public.
He would still be relatively in the shadows without the internet though, after all he's doing that for what, 30-40 years now. Yougoslavia and south-east asia notably.
the blandness of the thought
Hopefully, now that the artificial womb is done, we may see the start of a womanless era.
go away, meme flagging faggot. shoo!
i doubt this since yakuza wont allow this shit and those are in the highest echolons of nippon
>New PM
yes, sure, but there should be some mechanics as to how it is possible for him to gain such access in highest political circles.
sore ass and hillbag will both be dead before the new year and we will all celebrate.
The others, less visible and so smarter, jews like having a fall guy. So they scratch his back.
>you will never be a samurai
If this happens the world is done.
Super chinks and kikes will enslave everyone else until the end of time
This is a good thing. Maybe if Japan turns into a shithole like the West will become, they'll stop fapping to anime and become samurais again.
Where's Abe?
He's still PM, but he called a snap election a few days ago.
I can’t wait
kikes don't share
top kike
They do when the other guy is useful to them, like with the shabbos goyim in the bilderberg or that run the BIS.
obviously they'll stab them in the back a few hundred years down the line, but not right away
why is the pc screen smashed? in the back of the room??
Every evil mastermind has an executive arm or two to carry out his plans.
Soros is one of them.
And she won?
I don't think she's running. She's currently governor of Tokyo and she broke away from the party which will win the election, anyway,
Rip nip
you had to post this
sure, you can indirectly measure and infer the influence, but still very little seems to be known of the inner workings of the network, just sayin
Not the election hasn't even taken place yet. OP is just assuming she'd be PM because she's in a picture with Soros.
This Soros dude is something fucking else.
>tfw when everyone moves their for the waifus but settle on Robots.
How the fuck can you be in Japan and not know that she is not the PM of Japan, nipponigger?
Umm no sweetie.
If Japan falls to Marxists then it's over. The Japanese entertainment industry will be irreversibly poisoned by Marxism
They can destroy my own society all they want, but they will never anime from us. Never
Japan needs another katana weilding hero.
Will u be that hero?
you couldn't make it up
Lock her up
Marxists would have to start from the ground up if they wanted to change things. The culture over there is much too rigid for them to make a difference otherwise.
They won't they have a very loyal market base, the minute they fuck that up, their entire industry goes down the shitter and people will be out of jobs.
probably spreads some brain virus from his sopping eyes
lmao koike isn't pro immigration or in favor of an open society. She isn't even running enough candidates to win the election please turn off your vpn and never come back.
link story plz
Japan's "community first" traditional attitude makes them perfect for marxism, user.
>Japan will open border for everyone.
That's a load of bull shit. Where are your sources?
And it's because of this mentality that they have refused time and time again to welcome migrants. This is my point, they would have to erode that very foundation before they could carry out their plans, or take that mentality but somehow change the context and convince them to accept it.
What's the story behind this webm?
OP is a disgrace to his country. I hope you burn in hell traitor.
Much to rigid where? most of tokyo is already a liberal hellscape
Yesssssssss jap waifu here i cum
>new pm
>will run for prime minister in the future
>op didn't even include full name
>or a source
You're thread is a shit, OP.
First we bratwursted the Russians, the French, the Thais and now the Japanese will feel the eternal german sauerkraut.
How can other sex tourist nations even compete?
((( koike )))
I would like to know this as well.
Dead of Japan...Downloading...
I gucking told u !
Dont let the woman !
Woman destroy society !
Tokyo isn't Japan though. First it would have to change the male/female dynamic. There's pressure on people to marry, women to either not be in the workforce at all, or increasingly, pressured to leave when they are married. There's then the pressure for them to stay gone after having a child also.
If Japan is to actually open up, it would have to be a female led enterprise, and they have far too little agency in the current system.
That is why I say they'd have to go from the ground up. They'd have to pull the family apart like they did in the west and then increase womens status.
Ha-ha, die you fucking nips, and you'll not get "your" islands btw
So I really need to ask everyone something about that pic.
did they fug or not?
>maoist sympathizer
>gets nippon'd
Woman leading Japan.
LOOOOOOL yeah nice try.
>plane full of niggs
lol what?
>not realizing that when shit does down Asians go full insect mode
Not going to end well.
Marxist cryptokike btfo by nationalist.
Notice that this greasy kike and his ilk use women as a vector for political upheaval. It seems like every time a country starts going down the shitter, some 55 year-old childless crone is spearheading the descent. It's no wonder why two of the three Abrahamic faiths spent the majority barring women from positions of leadership and authority. Of course, leave it to the Jews to be the odd-man out. From Moses Hess, one of the original Zionists:
"Is it mere chance, that whenever I stand at a new turn in my life, there appears in my path an unhappy woman, who imparts to me daring and courage to travel the unknown road?
Oh, how stupid are those who minimize the value of woman's influence upon the development of Judaism! Was it not said of the Jews, that they were redeemed from Egypt because of the merit of the pious women,' and that the future redemption will be brought about through them?"
tl;dr -- If your country is ruled by a woman, get out. Your nation is dead.
aw, he looks like a cute little puppy
they prolly fucked
This is the mayor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, and she won't be running for PM.
Sage this fucker, he's the same "Japan needs migrants" idiot.
>japan is now also fucked
have fun
Thought this Soros nigga was supposed to be fuckin rich. What's with the shitty blue shirt and poverty watch??
My point was that liberalization can happen in japan, but I agree with the argument you're making here.
Agreed, it can happen anywhere.