Let's be real, if amerilards weren't so fat and low-iq they wouldn't feel the need to own guns to overcompensate

let's be real, if amerilards weren't so fat and low-iq they wouldn't feel the need to own guns to overcompensate.
want to solve the gun issue? force amerilards to get a better education and get fit

Other urls found in this thread:


Europeans have literally nothing to be proud of

Or just say that they have to be locked in a cabinet like here

Amerimuts need guns because of their deficiency that came from mixing different european races.

yurotards have to make shit threads to cope with their daily existence

sad !

ameritards need guns because they all live near nig ghettos

but we would lose real gems of american culture, like this youtube.com/watch?v=2WWwkArWajM

You faggoty ass Europes will learn one day that you were the dumbest fucks of them all, all alog.

>english is native tounge
>can't even spell properly

You aren't even worth it *insert own racist comment*

This makes no sense
>blacks commit majority gun crime
>white people are majority gun owners
>white IQ in US is on par with white European countries
>raise everyone's standard of education
>start mandatory fitness programs for everyone
>2nd amendment magically repeals itself
>everyone, including violent gangs of blacks and hispanics, turns in their guns
Think more, post less

Honestly I'm white and do not own a gun.

So not even america?


Let's be real, if Italians weren't so black they wouldn't feel the need to have a whole navy of battleships, cruisers, destroyers and support ships dedicated to submarine duty.

OP isn't just completely ignorant about America, he's down right fucking stupid.

BTW: Who the fuck let the 12 year old on Sup Forums???

Except for discovering America.

probably gay parents.

Let's be honest, all good and valuable Europeans migrated to America, some cucks managed to get to Canada, and some lazy fucks were deported to South America and Mexico.

The Europe was left with the worst sort, and niggers.

>spend untold hours training your mind and body for hand-to-hand combat, only to be BTFO by some untrained big guy
>buy a gun and train with it for a few hours a year and BTFO any giganigga that attacks you


>trying to bait people by posting a race mixing quarter kike
fuck off

Lets be honest

Fat guns fat fat blubber ass guns and weapons




>it's just a map of shitskins

America wasn't created by Europe per se. Europe was just ransacking it, until American fought for independence.

You forgot

>Europe being raped


and saved

this is why I travel to Yemen for vacation. Its so safe there now.



Honestly don't think Americans are dumber, they just have an extrovert culture that makes people more inclined to share their opinion. Pretentious as it sounds but the average person is dumb and as such the average burger will share their retarded ideas with those around them

In short; Americans are not dumber than others, the outside world is simply better at hiding their idiocy

Amerilards have guns to protect themselves against criminal niggers. What can u do to protect yourselves in europe against the migrant criminals?

Well color me surprised...

It's a map of intentional homicides, not a map of sharia law.

same here

that's because sophisticated intellectual whites don't need guns, brainpower is the best weapon desu

Could be less smug?

Must feel even shittier to be our offspring then, eh burger

this is great


except for a better healthcare, a better education system, a better countryside, a much more beatiful architecture and a much richer history.
keep coping amerilards

>nigger lover
>love diversity

'nuff said.

Never gonna happen. My country is doomed. I need guns to protect myself from the druggie criminals. Some day they're going to try busting in my back door. Just happened to my neighbor yesterday. We live way out in the country in a very low-pop state too.

Every fucking thread, will you fuck off


You are miles worse than him, fucking kill yourself.


why don't you just leave america? if you're not fat and unlettered, we europeans would love to welcome you

That's why everyone in your "equal" economic partnership fucking knows that you're the dead weight

t. absolute state of amerilards' understanding of economics

italy is a g8 country you fatass

I've actually wanted to move to Norway since I was 10. I have STEM degree and could contribute. But I don't think they'd want me because I'm American. I just want to live in a country where things make sense.

>a better countryside
Objectively wrong. Italy is very beautiful but nothing compares to America. Oh and your healthcare is shit and universities are comparatively shit. Everything else you said is right

Not sure it has much to do with Americans being tubby bitches but certainly education is part of the problem.

but if you compare the united states to comparable countries that have gun control (canada, united kingdom, australia, new zealand) their homicide rate is 300-500% higher

whoever made this image purposely made it so that the united states would just barely qualify to be in the green

>italy is a g8 country you fatass

For sure. Italy is a beautiful country but in this respect there is no comparison


>Gun control
>Repealing the 2nd amendment

If the population it's not armed effectively, what is going to deter the government from taking our other rights? If they take away the means of fight then the government will be almost unstoppable

If we are going for gun control, who is going to hoard the almost 300 million weapons that exists in the USA? The government doesn't have the logistics or the personal to take away that amount of weapons from both the citizens and the criminals

It's not the ability to defend yourself and the possibility to find ways to allow your safety a human right? While the police may help, their response reaction it's too slow (when seconds matter, the police is minutes away). Therefore, it's a human right to be able to get access to the best tools of self defense available.

In the same way that nobody can stop you or devoid you from your rights to buy healthcare, food, products and search for access and services. Neither with guns that can happen; stopping you from getting a tool of self defense it's a violation to your human rights because they stop your means to achieve the rights of security and defense.

Gun control only affects law abiding citizens, criminals will not follow the law and will keep getting their weapon supply from the black market and other illegal sources while the citizens lost their means to defend themselves, giving an edge to the criminals in violent crime and other illegal acts

You don't bring fists to a knife fight, and you don't bring knifes to a gun fight. Guns are weapons that level the field in a combat situation. old, sick or incapacitated people are more able to fight back with a gun against criminals. Taking away their rights to have a gun is taking away their lives.


healthcare is shit? not true at all, especially in italy and france. i mean, if you're a billionaire i'm pretty sure you could get the best the healthcare market can offer only in america, but if you're no more than a single digit millionaire then you're much better off in western europe than you would in USA. also, as far as education is concerned, western european high schools are much better than the american ones, USA universities used to be the best in the world, but now it seems like they're degenerating into shitholes - but i'm willing to concede that perhpas this is true only for the humanities and the scientific courses are still top-notch-

It's because the niggers and spics, if they weren't there, USA would be a lot safer.

I got news for you.
The government has bombs, tanks, drones etc.
When it comes to the government your guns aren't protecting you from shit.

Hey Mario, maybe you'll want guns too in 30 years or so when Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin etc have like 50% shitskin populations and all the "cultural enrichment" that comes with it.

is there a reason that you posted lauren, you cuck?
>dated a nigger and a POO
>has stated in her Ask FM that she has no preference of race for dating/marriage
>is a civicnationalist (pic related)
>is partly Jewish (her grandfather's side)
>won't ever address the JQ

if you were able to do some math you'd understand that even with the current immigration trends, italy would stil much whiter than amerilards' land for te foreseeable future. now go back fapping to lauren, fin

>being more than arms reach away from a 1911 at any time
God that’s gotta suck

This. Eurotrash faggots have forced Muslim invasion, and still accept their own removal from history. They can't even fight, have no weapons, and feel the need to try to talk down to us when 90% of all their security comes from our military. They want our country to be as fucked as theirs so they won't get slapped around like pussies or killed when they visit.

Fuck you euros. You get rekt everywhere you go here. Your little weak pansy asses will never know the liberty of being American because you could not survive the American life. We don't want you. You are the past, and soon you will be erased by your faggot governments as they replace you with 3rd world niggers.

>but if you're no more than a single digit millionaire then you're much better off in western europe than you would in USA
Literal yurofag media propaganda. If you’re in poverty then I agree the yuro system is better, but for the other 90% it’s too expensive, inefficient, and the medical personnel just aren’t as good because they’re paid like shit. I’m a med student and I plan to be making $500k when I’m 35. I could not do that anywhere else in the world

Education in western yurop is far superior to us education until the university level and that hasn’t changed, even though our formerly elite colleges have gone downhill.

>What is ISIS
>What is Vietcong
>What is FARC
>What is Korea
>What is Iraq

Guerrilla warfare stands effectively against governments with a lot better and numerous equipment. Thinking that the American people, who owns almost 300 million weapons, have access to a shit ton of information, owns a massive amounts of vehicles and it's extremely close to the enemy can't fight back as effectively as Muslims, Chincks or spics in worse situation and positions is ridiculous.

there's nothing wrong dating a black dude if she likes it. she's so beautiful and she deserves someone who can satisty her

Well, the rest of the world has less to be proud of, so there's that problem.

Oh look, another "Waahhh we can't own firearms so we're jealous of Americans who can!" thread. How refreshing.

>can't even go anywhere as a family without 19 nigger dicks being shoved in his moms mouth.

You're correct on healthcare and high school. As far University though the US has like 12 of the top 20 Universities in the world.

that's what the average amerilard believes. the fact of the matter is that sweden is much whiter than america has ever been despite the unfortunate current immigration trends. perhpas if you weren't spending so much in junk food you'd be able to travel and see it for yourself

They throw their wives and daughters at them.

Amerilards are 300 million guns strong. No army of wop degos would ever even reach the heartland of our fair nation.

Suck the anus of Merkel while she fills your country with sand rape.

>t. burger education
Most EU countries have decent gun laws, the US is better of course but aside from the UK and Germanistan, I don't know of any EU countries with strict gun laws.

> Projecting this hard

How long has it been since these dirty dagos did anything worth while?

Listen man, we know you are a joke to the rest of Europoor and the world...no need to try and take that frustration out on some freedom-burgers.

It's around the same as European countries, and we're only half white. Wake me up when Shitaly has a university in the top 100.


Keep spreading lies. Britain and Sweden have massive rape and murder problems due to force immigration. For everyone of you faggots swearing how great Europe is, there are 10 more refuting that sentiment. Nigger loving faggots like you only get the balls to talk shit whenever their is some tragedy in the US. You could not even hope to compete here, so you try to shit on us. Stay jelly faggot.

Meant for

>has highest ranking colleges in the world
>also has big scary guns

Stupid Amerilards

Nigger, are you stupid? In italy you're only allowed to even own 3 firearms (up to 6 for "sporting" so those .22s don't even count really) and you're trying to tell me I don't know shit about EU gun laws? You're not even allowed to carry a firearm in public unless you have a CC permit which is only issued to "security personnel." That's not strict? You're a fucking moron.

Guido BTFO.

That's a spicy meat ball.

> coping so hard that you have to convince yourself that consensual sex is actually rape

not their fault if they prefer tyrones, amerilards. be more kind and maybe they'll let you watch

you do know that the user you're responding to has a france flag, right? and you have the audacity to call out the alleged stupidity of other people. here we go with another amerilard brainlet, folks


>i know i'll post an image of lauren southern while i shitpost this boring gun control trolling everyones heard a million times
>responses assured
please don't post in these threads without a sage, honestly what is wrong with you?

Ya everyone goes to Italy to get educated. Well known for all those ivy league schools.

Your country teaches people how to make pasta dipshit.

Apparently I know more about EU gun laws than that francefag and you're calling me a brainlet when I live on the other side of the planet than you retards and know more about how shit works in your country? Yeah, you jealous cunts can go fuck yourselves. Have fun with your squirrel shooters, you dumbass cucks. I'll keep having fun with my freedom while you cry your little eyes out and wish you were like us.

the modern university system was liteally created in italy, faggot

japan is awesome. you'll always be an outsider but they'll never allow mass immigration to destroy their country
it's all comfy decline

This thread is filled with the American Internet Defense Squad, or AIDS for short.

> m-muh freedom
what kind of freedom do you have? i bet that if a big tyrone were to knock on your door and threaten you, you wouldn't do jack shit no matter how much guns you own. and you talk shit about defending yourselves from m-muh govt when you're a bunch of obese lazy ass, go get fit faggots


>still harping on the JQ while the west is being flooded by third world peasants
0.2 Rials have been deposited to your account

Why is it always the Eurofags that go straight to thinking about dicks when guns are mentioned? Are dicks always on your mind?

dicks and a pervasive yearning for a nice American-style shower with decent pressure and warm water, where you don't need to mop up the whole bathroom afterwards
seriously though. Italians built aqueducts that had a 2% gradient over hundreds of miles but they can't devise a shower where the water pressure exceeds "drizzle" and all converges in the drain after use