Do you think transitional "surgery" will be viewed like lobotomies are now in the future? This is barbaric...

Do you think transitional "surgery" will be viewed like lobotomies are now in the future? This is barbaric. Is it likely that a vast majority of people are silently sickened by trannies and just refuse to say anything due to PC culture?

I am not even right wing but everything surrounding transexuals disgusts me. If we reached a level of technology that you could make a perfect female body and then put someones brain in it then it mightn't disgust me but even then I don't know.

Other urls found in this thread:

head transplant is a thing now. its only a mather of time before we can transplant whole brain. soon 60 yo men will walk the earth in a 16yo cuty body. Just wait.


over prescription of pills, antidepressants, ssri's and the like will be what people see as todays lobotomies.
but yes, that's disgusting as well. Too many shitheads exploiting off of retards mental illness for a buck.

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

The public is far too dumb now to care about the chemicals in their food in water that are giving them gender dysphoria.


yes. not only the surgeries. but especially things like giving children hormones/puberty blockers

I don't have it but there is one of the opposite where they make a fake penis and its also disgusting.


You can cut the dick but not the Y.
The transgender brainwashing should swipe over Africa ASAP.

this! so much.

Slow decapitation
Arms cut off
People burning
Pitbull tearing throat
Skull fractured
I've seen it all but this webm cuts me deep everytime. Why is so disgusting ?

I have seen some pictures here, and they look absolutely disgusting. But cutting your penis is permanent.
You can never ever recover from that. This is mental illness.
You're just amputating yourself. This world really scares me.

the only webms i cant stand are animal cruelty ones or any that involve delicate body part like fingernails and genitals

the only webm that ive acutually recoiled and shivered from watching was a guy running his wrist over a cheese grater, things like webm related related dont phase me

That's fucking wild.


>Yo lets go and get our dicks chopped off and trick dudes in the club into fucking us


Seriously man, what is wrong with this world?
Why are human beings so disgusting?
Is it from Mexico? If yes, these cartels are even more violent than Isis.


Youre definitely a leafposter

>we are all equal

dont worry mate, were always safe as long as we have eachother

Do you guys have those webms on a gif? Or videos?
Im on my phone


This behavior is totally in line with culture going back a thousand years. Spics have always been into mutilation and gorey rituals.

What happened here?

Are they getting forced to eat that dude lol?

nigger tried to steal copper so he could sell it for money, probably didnt realise that metal conducts electricity

trying to steal copper so I've heard


remembers me of this. DMT cults.
of course it's just probably regular cannibals.

when you are shocked by electricity muscles contract and it's very hard to let go whatever you have grabbed. Thus the nog fried himself to death.

That is why if you are ever stupid enough to try touching anything that may conduct electricity you should do it with the back of your hand.

also always use the back of your right hand!
That way if there's power your body won't be conducting it via your heart

Method Man is based mushroom eater
>Let's go inside my astral plane

is this spirit cooking that podesta and hillary keep going on about?

Yes. It's barbaric. How the western world could allow for such a technique to exist only shows how deprived some science has become.

People no longer worry about collateral damage, they only want to make money as quickly as possible even if it means bastardising medicine in the process.

>if money for gender reassignment surgery actually went into the funding of genetics, a more scientifically accurate sex change could be the thing of the future instead of this butchery.

I was thinking about this yesterday when I was driving. It is barbaric and insane. The same people who say this is a cure rightfully condemn other forms of mutilation.

I agree. It's a barbaric abuse of humans and children that will only be viewed as a shameful chapter in western society.

these procedures are controlled mutilations.
they are as barbaric as attempts to change sexual orientation through transplanting testicles.

the operation was actually invented by Germans as the Ultimate Circumcision for Jews.

When these doctors who perform these surgeries die, what do you think will go through their minds as they relive their life and catalog how well it was spent?

>the only webms i cant stand are animal cruelty ones or any that involve delicate body part like fingernails and genitals
>the only webm that ive acutually recoiled and shivered from watching was a guy running his wrist over a cheese grater, things like webm related related dont phase me
let me guess you never had friends?

s-shut up poland

I know it looks hard but try to find some
it will be good for you, but remember that minority of ppl can be shit

I honestly cannot fathom why they do this. In the US it seems obvious since you hook a guy on medical bills for the rest of his days so it's easy income. However in countries (like mine) where there is a Healthcare service all you've done is cripple somebody for life and mutilated their genitals. I understand these people have an illness and we should do our best to help them. But encouraging them to essentially self-harm like this does not seem like an answer a Doctor should be giving. I'm not one to even arm-chair Doctor ever and this is the only issue where I'd just shake my head at. These people are ill, making them more ill is not the answer. When these people start getting to their advanced ages that's when the disasters begin to appear.

>When these people start getting to their advanced ages that's when the disasters begin to appear.
in just the last few years the number of people becoming trans and having their genitals chopped off has skyrocketed. soon we are going to be seeing some pretty groovy statistics

>being this lonely
>so you can actually find someone that fucks you

Is anyone else hungry after watching that?

its completely natural



Sounds like bogus, link it

Oh jesus. This one too, this worse than gore but why ?

Castrated degenerates is good.

what the fuck man...

you know its te truth

>they need to wake that guy up at 5 secs and just leave him there.

>Do you think transitional "surgery" will be viewed like lobotomies are now in the future?
Most definitely, and the comparison is spot on. Treating mental illness with invasive surgery will always be on the "whoops" list.

It's worse than lobotomies. Trannies are being used to attack your very grasp on reality. If you can't even see a pretty girl without having to stop and think, "Wait, is that actually a trap?" then you can't trust your rationality at all. Anything can be anything, and you'll have to trust some authority to tell you what's what.

It already IS viewed as barbaric as lobotomies and most of the medical community has already started speaking out against it....

>Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, has denounced “institutions that promote transition affirmation” as engaging in “nothing less than institutionalized child abuse” that can inflict “untold psychological damage.”

She has a similar article lambasting tranny support in schools here:

That article links to an interesting study she published (and was peer reviewed) here:

The study concludes:
>There is no rigorous scientific evidence that GD (gender dysphoria) is an innate trait. Moreover, 80 percent to 95 percent of children with GD accept the reality of their biological sex and achieve emotional health by late adolescence.
>The treatment of GD in childhood with hormones effectively amounts to mass experimentation on, and sterilization of, youth who are cognitively incapable of providing informed consent. There is a serious ethical problem with allowing irreversible, life-changing procedures to be performed on minors who are too young to give valid consent themselves.

>Dr. Joseph Berger, President of the Ontario District of American Psychiatric Association and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, states that from “a scientific perspective,” being “transgendered” is a psychological issue – “emotional unhappiness” – and “cosmetic surgery” is not the “proper treatment.”

>“From a scientific perspective, let me clarify what ‘transgendered’ actually means. I am speaking now about the scientific perspective – and not any political lobbying position that may be proposed by any group, medical or non-medical.”
>“‘Transgendered’ are people who claim that they really are or wish to be people of the sex opposite to which they were born, or to which their chromosomal configuration attests,” he stated. “Sometimes, some of these people have claimed that they are ‘a woman trapped in a man’s body’ or alternatively ‘a man trapped in a woman’s body.’”

>“Scientifically, there is no such thing,” he said. “The medical treatment of delusions, psychosis or emotional happiness is not by surgery,” continued the doctor.

Yes, and I've said it here many times, it is pure human experimentation

If the concensus was just, ok you feel like a woman, your just a very effeminate man and for the sake of getting along socially we will agree to call you a woman (although wont be forced to by law). HOWEVER, there are some realities you just have to get over, you can no more actually become female than become a tiger, it is what it is, maybe in the future there could be a way to change you on the genetic level but right now any equivalents are barbaric and will do nothing but fuck up your sexual organs and probably your already fragile mental state. So go ahead, get a boob job, take some hormones (as an adult) and put on a dress but for the love of god leave your dick alone.