Is Vienna the perfect capital for a new European union
Euro unity thread
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Please no
Why ?
vienna is full (sand)niggers and other shitskins.
I vote for Brno.
Do want you want lads
kainuu is the only patrician choice
>implying Brussel is better than Vienna
We can fix everything and Vienna is the best choice
quintessentially European
>wanting a federal Europe
You will really join the EU one day, we promise!
Yeah brno is more central and lays in the heart of Europe but Vienna lays between the germanic latin and slavic world so it is more strategic and effective
Go back to central asia
I think you mean what to want and we will annex you back by force
>Capital of Europe
First off, Capital cities are useless today. They are mere remnats from times when politicians had to travel by horse.
Then, Vienna is full of pretentious Austrian wankers who call themselves "Doktor" or "Geheimrat" or some other shitty title just because they have lined up in a Supermarket behind a real Academic. Pathetic.
And thirdly, Europe is a subcontinent. As a political body it has no future. It will fall apart in the near future - for the benefit of literally everyone.
t. European
Extremely northern and have border with Russia
We will think about it
Only when they become Christians
Please, get those eurocrats out of my city !
My neighbours are a homosexual couple (one Italian and one Irish), with an adopted little niggeress, working for the European Commission.
Send them to Bulgaria.
man what? what od you have to do with thecountry he livesin joining the european union. im at a loss of words and cant really understand what you mean lol
Anatolia is in central Asia since Europe is just a peninsula of Asia. We are all Asian.
No!!! We should leave leave this corrupt, disgusting, oligarchic undemocratic, intransparent shitty so called union. We shouldn't lead this bag of shit.
Please annex us already and save us from the European Union.
vienna is rightful slovak clay, not even kidding
germans need a slavic rapefest once again to purge the shitskins out
First capital cities aren't useless but decentralization (which was a mistake) made them useless
Second we can purge and reform Vienna
Thirdly unity work if we can coexist the eu is falling because of islam
Is Brussel and nightmare as people say The turks can join if they become Christians
If the whole of Europe should be ruled by one people it should be the swiss:
>jewish like character but still white
>peaceful and sensible people
>cold as fuck
>know how to make diverse european culture cohabit
>know how to run a decentralized entity
>too ridiculously small to ever bully other nations
thats really islamophobic user
Also forgot
Which are the core qualities.
No, if any citiy then Belgrade.
Well thanks but we‘re never ever going back together (into an union)
You've already got one. Its called Mecca.
>Patience my bother, patience.
I second the motion. It would be way better to live under some sort of benevolent or at least not malevolent foreign rule than under the Merkel Regime.
You forgot sardinia.
Vienna is GOAT city
You are already living under American rule. There isn't even a constitution. You are looking for some new overlords? I bet Russia or Saudi Arabia would take over anytime if you think this will be a better choice.
Dammn Germany, learn to live as a single already.
>want to be ruled by the Swiss
Fuck off and make your own Switzerland you faggots. The Swiss system is predetermined for an adaptation by the EU: It's absolutely scalable and it allows regions for a maximum of self-determination while ensuring political, economical, and cultural stability from the bottom to the very top.
The only problem: your (((elites))) would lose some power/control.
Hey, we could kick out the useless UN to accommodate the useless EU.
Brussels is like 30% Muslim not even exaggerating
stay in brussels for the love of christ
>Brussels is like 30%
Good. Ww3 will be interesting when Mama Merkels Multi Culti Army has to trample over Belgium for a third time but be mindful of the locals. In fact when you reach 80% they will probably take their chances with the Maginot line v2.
Fuck off Austrifag, Vienna had its time, get over it.
Fuck that. Three Seas Initiative or bust.
no need for a capital when the EU has dissintegrated
>Germany in charge of being a country
>"Only when they become Christians"
Hi Shlomo, how's the weather in Tel Aviv?
You've already tried, raclette-nigger
> Smaller force
> almost equal casualties
If ww1 is any indication we can actually do it.
Anglos > Europeans
No it is either Geneva or Zurich.
Anglos = Europeans
>Poland in caliphate
heh, faggot
>Anglos aren't European
The ANGLO stands apart from lowly Euros.
The ANGLO is the one true Master Race.
Mainly because Switzerland is not a part of the EU...
Just fuck off making some cheese and chocolate, will you?
sorry, Europe and the World already has its capital