Why can't attractive young looking single mothers who are too attractive for you, find love?


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Ealy 40s

>mother of four
hahaha. having four fatherless brats lowers your attractiveness by 9 points

This, being a single mother knocks your attractiveness by half alone. But having 4 kids and being divorced is pretty much is a death sentence for you.

Very atttactive girls don't have any problem finding love.
Dumb cunts on the other hand...

No way that's her

>can YOU guess her age?

at least we will soon be rid, she wants to move to the US

That's a man baby

She does look like a 22 year old British woman.


All the men are too busy getting Comped sushi

Fuck. No. Fuck you. Don't send this shit here. We got our own "too much of a woman for you" and "single because just too fabulous" delusional cunts in denial.

Ugly as hell. She can't find love because she's too picky and still thinks she deserves a 10/10 Rich Chad while bringing nothing to the table but 4 shitskins and being a receptionist. Oh and a gash that's flapping in the breeze

This is the best new meme

a wizzard sleeve pucci

That is actually a 10/10 in bongland though.

>Single mother of four
Kek, I wonder why she's having trouble finding some beta pro- I mean, suitable partner.

thousands of dollars

Mentally ill ugly gypsy looking slag.

>rich chad

Psh, I bet you think 100,000 dollars is a lot of money.

That's a man, baby!

>because women never think they're entitled to a rich guy just for existing
Weak shit post Aussie. Attack the argument, not the man.

I work with a single mother who is always talking about how guys always want her to me. I think she finds me attractive, and that's her way of telling me that other people find her hot, so I should too. She's a 5 at best, chubby, and has a kid. No way am I touching that.

>some literally who youtuber with 100 views per video being shilled in the news

Without all the makeup, lighting and camera angles she looks like a typical middle aged woman in her vids too

>mother of four

something telling me there wont be a 5th

Jesus, she is the definition of denial.

>4 kids
This is why we need a race war guys

fucking this. The only way for her to sink even further would be if the children where half black. Being the single Mom of one half-black child is already a sign of uttermost stupidity, but having more than one? Probably from multiple Tyrones? That's some next level shit.

The things women have to tell themselves so they dont do a hero is beyond funny.

100k will get you a long way in the US, but isn't 100kAUD minimum wage there?

>I think she finds me attractive, and that's her way of telling me that other people find her hot, so I should too.

That's exactly what it is. She's one of those who do not understand sexual dimorphism and thinks men function in the same way as women.

Vapid cunt

>fat body
>fat face
>20% nigger
>dyed hair
>single mom of four
mfw that's a 9/10 "so attractive it's intimidating" in London.

>Daddy, why can't we have another mommy
>All the Stacies are rejecting me son because I am used good

>4 kids
>mystery meat
>dyed hair to disguise her age
>attention whore (YT channel)

Theres your problem love


Minimum wage here is about 35k AUD and we get COMPED free welfare in addition to it.

wait is that her?

>"sometimes I wish I didn't look so good"

is this satire?

Of course, you can buy an older 3 bedroom home in the US for 100k, what's housing like in Australia?

mouses ear

>single mother of 4
Surely after the 3rd it was time to get the good ol' fallopian tubes tied.

One million AUD for a small unit in Sydney.

trying to make you jealous because she thinks that will attract you.

female logic

it would be tragedy if it wasn't such comedy

nature really fucked up when it made them operate on negative emotions so much

>her way of telling me that other people find her hot, so I should too.
This is exctly that. Women do this all the time, they maybe think it's subtle.

You get more government handouts the more kids you have here. hence why pakis and muslims and indians and british scum have huge families

explain your need to put the qualifier "free" in front of "welfare" you complete autism

That's slowly changing because of the benefit cap.

>british woman
Checks out


they always say they are going to introduce caps though, then they just come up with a new scheme with a different name

that's a 4.5/10.

>looks like an average 44 yo shitskin


the average women is a master at rationalization. they suck at problem solving but they are stellar at making up excuses why it isn't actually their problem and should be solved by someone else anyway

Right! I wanna know what evolutionary advantage exists from women nagging a man to death. How is that a survival trait? Men did not evolve to feel compelled by nagging. It doesn't make us want to stay and protect the tribe. So why?

The average British 12 year old looks 25 so I guess it checks out.

too attractive, yeah, thats a real turn off. I'm too attractive for most the woman around here so i can relate.

looks like a stressed chimp found the lipstick

Bitch is crazy. Legit nuts.
I was expecting someone at least attractive but this bitch is gross. Obviously she is suffering delusional psychosis.

>all this mystery meat trash now because of muttculturalism
>they fuck around in their teens and young adult thinking they are hot stuff
>25 plus they look like shit and no one wants them
>still have their inflated egos because they thought they were cool.
Insufferable. They all want good looking white men too.

>tfw to attractive too find a significant other
i too can relate with this beautiful indian woman, its why im a virgo (^;


Your suicide rate over there must be through the fucking roof.

>mother of 4

Perhaps she should have considered having one of the fathers of her 4 little mutts stick around?

evolution doesn't select for shit that starts after the impregnation, which would have happened fairly early on before the rise of contraception. and a lot of men get fooled by those psycho-games until it's too late.
that's kind of a weak explanation though, I don't really know. but men and women seem to be terribly ill suited for each other

too designated looking to find love

THIS Dawn Cousins??


Its got to be a modern thing. I suspect nagging was always around to a very small degree. Maybe it was useful information at some point eg "stop eating those red berrys, they will kill you because they are poisonous". I have noticed that older people cave into nagging much faster than younger people.

Those eyebrows.....lol

>I'd still fuck her

For years I thought British people were repugnant. When i say British i mean the new brits and the ones that live in cities.
Recently i've heard lots of normies just say they don't like brits anymore. They are basically too full of shit.

Fuck off we're full.

Let me guess, she's really 76?

> "attractive"

Uh huh.


we've got so much multiculturalism we're exporting it

And so the political correct left has ruined another life, figures. They really want to create a world full of mentally ill people.

They look half their age alright.
As in getting drunk and sitting on their own piss surrounded by cigs and eating burgers and hotdogs at 3am


There is a cap already you can only claim a certain amount, the only way around it is to get a job. I think the cap is 21k a year, that includes housing benefit/child benefit/child tax credit/esa/jsa.

I think I know what she means. Like she is really sexually attractive in such a way as to make people think she is just a cock sleeve, when really shes a tired old hag who wants to hook into one final host to slowly extract resources from while she awaits death

>be 53 year old grandmother
>can't accept that you're old and used up
>go out clubbing with other similarly aged slags
>die at 53 of liver failure because this is only the end of a long string of nights, every saturday since she was 14

that will be the norm now, all of the 50 year olds now are the daughters of our grandmothers, our grandmothers stayed home baking and cooking and looking after the house, the last real generation of women.

imagine when chavs in there 30's turn 50 in 20 year's, that should be a sight to behold.

I looked directly into her eyes.


>single mother of four
>thinks too attractive for men to be interested

Wew lad, this bird is delusional.

Lmao, British media have the best clickbait technology.

Chext. She's a handsome woman of around 45. Still, 4/10 would not bang.

they know pissing people off with blatant inflammatory stories will gain a response. much like any media anywhere also know this.

>being comfortably beautiful enough to complain about it


pump and dump. thats all single whores with shitlets are good for

Single mothers deserve death

in london ya thats hot. thats cuz london is full of snaggletooth fat slags already

>I'm to beautiful to vote Trump

That's terrible. At 7? Fuck, that is just cruel. Britain, you guys are fucked up worse than we are. Probation for running child rape gangs and prison for looking at the Internet or saying something bad. Seriously, fuck you guys.

>single mothers

I love Sup Forums. You've made my heart happy, user.

10/10. Poor bongs.

Looks like a Brasilian tranny