Friday night's with my friends' on Sup Forums

>Friday night's with my friends' on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


it's okay, aussie
you're okay, aussie
don't be in melbourne tomorrow


Still early morning here, Mr. I live in the future.


sgarn on moite

helo fren hao ar u

here's a bebe 4u(rare)


*attempts smile*

same, I worked all day now im getting PISSED

i wish i could but i have no money




Don't worry aussie, I'm here for you

you fags are losers

That's obviously a ballsack
I'm not falling for that

show your true flag or gtfo, nigger faggot

Looks like you're in the Sup Forums position m8.

>everyone here is too new to remember the friday Space Elevator threads

They were comfy desu baka senpai

Sending my empathy days out there. Got love in my heart for you queer baits.

Friday night on Sup Forums wow you losers really need to get a life

> Friday night on Sup Forums wow us losers really need to get a life

>still hasn't shown his flag


Whats up aussie bro

just kill me please

i am sick of my life

No you don't. You hang in there damnit. Even a faggy German such as yourself needs to hold on. We live in strange and terrible times. Now is when we really need to hope!

This, hang in there.
Even I have done it and got my life back on track after several years of being a neet and severe depression.
Go occupy your mind with something else, go and workout and change your eating habits, sometimes that really helps.
Stop dragging thing that need to be done behind you, just do them and be done with it, otherwise it just piles up and it gets more difficult to move on.
If you have no occupation, even if you have a shitty education, just send applications everywhere you would work for, even if they don't have a job offer right now, sometimes they hire anyway.

>meme flag
>talking shit


I'm in college and some Friday nights I'm on Sup Forums just to take break from my studying. Everybody's got to take sacrifices

I love you guys. This place is by favorite in this shitty semitic world. Thank you for every moments you gave me and for every moments you will give me. I love you all anons (except the joos)

This pic gets me everytime
Godspeed user, maybe we'll have our destiny back one day.

>telling someone who is likely depressed as fuck to go occupy his mind with something else

lmao You realize that's literally the same as telling a muslim to stop being a muslim right?


I was one of the greatest idea ever, it will happen again.

what do u mean?

somebody here?

>australia flag
ree get away from me

I must submit i have become socially retarded.