Can we meme Russell Brand for next UK Prime Minister?

After passing draconian anti free speech laws by Theresa May that will lead of imprisonment up to 15 years of people due to non-existing imaginary far right terrorism,basically helping real Islamic terrorism.

Russell Brand for Prime Minister Facebook account already has 130.000 supporters.
Russell Brand supports free speech AND free expression.He is against the (((Establishment))) against the (((Bankers))) and offers alternative views.Young Brits like him.Time to think smart

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fuck off you cunt.

Time to think smart mate.Brand is not a Normie.He may be a little bit crazy but he ain't no normie

he's a commie you faggot. kys

Why would we want this masonic pussy in a real position?

If Bowser had a sex change.

He hates capitalism while tries to sell you a book.


Fuck off kike sage

fugoff montenigger

I cannot think of a more obnoxious human being than this brain-fried turd

Who was that man he wanked off in a gay pub toilets for the sake of a shitty cable TV show anyway?

rusel brond is a massive libtard cuckboy

Once a junkie, always a junkie.
Why don't you just go all in and have a Somalian warlord as PM? Can't wait to see that Question Time broadcast.

>the tories are shit, so we should elect an SJW extremist

All Anglos should be gassed for the good of the planet. They are a cancerous lesion on Europe with literally no redeeming quality.

He is 40 that's not a young Brit, was good on the joe rogan podcast though

We invented America


This vacuous pile of fetid piss water is a disgrace, and you're a disgrace for even suggesting this.

Yes but only because Britain deserves to be completely destroyed for their sins. Brand seems like the man to finish the job.

fuck off kike

First of all, we don't vote for a person to become PM, we vote for a political party. Whomsoever is leader of the party that gets voted into office, is the PM.
What party is Brand a leader of? The brain-dead communist faggot gay wank party?
Second of all,

Elect Alan Sugar for the Twitter bants,

>Second of all,


I hope Moggy takes over as head of the conservative party and holds a referendum on whether we should have Brand publicly hanged.

Be careful what you wish for.

Excuse me ?



he's also hard left, fuckwit

btw buy my overpriced book and overlook that i'm rich as piss and related through my wife to banking dynasties

t. le left wing man of anti-bigotry

You trailed off.

He's a fucking commie.

He's a thick as pigshit drug addled moron

>voting for a political party
lol, imagine being this retarded

Brand is a brainwashed, brain dead fuckwit. Have you even the him debate? It’s like watching a 7 year old Down’s syndrome kid throw a tantrum.

What possible good can that level of idiot bring to the prime job?

A shit for brains communist and a self admitted psychopath. Great idea, user.

>Of course i support free speech. Just not that horrible racist right wing speech. That isn't free speech. Speech is only free when people are being kind to each other.
Hippie dippy pseudo spiritual mumbo jumbo. I'm free speech except when I don't like it.

He is a moron.

>make a pseudo intellectual commie prime minister
I'll pass on this one thanks

His 18yo insights are only admired by 'quirky' girls of a similar age

He's a fucking Ancom degenerate who I'm pretty sure still advocates communal living. Fuck that. At least in prison it's easy to get your own cell.

Fuck off, this drugged up has-been is incredibly anti racism and free expression, saged

that's called
>internalized capitalism

>Anarchism doesn't mean anarchy! No! It means that hospitals are run by the patients, ward by ward. Nurses will decided if they want to turn up or not. They should still get paid.

It's fascinating to listen to him.Joe rogan is almost as stupid.

It doesn't work that way in Bong lad. He'd have to be an MP first, then become leader of his party. It's not like in the US where you just declare you're running.

Well, that's how it is. That's why we had a coalition between Lib-Dems and Conservatives.
That's why we have Theresa May.

You vote for the candidate, not their party

him and jimmy saville were good buddies

why do you think russel """brand""" was such a junkie and overall drugged out in his youth?

O fugg I remember that. You're certainly right, though.

Oh, yeah. I did.
I've lost my train of thought now. I'll file that one away as unfinished masterworks.


Hes a jew commie he wont help shit only make it worse.

No, the party votes for the candidate.
UK voters don’t elect a Prime Minister directly.

Voters select a Member of Parliament (MP) to represent their constituency. The MPs are from particular political parties and these parties decide on a leader.

Prime Ministers are officially appointed by the Queen, and stay in office as long as they can command the confidence of the House of Commons. This is usually defined as leading the party or coalition that has the majority of elected MPs.

There isn’t a constitutional requirement for the Prime Minister to have led their party through a general election before they come into office, or to stay in office.

Also would scrap trident.
Also believes islam is a beautiful religion.
Also is a Global Warming hippie, he'll force higher petrol and diesel prices to 'encourage' use of hybrid or electric cars.

Yeah we'd get free speech and all but it'll be lefty as fuck. He makes Jeremy Corbyn look like God Emperor.

He'd be a shit PM and a laughing stock on the global stage.

>Voters select a Member of Parliament (MP) to represent their constituency.
so you agree with me? thanks

I wish fucking foreigners would stop thinking they know shit about how anything works here.

Fucking kill yourselves, retards.

user here thinks a Member of Parliament is the Prime Minister.
Will someone please help him understand why he is a stupid twat?
I've tried to explain it in words a three year old could understand, but he just doesn't seem to get it.
I'm all out of crayons, and I suspect he's been eating them.

>claim you vote for a party
>get told you dont
>explain yourself that you don't

makes me think senpai

He's a Satanist and a pedo, get to fuck you nonce

>makes me think senpai
I doubt any force In heaven or Earth could do that user.

"oops i was wrong better just call them stupid lol"

great thread
i actually feel like im browsing r/eddit, dudes

fuck off cunt shill faggot

Bongs don't even know how things there work because THEY DON'T.

ok m8 good post

No he's a faggot literally

He's a carbon copy of every nihilistic urbanite. There is nothing he says that you couldn't hear from some shitty SJW at Starbucks

>Voters select a Member of Parliament (MP) to represent their constituency. The MPs are from particular political parties and these parties decide on a leader.
>The MPs are from particular political parties and these parties decide on a leader.
>The MPs are from particular political parties and these parties decide on a leader.

>a literal communist alleged comedian in a hat PM
no fuck off

>Can we meme a retarded communist into power in the UK
Possibly. But let's not.

only the MPs don't need to be from a political party nor does the prime minister need to be the leader of a political party

so this is pol
i think ill stay

he's a champagne socialist whose scientific illiteracy is even worse than bible-nuts cuckservatives



BUMP for good idea


A Prime Minister has nearly always been the one in charge of their party from the days of Walpole. The exception has been after the Massacre of the Pelhamite innocents in 1763 to 1783 where after the loss of America, the Whig Resurgence pushed out Lord North and restored party politics to control George III.

no, he's a nonce

He'd name drop the Illuminati during his victory speech and immediately get assassinated.

Worked with Trump, anything is possible now

Not in the UK, our system doesn't work like that.

How fucking stupid are you? That prick as PM? Neck yourself.

>i hear ya mate, now let try to turn the conversation into a sales pitch for communism
Somebody acid this faggot's face already.


That's is some Grade A Abo Bush Kush, m8.


No wonder you're dying as a nation.

Corbyn has been a Labour MP for decades and he was elected party leader. When I say our system doesn't work like that I am not referring to ideology, I'm saying Brand can't just say he's running for PM like Trump can say he's running for President. He needs to be an MP and then voted party leader.

This faggot is one of those fake contrarian le I did heroin retards.

Total globalist shit in a new package.

Why Brand , there is already /ourguy/ Corbyn

He'd be a better candidate for Mayor of London.

you are fogetting one vital piece of info OP and that that is the UK doesn't vote for a PM.
you would need Brand to be the leader of a party that wins a majority or the largest number of seats in the Parliament.

it isn't really memeable given that he has no party.

>Somalian warlord as PM
Mo Farah is already a Knight, so it isn't that crazy

Russel brand is fucking cancer

Wow I didn't even noticed this thread got responses,so let's do it boys. Or you want Tories rule forever

Sure 3 conditions
> he chops his dick off
> he promises to inunciate his words more clearer and with proper grammatical structure, innit
> he stops being such a leftist wolly when he knows in his heart he is a facist.

I will told him that personally kek

Shit I just solved Russell Brand.

>a literal marxist for PM
Why do you want to out-commie Corbyn?