So what difficulty do you play your life on?

So what difficulty do you play your life on?

This begs the question, why do niggers chose to be niggers?

life is pain

The joke is that nothing changes.

this bar should be reversed in west countries because all we hear is that white males are basically demons sexists wacist and deserve death

muh white genocide

I bet their gonna put in a difficulty trophy/achievement so that competetive people are forced to play as a black guy

Well int is important if you want to play as a mage.

taxpayer mode

as part of flora you don't care about humans ?

They won't. There is one difficulty. It's just to trigger alt-retards.

ok good to know

"you're a fucking white male" mode, feelsgoodman.jpg

Easy difficulty.
But I do have a life threatening medical condition from birth so I don't think I have it pure easy.

That little richer has one of the easiest lives in south park.

I like how they choose a rich black character. Affirmative action almost all goes to talented tenth, if you are a middle class nignog with a 95 iq you will get ezmode university and a govt job easily.

It's hilarious because all these fucking leftshits know that being black is hard, they just get the reason wrong. Being black is gay, that's some common ground the left and the right agree on.

Choosing "Very Difficult" should mean the following:
- NPCs randomly appearing out of nowhere will tell the player that he is oppressed and should be given a chance, giving him cash and special boni
- Black characters don't need to beat their foes. Just taking down their hp to 40% is enough due to affirmative action laws in place.
- "das rayciss" card. Can be used offensively against white NPCs for insta-win, or defensively as an out-of-jail card.

Had they done this in the past, i would have assumed that Trey and Matt did this to rile up "the alt right", or alternatively to show that "despite claiming that blacks have it harder, the difficulty doesn't actually change". But given that Trey has mutated into a fucking Mega-Cuck, they could be serious about this stance, too.

I dont disagee with the slider. Black people do have harder lives, but not because of racism.
They have harder lives because they are stupid niggers. Similar to the way handicapped people have harder lives.

My only complaint is thay Tolken should be hard difficulty and Timmy/Jimmy should be very hard.
Blacks are one step above true handicapped but still retarded.

>Black difficulty

>Low IQ: experience gain -80%

Passive trait
>Jewish media: +2 defence bonus

Special attack
>DINDU NUFFIN: If health is below 20% summon a chimpout mob for massive AOE ranging from 10-20 damage among all enemy characters

white middle class mode. shits tough user

>soon to be wizard

At least I'm not mentally or phisically ill. Could be worse I guess.

There is no difference in color it's all mental hurdles.

So South Park is saying that Blacks are retarded thus making the game more difficult?

Wow I didn't know South Park was so based!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is a zero sum game.

Who would have thought life is more difficult if you are born with a low IQ?

>So what difficulty do you play your life on?

Intelligent Goyim, Former GATE student.
