Is Adhd a psyop?

Is Adhd a psyop?
Constant news articles claiming you cannot live a normal life without treatment
Infinite articles about 40 year old that weren't treated for it and feel like they "Wasted" their lives , Dont offer treatment for it
is this designed to make people go insane

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I was more talking about adults
They make it impossible to get treated for it whilst telling people if you don't get treated your life will fail

You must have an american doctor because ADHD is unhead of in adults in australia. kids """grow out of it"""

well its all from American news articles Australian doctors dont believe in it but it concerns me when i read they people wasted there lives not being treated for it

The Doctor who came up with adhd admitted on his death bed that he only did it to make money on the drugs.

And still they are selling this amfetamin look a like drug to kids.

This is the ultimate evil.

Guess who it was who came up with it?


Giving kids ADHD drugs is like getting a dog and drugging it up so it wont bark nor run

Yup most things are a meme like bisexuality and depression

>have baby
>feed it 300ml of prefab chocolate milk every day
>feed it carts of raisins, orange juice, shitloads of everything
>kids gets extremely energetic from all the sugar
>tell him to calm down
>be surprised it doesn't work
>go to doctor
>"lol it's ADHD have some cocaine"

>tfw seen several moms act this out in style but not sure what to think because the kids are all coal-derived

Probably. I remember it all started when my 4th grade teacher contacted my parents complaining that I would look out the window during class. (((Psychiatrists))) put me on about a dozen different drugs throughout my childhood to fix this "issue". I blame them for permanently fucking my mind up. I used to be very sentimental, now I have little emotion and have memory problems. Do NOT put your kids on SSRIs.

But at the end of the day i assume they helped you become more functional

There are heaps of Australian adults being treated for ADHD. Get a referral to an ADHD psychiatrist from ur gp. Make a list of characteristics or behaviours u have that fit the ADHD pattern, have appointment, get medication, get better life. Also, try a few different types of meds to work out which helps the most.

kek no i live in a town of 10000 people and 1 doctor, i see youre trying to trick me

Thats why they tried so many medications. I remember one made me anorexic to the point where I looked like a POW. Another made me cry from the time I got home from school to when I went to bed. I remember another made my piss apple cider brown. Either nothing happened or it had a horrible side effect. They were trying to fix a problem that didn't exist. I really feel bad for my mom because she is starting to realize that I was always a functional member of society and that she was clearly duped by pill pushers. I'm not on a single medication and have a house, wife, and a mid level management position.

thank you for sharing user

Adults that get the diagnosis and hyperactive kids are two different things. As a kid, I think you should be a kid. Natural, learn to behave, no drugs, etc. As an adult, going into overdrive and getting shit done like you never have before, due to the "medication", can make someone feel they wasted all the time prior to having it.

It does exist, there's a definite difference in the flow of glucose between the pre frontal cortex of someone who is properly diagnosed and someone who is not. Methylphenidate kicks the pre frontal cortex into action, but has side affects. Problem is the symptoms are prevalent in alot of young boys who are judged by the behavioural standards of women, and doctors are happy to make a quick buck out of over bearing parents and teachers who think it's their job to micro manage and fix every human in the world. Meds didn't work for me in school, because whether smacked up or not, I still hated being there and didn't want to work, and it's a similar story across the spectrum.

So the medication is just making them think they're solving a problem when in reality the problem doesn't exist

Adderall is the fucking best. Fuck you fuckers trying to make it harder for me to get it by calling ADHD fake. I never would've made it through law school otherwise.

I never had the diagnosis as a kid, but do now, due to seeking it on my own. When you mentioned staring out of the window, one of the questions I was asked was did I "daydream". I was like "ofcourse, who doesn't?". I guess "contemplation" is a sign of an overactive brain. Ridiculous imo

This drug is dangerous. Had one friend go from 20mg daily to needing 150+mg daily. He soon after switched to crack then meth.
Another lost his mind and gave his mom the Christmas present of seeing him hanging from the ceiling.
Shit is the devil's drug if it's abused.

Seriously, you fucking need to get the meds if you do have ADHD. You're life will actually start. As a stop gap, there's an anti depressant called Wellbutrin which ur gp should be able to prescribe, apparently it works well for ADHD according to some.

Shit comments like this make me feel depressed knowing im wasting my "life"

Raisins are peobably the best snack to give kids compared to gummi and other "snack" foods. If you get good quality ones they make a great diaperbag snack.

what if i do have adhd and dont get meds?

yeah but adderall's fucking rad, I can actually do things when I'm on my medication

Drugged sheep's are easier to handle plus they are a nice source of money if they pay for this shit.

I agree. It's to silence them and to teach them to become the perfect slave.

Like anything, it can be overdone. Unfortunately it sounds like the people you describe didn't have any self control at all.

It definitely changes things. In a good a way for the most part. I was started on Vyvanse, then went to Aderrall, now just straight Dextroamphetamine (pretty much same as Vyvanse).

Your overactive brain will keep spinning wheels in your skull

If you don't agree with this mindset and behave accordingly: buy some pills and fuck your brain because you are sick
Never try to change the world for a better.
Never look around you.
Always follow neatly what you are told.

That's what drugging of people and even children for no apparent reason means.

Apparently feeding rats ADHD drugs stops them from engaging in play. Imagine that, maybe unruly kids are just trying to play and are being placed in an environment which cannot accommodate or even understand that.

Maybe applied to children that can be seen as an accurate statement, but as someone who never touched the stuff until an adult, I've both accomplished and learned a lot about a variety of things since starting it.

They wont allow the world to change so why bother trying to change it?

Drinking heavily has helped me calm it

Did you accomplish things you personally wanted to accomplish or was it something like social security, something society promotes as most important?

Because something will change if everyone tries.
No one can accomplish this alone. But everyone can do a little.

Pretty sure that's bullshit. The researcher who identified the disorder has stated publicly that it's vastly over-diagnosed, and that's used to push drugs, not that the disorder doesnt exist in the first place.
I'm also fairly certain that none of this was "on his death bed", just later in his life, at the point the condition was being over-diagnosed.

I would consider them things I personally wanted to accomplish. Granted, I accomplished a lot in the "social arena' early in life, I now care about learning the things I neglected when I was younger. So, for that kind of thing, it's helped a ton.

Yeah, been there, don't do that. The meds actually make me not want to drink. "There's too much stuff to do!" HaHa

THIS, sugar intake has very noticable effect on chidlren behaviour, problem with burgers is they have it everywhere which means they won't see their kids acting normal because they are always high on sugar...
just a few gummi bears has very noticable effect on my 5 & 3y old.

maybe in the future it will be considered a real disorder in Australia but for now its not so we drink instead, Honestly before alcohol i couldn't even have a decent conversation with someone i just got bored too easily

>Is Adhd a psyop?

It's a psychiatric diagnosis to mask the chemical warfare strategy against children.

That's good then. Usually I'd say those medications help to bend yourself according to societies wishes instead of following your own will.

in the 70s most boys and some girls were like that, nothing wrong with an active brain, it just shows that schools are mind controlling prisons. I ask, why the hell do kids still have books? wound't a small memory stick thumb drive, dvd digi download work just as good? this is 2017 isn't it? these commies love to shackle us with their old bs because they have nothing new, and they don't want anyone with an open mind dreaming and making anything new. commies are satanic civilization destroying creatures; easy to see it's principles are taken directly from the satanic talmud.

of course we looked out the window. who the hell wants to be inside all damn day? schools are worthless commie indoctrination camps. I have teachers in the family and they are the biggest commies I know. teachers day is the first of may, they don't even try and hide it. these commies are raising your kids.

Yeah, I totally can see that being the case for a kid and I'm thankful I wasn't put on it when I was younger. As an adult though, it's been helpful.

pussy cant make it thru lawl school without adderral. how dumb are you anyways?

yeah you should never ask " why are we launching 500 planes to panama with 50,000 rangers in 2 days to get one guy?" it's just millions of $ then we gave the canal to the chinese. but, don't think about how your own gov't is raping you in the ass. I did ask these questions and was active duty launching the planes, my "career" didn't last long. they need stupid slaves.

what should dumb people do according to you?
just not bother with schooling?

Jaffa, kree!

ADHD is obviously a scam to get young men, in particular, on amphetamines at an early age--which, "coincidentally", fucks up their development and fucks up their endocrine systems. I wonder, who could be responsible for this??

More lazy than dumb. I shoulda been black desu.

You are better off without helping them with their shit. No matter what you are doing now, this world is already in a bad enough state trough all those idots that never tried thinking for once. Thinking should be rewarded instead of punished.

the guy who invented adhd admitted it was bogus on his deathbed, google it


B-but how do you explain those people who are just generally failures

I'm sorry your parents were so naive, user. We KNOW better now. Doctors, teachers, the government..all comped. We have to do better for our children.

No its not. Over prescribed, yes. But it is real. Its your friend that you used to watch TV with, and ask him a question, over and over, getting louder every time. Only to have him snap back at you like a whiney bitch for having the audacity to break his intense concentration for .25 seconds.

people want excuses for their failures and "illness" provides one much of the time.
but IMO this is more about the usual demonization of routine, natural and healthy behaviors by the left (particularly left wing school systems), and the government as a whole. mix that in with pharmaceutical lobby and big money lobbies and you have the current situation we see these days.

Psychiatry is a fucking scam to sell pills. Full stop.

but how do some boys do well in school and pass whilst some just aren't interested and fail

I love comped sushi chad brother

You can't force a fish to climb a tree

This! It's not fucking normal at all for any kid to sit still for hours on end. Actually it's fucking abnormal and probably a sign of low intelligence and low creativity.

You can't keep a kid busy with boring stuff for long.

Besides for most of the genetic pool, education it's fairly recent, Adhd it's as real as the DSMIII claiming that homosexuality was a mental disorder.

Heaven Can Wait

>Is Adhd a psyop?
I wish.

Some of it may be caused by vaccines (it's considered on the autism spectrum) but
it might be mostly due to our different lifestyle today. I read about a guy who made it through law school with untreated ADHD but only by getting four hours of intense exercise every single day. That's the amount of stimulation it took for him to get focused. In the distant past, that amount of physical activity might have been part of a normal day's work, but back then life was brutish and short, too.

I think it was called "childhood" at one time.

ADHD/Aspergers here I took myself off my meds about 5 years ago during Highschool, I haven't needed or wanted them since.

Currently working a 6 figure job, I learned to hone in my ADHD so that I can do simultaneous functions. Not to be confused with Multi Tasking, which is dividing your processing power into multiple tasks.

For you.