Will Dogs Be Allowed In The White Ethnostate?

Sup Sup Forums

Dog here, master calls me Roscoe. Whites are the only race actually kind to us, will we be allowed in the white ethnostate???

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But of course! A life without doggos in a life void of joy and happiness.

Man's best friend,
your best breeds will be for sure,

shit like pugs, tiny bitch ass chiwawas and overengineered bulldogs can gtfo,
only the purest, most stable reliable and effective breeds

Your shiba, your hounds, huskies, danes, collies, retrievers and labs are absolutely welcome


Whites were the ones who domesticated dogs.

yeah except for pitbulls because they're niggers

How about cats

what about my wiener dog?

Yeah and niggers just kicked and hunted us. Fuck off britfaggot, I'd bark you out if I saw you in public.

>Whites are the only race actually kind to us
I never actually thought about that. Wow.

Yes dogs are quite useful as sniffer dogs, police dogs, guide dogs etc, never steal or commit crime, dont have to pay welfare
Yes, doggo > nigger


East Asia: eat dogs
South Asia: kill dogs
Arabia: dogs are plague
Africa: fear dogs
America: dogs?

like the spic of doggos

Pretty sure the Aztecs had dogs

Please. Are you fucking faggots even allowed to own pitbulls in your shitty police nanny state that you call a "country?" You want to talk about fearing dogs?

Cat here

Can we come too? Please don't leave us with the niggers.

Banning Niggerdogs is a bad thing? go suck some black cock Mr12%


America loves the pups

>tfw my pupper is a scandinavian pureblood
feels superiour man

Also, I guess that answers my question. What a disgusting Hellhole you live in, you delusional piece of shit.

Don't worry, most nigs don't like cats.

Cats are the jew version of pets

sage this slide thread




God what a cringey fucking pitbull owner you are, fucking mongloid. I own 2 Kangals so so-called "dangerous dogs" aren't the issue, its genetic mess up nigger dogs that make up over 50% of dog attacks.

Of course, doggos are the white man's best friend. And they share the same qualities
Like, for real. Loyal to death, protective of it's kin, tolerant to other species and efficient

Chinks eat them, sand niggers consider them 'dirty' and niggers fight them for food, not to add that they're so dumb they couldn't domesticate them

>muh freedoms.
i bet you're a piece of shit who says "it wasn't the dog it was the owner" "the owner didnt raise/handle it right".
I'd say i hope that your child gets mauled. but we all know you wont ever have one.

aryan guide to pets

If you don't like dogs, you're obviously not white. So yes, roscoe, you'll be more than welcome.

Dogs are the white man’s best friend. Dogs can smell kikes and degenerates a mile away. Only dogs that need to fuck off are the nigger tier bully dogs. American pit bull terriers and trained guard dogs are fine though.

>hopes someone's child gets mauled by a dog
>tries to call someone else a piece of shit
Fuck off, Ahmed

I actually don't own a pitbull you snaggletoothed tea sucking retard, but I sure as fuck relish the freedom to own one and not have the government breathing down my neck, and can recognize the hypocrisy in some braindead limey cunt saying "OUR COUNTRY LOVES DOGS AND YOURS DOESN'T!" while yours bans certain dogs and theirs doesn't.

That would be the chihuahua

hahaha go get your niglet killed by your niggerdog, jamal

I didn't realize that I was talking to a separate snaggletoothed tea sucking retard, but regardless. Same response.

Dogs are white man's best friend
Till death & beyond

Birds really are cheatmode.

They are just cheap as shit.

Fucker takes like 6 months to eat as much food as a dog can eat in 2 weeks.

what about us /birdbros/?

We literally eat starving African children. We've been on your side since day 1.

>Niggers are more likely to commit crime.
>Niggerdogs, nope they dindu nuffin.
Keep drinking the floride, doing your brain well

It's Chihuahua, retard

>"moderate" birds

I didn't say that, it was the other guy you fucking 12 year old lolbertarian. I said there is logic in banning pitbulls. I see people with pitbulls all the time, bulldogs are used as a fucking symbol of the UK, so they aren't even banned you absolute brainlet.

Cats can btfo long with the commie scum

>tfw i have a pitbull who barks at strangers and scares them away

i'd like to see a nigger come up to my door and hear my 70 lb pitt wanting to rip his legs apart. he'd be out of there quicker than a barefoot jackrabbit on a hot greasy griddle in the middle of august

Friendly reminder not to trust (((them))) and hide all belongings whenever you see one

What do you think about Mini Bullies?

>doesn't even know how to spell fluoride
>calls other people stupid
How long until your government throws you in prison for posting on Sup Forums? breitbart.com/tech/2017/10/03/uk-to-imprison-people-who-view-far-right-propaganda-online-for-up-to-15-years/

Glorious Dachshund will rule them all

I'm sorry that I didn't take care to learn the spelling of the spicdog, I'm sure that's the highest of priorities for you

The Dangerous Dogs Act is a disgrace to the English legal system

Ha keep dodging my point retard. You can't admit you are wrong so you attack my spelling? haha, eat shit nigger.

t. hamster

Making guns as hard to get as they are is a disgrace

Wow I love threads like these. It's like I'm really on Sup Forums!

Only if doggos go to heaven.

Hello Roscoe

Yes you will be welcome, but only if you're a good boy

yeah, they're cool, but I personally consider that no bird should be kept captive. Fed and cared for, yeah, but not captive. That is sadistic

>Wiener dogs. Let them in, they're good for a giggle
Careful, that's what we said about the Irish

make sure to bin your knife and share your wife/gf with the local rapefugees you worthless britshit

You are the one with savage niglet "children", muzzie, quit projecting. Dogs > niggers and sandniggers such as yourself.

Cat here

Do not let the ferrets, guinea pigs or rats in. Only coal burners and kikes keep them as pets because they're just as ugly and disgusting as they are.


>shit like pugs, tiny bitch ass chiwawas and overengineered bulldogs can gtfo,

Fuck off, pugs are uberdoggos

So may niggers with the American flag, has it gotten so bad as 5%whuite?
T. White American

Yeah, real biting insight and commentary that you've got, there. Have fun in the fucking gulag in a couple of years, dipshit.

I went to Madagascar and people were very very kind to their animals. Even though the people were very poor. I wasn't expecting that

>white people
>not wanting dogs
>as similar to white people as other races

Master race of Pets

I don't trust birds.

They are scammy little fuckers.

>Whites were the only ones who domesticated dogs.
You sure about that?
Eating dogs in Japan is considered inhumane and foreign, only chinks and Koreans do that.
In animal cafes in Japan, you pet animals. Animal cafes in China, you eat doggos.

Fuck off we're full

>when they more often than not need surgery to widen their trachea
pugs are the height of animal cruelty

>you can teach crows and magpies the concept of economy
wonder why it doesn't stick with communists

Why do the other races seem to dislike dogs so much anyway?
Also it seems like dogs just naturally distrust black people too

Whites domesticated the Japanese.

>america: dogs?
the mesoamerican tribes bred dogs for food btw

Japanese are honorary aryan.

Strong hunters, can take a badger down, lots of character and intelligence, as well as wonderful family dogs. Of course they're welcome.

Pugs, Chihuahas, Bulldogs and Scottish fold cats are just awful to have. Thinking its cute to have these forcefully maimed critters.

are Dogs honorary Aryans?

Cats are welcome, but not the ones without any fur and not the ones that have been fucked with genetically.

Dogs are honorary whites. The white man and the canine evolved alongside each other protecting our properties and hunting with us, one of the reasons why Europe was so successful agriculturally.

Also why no other culture likes dogs as much, black people don't get why white people love dogs so much and make fun of it, muslims are terrified of dogs and Asians fucking eat them, all their civilizations are inferior because they don't love the doggo.

Native Americans bred dogs as pack animals and ate them when things got tough. Chihuahuas were bred to be eaten, fukken useless ass dog.

All cats are fucked genetically. Even the Egyptians realized that.

Never steal......

Leave a steak out unwatched. See what happens.

That's not stealing, that's leaving meat in front of a carnivore whose only notion of private property is who peed on it last.

>what is taking proactive measures to avoid tempting the vices of a loved one

Cats are 8D creature and can keep away demons and archons.

Yes, take your worthless domestic pigs with you.

Why do dogs distrust and bark at blacks? they're extremely loving to all white people

Someday you will discover bacon and prosciutto and will want to come for them

Remember to compost the dog shit first to kill the bacteria. Same goes with the rapefugees.
As in, compost the rapefugees too.



Yep Doggos are mans best friend...
(I even let him drive the car on occasions!)

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Good thread!

There eyeballs fall out because their face is too flat!

what if its a white cat tho?

Good shitpost