Why do you hate egalitarianism?

Why are you all opposing feminism so staunchly? The third wave is cancer indeed, but why do you not support equality?

100 years ago all women were the same. They were traditionalist and had "values" (which by the way are objective), but they were all clones of each other. I don't say that they aren't now as well, but not all of them. Let's say that 90% are drones, either thots or "traditionalist" ("nice" but stupid and opinionated "modest" girls), but the other 10% are allowed to think freely because we live in an egalitarian society. I won't even try to imagine how a woman would feel because I don't want to guess how they feel about it. But I, as a man, can't fall in love or have a girlfriend which is a mindless drone (either thot or "traditional" - both vapid), so a purely traditional society where women are kept under key would be not beneficial to me, as their true selves will be the same as they are nowadays.

From another standpoint, in a traditionalist society women are coddled and their childishness is encouraged by men, who are the ones to make every move and take every single decision, and this is what has turned the female brain weaker throughout the epochs. Why not let them get a raw deal out of life as us as well? Why not let them wring their brains out in a meritocratic society? Why not let them strive to achieve things by themselves and be valued regarding to those?

Personally, I'm all for egalitarianism. Modern feminism, however, is about giving women more rights than men as opposed to equal rights to men.

The refusal of anybody to acknowledge the difference between men and women and gender roles is a harmful cancer to society. We're inherently different, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Because equality is a lie, and incompatible to how our reality is structured. "Oppression" is just the objective world constraining you to it's will.

Equality is the battle against nature, and nature seldom loses

modern feminism is a vehicle for communist propaganda plain and simple.

Because not all humans are equal.

Men =/= Women
Caucasian =/= Asian =/= Negro =/= Latino

That's the main problem with (((egalitarianism))), the assumption that everyone is equal, when there are countless of studies out there that shows we're not. Once you realize this redpill, you can see why a rational human being would see (((egalitarianism))) as a mere Jewish ploy created to make use of (white) people's altruistic sympathy for others different from them.

All men... are NOT created equal! Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality is not wrong, equality is. What of the E.U. which made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved Britannia, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous. Britannia alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of my son, Clovis, demonstrates Britannia's unswerving commitment to progress. We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder and dominate, and in the end, the future shall be ours. ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!

Women who could prove their value were perfectly fine and you seem to have a distorted view on history. How would you explain Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace or George Sand if they were kept under key?

The thing is most women, and a lot of men just chose the path of least resistance and don't have much aspiration.

This is what I was actually talking about, egalitarianism, not 3rd wave feminism which most of the women as well oppose. They are the equivalent of conservativism to women. A lot of men are conservative, a lot of women are feminist, but few men are fascist as well as few women are extreme feminists.

I accept the differences, but legally women ought to receive the same treatment as men. The regime shall not pamper them through the obsolete mentality of having them be dolls confined to the kitchen and the bedroom and the man to take all the choices. In the end, this results in a way of sorting women by other standards rather than beauty, which would be the main flaw or perk of a woman.

Is it compatible for women to be bred into adult children by the "traditional society"?

I was speaking about the equality between men and women, my bad that I didn't point it out.

Ever talked to women with traditional values? You might find ten percent are sharp thinkers, too. Shit some of the great Catholic minds were women.

"equality" ISN'T REAL and it CAN'T EXIST. we all have equal opportunity to better our lives and the freedom to make our own decisions, but you cannot guarantee equality of outcome, no matter how hard you try and no matter what you do, you can never guarantee something as lofty as equality it goes against the very nature of life and everything its built on its a delusion by those who would rather blame something else for their shortcomings and force whatever they deem as their "oppressors" to their whims.

Shit traditional women aren't aliens. Trust me, sjw women have the same vapid twats, and same very brilliant types as traditional women. Difference is they don't act foolish and turn themselves into neon klaxons with their tattoos and hair. Sorry for the chip on my shoulder. It just makes me mad.

Not many men chose the path of least resistance because they had to fight to prove that they are better, they have to win the bread and they were deployed on the battlefield and had to survive. A woman, on the other hand, had to wait for a suitor to come and coddle them as if he were her father. Is this not discrimination? Men were discriminated upon back then.

Equality is not real, but legal equality should be a thing mainly because women have to see how life really is. Feminism has backfired on them, they now have to win the bread and get the rough deal out of life as well.

I haven't talked to many women, but I usually observe them from the distance. They are copies of each other, as are thots who exhibit the same mentality as the traditional ones (they are coddled by the men), only that they are sluttier. Have met some bright women, over the internet of course, wouldn't have the gall to approach one in real life, and they all were moderate feminists and one of them was a "wiccan" SJW.

The Wiccan sjw. Haha. Remember, people are people, even traditional types or Wiccan sjws. You seem like a rational person with a good heart!

T-Thanks for the nice words, Ameribro! I feel flattened. How can I meet traditional women on the internet? I live in a post-gommunist shithole, maybe I had some chances to meet them irl if I lived in Bucharest or Iasi or some other big city.

legal equality, just look at how that effected sweden having an absolute equality didn't change womens careers, THEY CHOOSE to be nurses and aides, while men CHOOSE the tougher more exhausting and dangerous careers. how does this fit your narrative it seems to me people are who they are and forcing your idea of equality onto the world doesn't change shit. you are the one thats out of touch with reality and the state of affairs and are desperate to prove you aren't insane, just like the rest of the modern liberal filth.

I am an isolationist/racist liberal. I am for tolerance and social progress within a huWhite society. Yes, women still pick those feminine nurturing roles, I can't deny this, but at least they are pushed into working. They can't leech off at home anymore with their dowry under their arses waiting for the man to come and take them and coddle them to the end of their lives.

Equality makes no sense. Men are simply superior and should be rewarded for carrying 50% of the population on their shoulders. Women were also happier back when we had traditional gender roles.

>Women were also happier

What do you want to make those devils happy for? To let them simply dwell on the backs of their fathers and then on the backs of their husbands without doing anything besides some facile housework?

Take some searching. Most women in church these days do not follow scriptures. Still though there are some good young women and men there, some of the best. Also do not be afraid to talk to old people. For all their bullshit, they have the old qualities that have not quite rubbed off yet. We live in strange times. For all the excellent tools of rapid communication we have, people have never been more divided. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

Im all for equality but I'm not sure I want the equality that the left preaches but doesn't practice

I'm 18 years old, no way I could do that. I'm still a kid, most of the girls my age look for the older chads. Old people are as much of a drone as the young people are, only they orbit different ideals. It's all about making the difference between "We all had it so good during communism" and "did you hear the new Ed Sheeran song?"

The left are not for equality.