/SIG/ - Self-Improvement General

/SIG/ - Self-Improvement General - Killing (((mods))) edition.

(((Mods))) archived our /SIG/ thread again, despite the fact that it was active all the time

Thread: You see the time? -> 13:42:30

Three minutes after this comment it was archived.

So in this edition I am asking you how are you going to improve yourself at killing Sup Forums.org/pol (((mods))) that want to stop you from improving yourself and saving your country?

When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny


Remember to check the water you're drinking.

Water is extremely important and you must make sure that it is 100% safe and only doing you good.

cant get away from plastics

water distilled in a copper kettle would be most beneficial

you can also say good things to your water to change its structure for better

>(((Semite))) religion

Only option is to get organized on sides besides Sup Forums

Of course you can.

You could even collect rain water (without getting arrested lmao) and filter that shit out until you got some sweet, drinkable, healthy water.


so is he going for bombing high score or a fps one? clearly something going wrong in his mind after all that roiding

1. Block Sup Forums again.
2. Get back to reading mathematics and physics books.
3. Lift weights when I'm over my pneumonia.




Just joined.
Thats quite a lot of people

Yeah, We have 250 people already

The water in my town is either full of cancer from the farmers putting to much shit on their fields or its rainwater which is foll of chemicals due to air pollution.
Can one really filter all of this out?
What would you need?

How do you get yourself to actually do stuff?
I keep thinking of activities or interests I'd like to try out, or stuff I've been neglecting but I can hardly find the energy to actually put action to it.

who the fuck stores fertilizer in their room?


what did he mean by this?

Is there any way to speak with a mod?

Stop fapping

I don't do it a whole lot


Where do I go from here?

>inb4 /fit/
Already working on that

What is that white flag?

Scottish Dawn

>Poms will get arrested if they save that image

Being tired may be beacuse of low dopamine.

Low dopamine is when you elevate dopine levels for long period of time through drugs, porn, internet, stimulants etc.

So eliminate stuff that elevate dopamine for a month and you will be back to normal

you might as well learn as much as you can about how people think



as many good Christian babies as your wife can manage

>Orwell and Roussea in that bookcase
rightists confirmed for not reading shit


All the cool kids user, and it totally has everything to do with self improvement.

Where does everyone else buy fertilizer? I use the Silk Road!