When did you realize that Sup Forums general ideology was closer to Islamic sunnism than Christianity?
When did you realize that Sup Forums general ideology was closer to Islamic sunnism than Christianity?
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I mean
>they kill gays
>allow polygamy
>don't let women rule
>consider feminism as haram and women biologically inferior
>execute gays
>execute pedophiles (see iran and ksa executions)
>hate jews & Israel
just now. holy fuck pablo, you just redpilled the shit out of me.
Mouhaméd please stop. Sup Forums is secular.
When I realised islam basically agrees with me on everything and the only people who want you to hate it are admitted zionists like (((rebel media))) and (((Tommy Robinson)))
>5 wastes of time a day
>a whole wasted weekday
>forbidden to wear yellow
why though
wtf i love islam now
Looks like it's ~4 minute prayers, Muslims here don't even do them all they just do all of them during the sunset's prayer
I want a qt gf in a traditional dress now
>muslims here don't even do them all
fake muslims no wonder their own country hates them. at least theyre assimilating.
You'll love it even more now
Sup Forums hates both slimes and kikes equally. Christians are on thin ice because of how faggy they've been lately.
I have seen many qts wearing head scarves in my area. If I were to convert how does dating work?
you go to her parent and ask to marry her
Casse toi Soral.
Yeah but how do I meet her in the first place?
Islam means literally submission. Also,
>having to pray 5 times per day
>male/female circumcision
>no music, no festivals
>it is not my ancestors heritage
These are enough reasons for me not to be muslim. Admittedly muslims get some stuff right, but that's not enough. What would be the meaning of life without music? I do not wonder why muslims want to blow themselves up.
>Jesus helped poor and disabled people. No pure women, only reformed whores.
>Islam let's you stone whores and slap your wife for raising her voice but it's a brown people religion
Yeah there's just no winning
depends on the girl you are looking for, if you want a religious and devout one you would have to know here parents before hand or at least know here personally so you they feel comfortable around you, if you want a pseudo muslim girl who isn't a virgin you just go up to her like "ayooo wassup habibiti"
Ask her parents if you can contact/meet with her. If they allow it then you're good to go. If she's a practicing Muslim though, and not a muslim just by name, you won't be allowed to go out with just her - she'll need to be with a relative.
>at least theyre assimilating
Ahah... Ahahahahh
Non, Conversano.
Yes, submission to God, Christians are submitted to God as well
Why are you guys so butthurt with five prayers? It's probably like 3 minutes prayer, lazy ass
You mean submiting myself to something that probaly doesn't exist but i got to believe it cause others do. Fuck off
There are some points we can agree on... yes.
yes well, antisemitism means you're supposed to.
But user there are no verses about stoning in the Quran and Jesus is an example to follow in Islam as well?
Also >implying christianity isn't a brown religion
Lmao this
Islam is barbaric
>start chatting on tinder plus with a 19 year beautiful Egyptian virgin
>Her parents are rich
>Within a couple hours she already started begging me to convert and marry her
Wat do?
>t. Muhammad Al-Shilldeen
The quaran isnt the only holy book in Islam, stop being a tool for someone else and get your own opinion
convert and marry her
I don't care about religion. If it ain't white it ain't right.
Religions are fiction
Thank you friendly neighborhood nazi
m8 stoning is in the Quran, but it used to be that in the past, it was essentially impossible sentence to pass. Good luck finding at least four witnesses to your act of adultery. With internet pornography however, there are literally millions of witnesses lol, so ironically technology has made it way easier to sentence people.
There's literally nothing barbaric about taking the hand of the thief or stoning the adulterer to death. You're an atypical cuck if you think that.
>they kill gays
I don't want to kill them I want them to shut up and stop their propaganda selling it to kids
>allow polygamy
Who wants that? I want a family with a wife and kids.
>don't let women rule
Ok this one is right.
>consider feminism as haram and women biologically inferior
It's not about inferior but about having different biological roles to play.
>execute gays
No, see above.
>execute pedophiles (see iran and ksa executions)
No, but harder sentences.
>hate jews & Israel
I don't hate them just for existing I hate them because of their actions.
Fuck off, cuckulanism is degeneracy.
convert sandbitch pussy
Is it really that easy lebobro?
they also
>pray towards arabia 5 times a day
>travel to arabia
>learn arabic
>listen to arab imams
>obey arab sharia law
two nukes were insufficient
>>obey arab sharia law
Fuck off pedo goatfucker and drink your camel piss like Mohammed
inshallah if her parents like you have no fear, might be a blessing from god to get you to convert.
Why do you faggots always lump our history of communism with your capitalism-fueled freedom-for-all social promiscuity? The shit happening in that pic that don't relate to the USSR are a result of your degenerate nigger-worshiping culture, not ours.
>lose kidneys
Sup Forums is an islamic board, only the reddit fags don't know it
Dont you fucking dare do it you fucking racetraitor
>I mean
>they kill gays
Cool story, Abdul:
Hadith Lesson of the Month:
“And there shall wait on them [the Muslim men] young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.”
Hadith Number 16245, Volume Title: “The Sayings of the Syrians,” Chapter Title: “Hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan”:
“I saw the prophet – pbuh – sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)
He (the Prophet) lift up his (al Hassan’s) shirt and kissed his (little) penis..”
روى أنه صلى الله عليه و سلم قبل زبيبة الحسن أو الحسين
He (the prophet) kissed the (little) penis of al Hassan or al Husein
رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
He (the prophet) put Husein’s legs apart and kissed his (little) penis
Another Hadith. Majma al-Zawa’id, Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, 299/9 مجمع الزوائد لعلي بن أبى بكر الهيثمي
رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
رواه الطبراني و إسناده حسن
translated into English: “I saw the Messenger of Allah pbuh putting Husein’s legs apart and kissing his (little) penis.”
Related by Al-Tabarani and it’s authentication is fully validated by Islamic scholars.
Hussein and Hassan is not the same name, so clearly this is of two accounts and he kissed more than one penis.
t.skin of shit
A while ago but I also realized it's too restrictive and uses sex as a way to control their people. It's too culturally stagnant nothing really happens in middle east but death and carnage
No, vodkanigger, your intelligence agencies subversively pushed Marxist and progressive thought in our media and education system for years. You're tied to it.
She literally has green eyes you faggot
Muslims would be fine if they in their own country. Everything outside the Arabian peninsula is rightful Christian clay and will be taken back Ahmed.
you're making a pretty convincing argument bro
What about the north of Africa and Spain?
>no alcohol, some even say coffeine is haram
>no pork, other meats must be slaughtered extra brutally
>praying 5x per day
>oppose any kind of science or education (except for studying the koran)
>seriously, muslims are always the least educated group in every country, be it in europe, the middle east, india, indonesia or wherever
>kill innocent non-believers
>have to cut off a part of your dick
>have to not eat or drink water during sunlight for one whole month, damaging your health and virtually stopping the whole economy
>Pushing the hadith meme
We can pick and choose which hadiths to practice/believe in. Besides the ones related to prayer and fasting, one can choose to ignore all hadith if he wishes.
>and it’s authentication is fully validated by Islamic scholars
Quite literally irrelevant, especially today, since there's no centralized ummah. A Saudi imam, Turkish imam and Omani imam would disagree with each other on many topics surrounding hadith.
>There's literally nothing barbaric about stoning the adulterer to death.
kys fucking shitskin, your islamic values are incompatible with the west. We will never kill adulterous and apostates shitty subhuman
Except directing the cultural development of a whole nation, let alone the whole western world is impossible no matter how much of that shitty video of that so-called former KGB agent you watch. You're going to tell me that we caused the so-called "wife swapping" fad to blow up in your countries in the 80s (along with the myriad of other sexual deviancies)? How much fucking effort would it take to even do that much. And we did this all on a budget that you all claim wasn't even enough to feed our own people because we were focused on keeping our weaponry up to date to compete with yours.
You keep finding excuses to put the blame on others, but the reality is, it's your own damn fault that you are where you are today.
>your islamic values are incompatible with the west
You're absolutely right - Islam has no tolerance for degenerate cucks poisoning a society with traditional values. Also
>killing apostates
Nope, that's not allowed senpai.
But it's true, Mohammed was a raging poofter, a pedo - AND A JEW. He also drank camel piss.
When did you forget that modern "christianity" was perverted by fal$e prophets and teachers? That pol is close to fundie orthodox christians than moon worshipping luna-tics called muslims.
>The Quran isn't the only holy book in Islam
Lmfao, they have other books like hadith but it's not holy only the Quran is considered as word of God for Muslims
C'mon provide one verse that says to stone people in the Quran?
Noice non-sahih hadith m8
Lol Hasan and Hussein are his grandchildren you faggot
They worship the wrong god
-dont drink
-how we kill animals with a bolt or taser makes it stringy, every one used to slit their throats and bleed them out
-yeah, i dunno about that
-i dont know where you read that
-i'm pretty educated, i doubt i'd lose it by converting
It's not like his american mutt genes are worth preserving in any case.
Read: Fuck islam, muslims will get full Myanmared in the West once SHTF.
>no matter how much of that shitty video of that so-called former KGB agent you watch
Debunk it then?
I only have to see the commies in my country who LOVES the soviet union to see that there's some truth on the soviet role in the decadency of our societies.
See the shitty films that your goverment did back then
Oh shit, you're right. It's just hadith. kek all this time I thought I thought the verse that specified lashing as a punishment for adultery included stoning. Well shit, now I retract my statement. Lashing is still a good enough punishment.
You're actually right OP
We should embrace our pagan roots instead
don't lie
"Thirteen countries, all of a Muslim majority, punish apostasy (the renunciation of a particular religion), or blasphemy with death.
Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen are the relevant countries.
All of these countries, except Pakistan, allow for capital punishment against apostasy, while Pakistan imposes the death penalty for blasphemy - including a disbelief in God."
uh....that makes it.....better?
>ruskie defends communism
what is wrong with you?
>-i dont know where you read that
I read it in (((David Goldman)))'s book "How Civilizations Die". Basically, some influential medieval Muslim theologist said that every leaf falling off a tree is because Allah wills it so, not because there are natural laws such as gravitation. So based on that logic, all kind of natural science is useless because omnipotent Allah can at anytime decide to change the (non-existent) laws of nature.
Lashing can sound cruel to us westerners but I think it's actually good, especially when you see how sexualization is everywhere in our society
It's actually 7 countries out of all 51 Muslim countries in the world that punish apostasy with death if it's blatantly seen.
hmm ok
taqiya 2 strong
literally stfu btfo caught in so many lies atm
>When did you realize that being a religious heathen and a traitor to your nation by submitting to Islam which has opposed Europe for centuries was bad?
When I was 9 I realized that.
Now get the fuck out you filthy sandnigger.
On the off chance you are being serious its because conservationism cant really involve adopting a completely foreign culture.
For the same reason why Arabs created followed Baathism rather than just adopting socialism even if that ideology was closer to their desires at the time
christianity was ideologically pure until the reformation, from there it grew weaker every year. only solution is to start burning the heretics, starting with the current pope
> Submitting yourself to Arabic culture that you're cucking around already
Why would anyone want regress towards being third world shithole's culture dependent on foreign cultures?
They haven't provided anything civilisation forth pushing science for 500 years and only service to humanity has been killing themselves.
Debunk what? What some random con-artist decides to claim is truth? Quite frankly, I don't have to. Even if there was some minor influence from some covert operations, which to be that massive of scale and stay under suspicion of counterespionage is again impossible to pull off, even if that were the case, you can't just force people to live one way or another. They consciously decide to become sexually promiscuous or not, and the 80s showed that the people of your countries were willing and quite eager to accept that sort of lifestyle. You're acting like the USSR had some sort of brainwashing super-weapon up in orbit turning all your upstanding citizens into disgusting perverts against their will.
I'm defending my history and don't want you to lump it in with all your social woes of the day. You are your own people, you decide the course of your development, stop blaming others for your problems.
Be a good cuckold and convert.
Also prepare your mentality for being bossed around by her father who will call shots on your internal family issues.
You seemed to have missed the point - just because majority muslim countries do things, doesn't mean they're right. There is no quranic precedent for punishing apostasy by death, and many islamic scholars are against it as much as there are those who are for it. Obviously I'm against it, since it contradicts aspects of the quran that have to do with being judgemental (people dont have the authority to judge others regarding their faith/character).
>ar. only solution is to start burning the heretics, starting with the current pope
Yeah and just forgeting that the Council of Trent happened right?
So what do you think about the USSR? Are you old enough to have lived through it and experienced the breadlines and shortages and such?
The quran instructs followers of Islam to murder everyone who doesn't convert. go read it for yourself in the quran. That is their holy book and it is what they follow. If you don't believe that, you're kidding yourself. Also, if you don't believe it you might be low IQ.
All non Muslims, regardless of religion, regardless of race, should unite against Islam and expose it for what it actually is.
The bible says that whilst you are on your rags you should shove quail feathers up your cunt. go read it for yourself in the bible..
it's in Leviticus
>Ahah... Ahahahahh
"Bonjour, c'est moi Jean-Mi, je vis à la campagne et je découvre l'internet, OH PUTAIN DES NEGRES ET DES RATS PARTOUT!"
This is you.
why would anyone forget that it happened?
You're a fucking dumbass.
As a defector, Bezmenov had to go "all in" and OBVIOUSLY describe the USSR as the number 1 all-purpose evil, you' have to be BRAIN DEAD to not see this, because that's pretty much the MO of every defector that went "public" - talk shit about the country you ran from. That doesn't diminish the importance of knowing about the tecniques he was talking about, because a THINKING man would look at this and with the tiniest bit of COMMON SENSE put two and two together, to learn about methods a GOVERNMENT (not a specific one) can influence a population.
O B V I O U S L Y the retards trying to pin everything Bezmenov says on a specific group or people are absolute imbeciles, but so are you for dismissing his material just because some underage faggots decided to meme him.
Subversion is a very real method.
>not shia
Paki detected
It seems like you are with you talk of murdering God's representative on earth under the guise of tradition.