Why do you never see black males being this cuck?

why do you never see black males being this cuck?

is it the testosterone?

>is it the testosterone?



Black people don't play gay sidescrollers.
They play Chad games like Calladoody.

It's incredible. Cuphead doesn't even have any of that "racism" and he still has to bitch about it. Also, they're trying to turn "people who suck at video games" into an actual class of people now. Polygon is even close to calling the fucking game discriminatory because it's challenging.

>Cuphead doesn't even have any of that "racism"

cuphead is heavily political.
pic related, the ending on S rank

Stale meme, that's from a shitty Moby music video

That game is comfy as fuck what's his problem.


>what's his problem
it doesn't play itself.

I'm absolute dogshit at platformers but i'm still going to beat the game at the rate i'm going
fucking nu-males can't even challenge themselves anymore
what the fuck ever happened at playing something that you're shit at for the enjoyment of the game and not just expecting to be handed victory?


Austin "privilege" Walker is a fat cuck.

>confederate shirt @ 0:26

other than that, bretty gud

social media like thirst, virtue signalling plus jew.

How do we increase testosterone levels in western men? There must be a way

What the fuck is Cuphead? Looking at that guy's picture probably a fucking videogame? Everybody who looks like that guy is fucking obsessed with videogames.

Also yes blacks are a lot less developed that whites and their minds are simpler so they don't get to the point of being cucked and just get really aggressive and chimp out when something happens that they don't agree with

Instant gratification. It's everywhere now. No need to work for anything when everyone can get it for free.

The downfall of various MMO's are a good example of this.

>they don't get to the point of being cucked
....which is???

because Jews can't pass as black,

Watch RuPaul's Drag Race lad.
7/10 are black with a token asian, white and hispanic.
I never knew black men love to dress up as women so much.

>What the fuck is Cuphead?
It's a video game for top-tier races. Chinese literally can't get past the tutorial.

It's a somewhat difficult video game with a heavy 1930s video game aesthetic.The guy probably keeps dying and since he's a leftist cuck they just default to calling things racist

>It's a somewhat difficult video game with a heavy 1930s video game aesthetic
1930s cartoon aesthetic**

It takes higher brain function for empathy. Empathy is required bothering for good things like acting civilized but also dumb shit like this. Too many blacks never develop empathy. They can not see themselves as others see them, how their future selves will see them or how other people feel about their environment.
It is this lack of empathy that has doomed the black race for so long.


You should shame self deprecating weak white people with the intent to change their behavior but at the same time understand that white men in particular have been the victims of the greatest aggressive psychological experiment in human history and have empathy for them.

First shame then provide a healthier way of thinking.

that's just plain racist


I mean they don't act like bitches and they don't accept it if people say something they don't agree with, which is what cucks do.
Instead they get overly aggressive and believe that the only way to prove a point is by resorting to physical means of fighting or shooting.

they do. trust me. they just don't do it on the internet because they are illiterate. there isn't a black dude who doesn't pimp his old lady out to ugly, old, rich white guys and then they laugh about it over Cutty Sark and goofballs.



stop the porn
stop plastic bottles
stop soy and milk hormones fucking with you

but most importantly: exercise more

wait Bloom is a jewish last name?

Oy Vey, these gentiles

I mean just by looking at him you could tel kek

While I think this is true.
I don't know about the IQ and empathy thing.
Asians supposedly have the highest average IQs but we watch them all the time just run over and kill tonnes of people and hack animals to death like its nothing

It can be, similar to Bloomberg for instance. Not a guarantee though.


african americans are western men too. and theyre as cucked. they just hide it because they live in poor areas

I'm black and like cuphead. Anyone want to come over and play with me? I've got beer.

cuphead is redpilled

The problem is that it's trending amongst white people in the US to feel ashamed for being white and regret the racist past of white people

I remember when MMOs used to be good, literally the only one I can enjoy now is TERA

They can cuck out too the problem is more whites went to university and that place is just used to brainwash kids

These faggots want games to enable them to not play. They want to pay $60 for a movie. I wish I could make games so I could upset them further. Waahhh games shouldn't have any challenge

omg. Somebody tell this fag that racists ate food and breathed air too.

Bloomberg could be German and not necessarily Jewish.
But bloom (also spelt blum) is Yiddish and guaranteed to be Jewish

>I couldn't beat the first level and half the game without dying.
>Had to try bosses more than once sometimes.
>Literally cried
>Hey guys, It's JUST like Dark Souls

numales are trash. They deserved to be cucked.

The final boss is a giant set of lips named Jigaboo Johnny

High IQ does not mean they have high emotional intelligence. Culture also plays a large role in the development of empathy. East Asians were always disposable within their cultural history. 10s of millions have died periodically in china for 3 thousand years without memorials and endless movies about their struggle.


>Bloomberg could be German and not necessarily Jewish.
this is true of an enormous number of the names Jews hold today, but the
meme is disturbingly true when you focus in on it

That word has no power here. Go back to back to normie world

This. I've fucked quite a few black trannys

fuck, this is depressing

Because he thinks he can get laid if he virtue signals hard enough

ThisThe confederate guy gives it away fyi

these goyim know

>Also, they're trying to turn "people who suck at video games" into an actual class of people now. Polygon is even close to calling the fucking game discriminatory because it's challenging.

>mfw its been so long since i played vidya that i forgot that gamur culture was still a popular subculture

last i heard, microtransactions were taking over every game and complete games don't ship any more, they just release unfinished products for full price, you cucks buy it, then they release the rest as DLC that you have to pay out the ass for

is gaming still like that?

There's something wrong with american "men"

>Stop porn
Stupid idea. the whole no-fap thing to increase testosterone levels is bullshit. You just get stressed for a few days and then you level out.

>stop plastic bottles

You are worried about BPA and most plastic bottles don't have BPA in them. The inside of canned food does though and most school food is canned shit flooding the brain of children with BPA in their formulation years. That is a problem. Of course schools actively discouraging any kind of masculine behavior from the Pre-k onward is also very damaging in the long run.

>Stop milk

Fucking sub-human.

>Exercise more

Good shit. Really is. More people need to do this.

oy vey stop being so racist fellow whites

Most of 'em. Yeah.

You get some that don't fuck you over though.

Black guys are cucked too they just hide their cuck behavior behind acting violently. They're so cucked that they have to have false bravado.

You should check the fighting & sports game scene.
Also i´d say BLM surpass by far those cuckoldry lvls

>Stupid idea. the whole no-fap thing to increase testosterone levels is bullshit. You just get stressed for a few days and then you level out.
That's not my point. More porn means normalizing casual sex which means more women are on the pill and secrete female hormones into our drinking water.

redpilled af

>Secrete female hormones into our drinking water


Then again, I have a well for water, so I might be spared this bullshit.

just driving through detroit at night you can find at least 5 tranny prostitutes

Their pee ends up in ground and rain water.

No idea how diluted and filtered your well is. It's probably safe.

when i first read this on the game 1st thing i though
1. Sup Forums and (((devil)))
2. bitcoin
kek hahaha

This is true. Just look at the modern rap scene, not that I listen to that Shit but youtube will show you all their confessions on literally sucking cock to be a big rap star.

Whoa, this really made me think.

Or you could just legislate more thorough water treatment? Wouldn't that be a better way to fix the problem?

There is other shit in the water than estrogen, such as antidepressants and random medications, look it up

What a pussyole

Is this guy a game journalist? I don't think you could narrow down game journalism further than this tweet. Holy shit.

Where the fuck did it all go so wrong?

It started making metric shittons of money. And we know (((who))) get involved whenever enough shekels start changing hands.



What a dipshit. I weep for the future.

>Sucks at a video game
>Calls 1930's cartoons racist

No wonder I like the game so much. Dumping cuphead reaction images.

I need to finish that game... so comfy

Hell yeah

I don't like cuphead because i really dont like that old timey mickey mouse art style. Creeps me out.

>cuphead is heavily political.
>pic related, the ending on S rank

Fuck of lying faggot, the game has no politics whatsoever unlike most other indieshit

>tfw I can remember trusting vidya reviews sites like gamespot
>gerstmann was fired in 2007

Yea, I dont have too many, but I want to provide all that I have. They're decent reaction jpgs

he means birth control m8, if we stop casual sex. less women will buy birthcontrol which easily leaks into the water system and is hard as fuck to filter.


sidescrollers are great. the nerds all play fps


Moby is gay, but that cartoon is kinda cool.

>I can't get over the fact that a lot of 1930s cartoons were racist
These faggots must have the most piss-poor quality of life when literally everything offends them. He's worried about some cartoon from 100 years ago, yet Netflix just premiered a cartoon that outright promotes pedophilia. Bet this little cunt has 0 problems with that.

>fake tits

Welcome to Sup Forums you nigger

is it because cuck is organized by a white woman that hates black people as a way to get white men who might not otherwise hate black men to get them to start hating them?