Check the note
>casinos see me roll up with my boi big steve
>bitches already know we gon be compin sushi
>taco bell niggers cant see that this is how we live
>long as my boi steve got a belly full of sandwiches
looks like valet desk otherwise why car cam and 9/25-10/2 ?
who is matt paddock?
wrong breakthrough faggot. a different one look closer. 8pol way ahead of you.
Is there someone else in that car with him? Or is that a valet driving the car in the photo
whoever posted this blurred out the date on the computer. it's a hoax.
you guys really are fucking faggots.
CHECK THE HOTELS HE CHECK IN AT. HE HAD ANOTHER ROOM MORONS. Does 8 pol have to do everything for you?
Note that an interview with his former neighbors said that he bought a new silver van recently.
this looks like a new Chrysler Pacifica. So it is reasonable to link that statement to validating this image.....
He did or his accomplices under his name?
Delano Hotel room 61140. Can anyone find floorplans of the Delano? the building right next to the Mandalay Bay?
those are big fingers
fuck is this comp sushi leddit twitch meme all of a sudden?
Well if (((8 pol))) didn't have such faggy fucking mods I may of been able to help.
Fuck those faggots have ruined that place. 2014/15 8 chin was far better.
Who are these peopl?
Maybe they just comped him a room? Not everyone works at taco bell goy.
That's not a black Audi of interest. Looks like a bullshit chyrstler 300.
3 Entries for Steve Paddock
2 Rooms
2 Unique Chrysler plates (one twice)
another meme to add to the filter
This proves it. Steve was definitely doing something shady. Oh wait.
>taco bell niggering this hard
Hey fag. The dates that stay says 05/2017.
This is the bell desk at the DELANO hotel - the luxury wing of Mandalay Bay.
Check the bell ticket on the lefthand side
Look around you bro, You are the cancer
The mass ban dident help 8 pol. I still use it tho. Been monitoring this pic.
Any developments yet?
What a Prosecutor Looks for at a Murder Scene: Forensic Pathology, ME Reports, Toxicology and Data
We have rented suites at the Delano for corporate events. Its attached to mandalay bay owned and operated by MGM like every other hotel in the area
Where is room 61104?
Doesn't the Mandalay have 42 floors, and the number convention go:
Floor Floor Room Room Room?
I.e. his actual room, 32135 being Room 135, Floor 32.
>Attached to Mandalay Bay
steve was a god dammed genius
The note says
>9/25 - 10/2
The last two enties of his record say
> License: 9D401 Room: - Arrival Date: 09/30/2017
>> License: 79D401 Room: 32135 Arrival Date: 09/26/2017
What does it mean? Why has the room entry been deleted? Did he change it? Where is room 32135?
>did it mathematically
Does anyone else find it weird that this happened right after the State Department dumped a bunch of HRC emails that were damning to the DNC, google and facebook? Also, the DNC foreign spy IT story quietly went away.
>tfw havent been comped in 24 hours
Should have checked first, but it seems that 32135 is very likely the room number of the suite in which the shooting happened.
No that was 135/32
No that was 135/32
Oh wai...
I'd eat comped sushi off of his face... don't judge me.
Could just be a note with the guy's name and a range of dates in which to search for him in the record. If he was there often then pulling up a a bunch of old crap might not be useful to anyone.
But then again, the "filters" radial at the top of the results is checked, but no dates seems to be set in the filter, and another radial subdial labeled "all time" is checked, so those 6 results may be all there is, which is also weird. I wonder if they searched this based off the name, or the vehicle details.
There's more info at the top of the note, but it's folded over.
Compared to his retard brother?
Yeah. I can see that.
This would go to the 4th floor gun flashes theory?.... 04 meaning fourth floor
You probably think $100,000 is a lot of money. Fucking pleb.
>comps: $20
holy shit this is it, it's the reason why he snapped. you don't just go from getting comped thousands of dollars of sushi and trips to the moon to a measly little poorfag slot pull. somebody needed to be punished for that is all I'll say.
he was an arms d,,,,,, o sorry i was about to use a "cloak Wheel" term.
Don't forget, The Four Season hotel is the hotel above Mandalay Bay. They have two different hotel names in the one building, I haven't looked into it, but they may follow a different room numbering scheme. So 61104 Could be not far above his room depending on how they number those.
The van from Charlottesville!?!!?!?!!?!??!???
I think they are the valets. Maybe we could find them and ask them how much they know?
have an upboat kind sir. Shadilay!
The Delano is located within the Mandalay Bay complex as well. It is a separate tower between Mandalay and Luxor. Nicer place and all rooms are two room suites or bigger. Stayed at both many times for conferences...
Stfu you don't have a job.
you are the problem
Reddit called, they want you back
NAMBLA conference.
I have the original image here as well.
He was at the Delano but the date is earlier it say it is on 9/05/2017
He stayed at that room 20 days before he checked into his shooter room.
We call those bumps here faggot
>some faggot bans a sh!tton of people for no reason
>do we have to do everything for you?
Well you can hardly expect help if you've locked people out of the kitchen. But, you know, hold that limp wrist to your forehead more.
Has anyone got info on the other rooms Paddock booked and are they connected to this?
>inb4 antifa was accomplices bc evil neo nazis
Whole things fake, no one died. This is a fake (((conspiracy))) unfolding. Enjoy the purple revolution in your "urban cores" you faggot shills.
He was gonna say army of one. Cloak wheel? Colloquial? Are you retarded?
Haha, cloak wheel!
>He was gonna say
how did you know this but not know how that faggot said "cloak wheel" instead of colloquial.
>le COMPED sushi xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
>can literally afford any vehicle of his choosing.
>buys Chrysler Pacifica
Mental illness confirmed.
I want my comps.
Being this new
Can I get tendie comps?
no its Delano. I have been in that elevator and to that Penthouse for a corporate event we hosted there
This one
no that's mandalay bay
they both have 60-62
Look at this taco bell nigger!
Cash only theory is gone. That fool was paying by credit/debit card
does this picture relate in anyway because it looks like there is a black male driving with a white passenger in back left seat.
Seems like "Stephen Paddock" wasn't actually a long time high roller in Vegas if that's supposed to be all the times he ever parked there. Did they just make up an identity for one of their agents, an agent who ended up getting killed and being turned into a fall guy?
Better look at the "Checking" receipt to the left of the photographer's hand?
>Cashier Name (Delano)
>looks like Christina Mulliga?
We need to find this person, ask her what she saw when Paddock checked into Delano garage.
You obviously haven't talked to his brother. They've been comped THOUSANDS in sushi you poor ass taco bell nigger
The "Checking" paper receipt to the hand's left lists Stephen Paddock as the customer. Not a hoax.
>if these hotels say they don't know Steve
>they're (voice cracks) LYING
Wow. That confirms that then. I'm still not convinced he's the shooter though. They're going to have to try a whole lot harder to cover up the fact that they tried to sell guns to ISIS and a lot of people got murdered as a result.
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
>Didn't get 100% fully comped
Yeahhhhh that information has already circulated here retard. Lots of people come and go here tho and threads do too. Stop being a retarded nigger thinking you’re cool
Actually 4 I'm autistic
You've never met any rich people, have you?
never used autist pepe before, but this post deserves it.