
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES (fuck poo in the loos too)

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump: "This is the calm before the storm" 10/5/17
>Pres Trump hosts Military Leaders meeting @WH 10/5/17
>VP Pence hosts Natl Space Council 1st Meet 10/5/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady Karen/Lil Marco meet FL senpaitachi 10/5/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump in LV 10/5/17
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania in PR 10/5/17
>DoD Video: POTUS in PR & relief efforts 10/5/17
>DoD Press Brief (Spokesperson White/MC Lt Gen McKenzie DofJS) 10/5/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/5/17
>StateDep Foreign Press Brief (Drs Julian Raby/Thomas Wide) on special projects 10/5/17
>DoD Update on PR relief 10/5/17
>LV Victim rises for Trump 10/4/17
>Pres Trump w/civilian heroes and 1st responders 10/4/17
>Pres Trump speech after meeting Drs and patients in LV 10/4/17

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



Your time is coming, nazis

Happy German-American Day tommorow!
also fuck CHYNA

It's my birthday Sup Forums

B-b-b-b-but Mr. Trump... you promised!


so what is the 'STORM"?



And how old is the birthday girl today?

MAGA morning to all!

Good morning, boys. How's it going?


Hope its a good one


I don't fear the non-whites nearly as much as the kikes, neighbourhood protection can keep them at bay. I fear another Yagoda. He was the kike NKVD head that famined 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's for seemingly no reason whatsoever.

Kike Lenin and kike Trotsky murdered every intelligent goy they could get their hands on. Even this Rabbi admits it. That's what scares me.


Awesome numbers despite the Hurricanes!


>Payrolls fell 33k (est. up 80k) after 169k advance; revisions subtracted combined 38k in July-Aug.
>Unemployment rate, derived from a separate Labor Department survey of households, dropped to 4.2% (est. 4.4%) from 4.4%; lowest since Feb. 2001
>Average hourly earnings rose by 0.5% m/m (est. up 0.3%) after 0.2% rise; up 2.9% y/y (est. 2.6%)
>About 1.47m people were unable to work due to bad weather, most since Jan. 1996

Lower unemployment and higher wages. Only 33k job GAINS lost from forecast (no actual job losses) despite 2 massive Hurricanes and other disasters.

>ywn be this comfy


Happy birthday user




In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. In the afternoon, the President will participate in a Hispanic Heritage Month event. Later in the afternoon, the President will sign the National Manufacturing Day Proclamation. The President will then meet with Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin. Later, the President will meet with the U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman.

>10:00AM THE PRESIDENT receives his daily intelligence briefing

>12:30PM THE PRESIDENT hosts a Hispanic Heritage Month event

>2:00PM THE PRESIDENT signs the National Manufacturing Day Proclamation

>2:30PM THE PRESIDENT meets with Secretary of the Treasury **Steven Mnuchin

>3:00PM THE PRESIDENT meets with the U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman

Briefing Schedule

>2:00PM Press Briefing with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders

(No schedule for later in the night, spooky)

>blocks your path


Jews believe Christ is boiling in his own excrement for eternity. They believe Mary was a whore. They hate Evangelical Christians more than Muslims.

You're not fooling me

Welcome to the big boys club! Happy birthday.

What did he mean by this?


Do you really need to ask?

Three branches will become one.

Happy birthday burger.

(I-it's m-mine tomorrow...)

I hate kikes and sandniggers like you, go back to your barbarian sand country and leave the west alone.

DACA renewals are done. Can't renew them anymore after yesterday.

>not dropout
You had one job.


I don't know who this Andy faggot is, but I just wanted to ask: how does a sophomore-junior year college student afford - I can't even put a really accurate number on it because I'm not a degenerate - something around like $2500 worth of tattoos and piercings and shit?

MAGA. Good morning.


We're more similar than you think.

>id SjWk1+MH


The whole fish lips look isn't attractive

He comes from a rich family

This is how a poor rural white retard class looks like in senior class

I wonder if that woman ever found out how much of a meme she is.

>40% of Africa is Christian they said
Gee, those Somalis are kryptochristian guys, I guess we need open borders now!
If there are Christians leaving that shithole it's because of Islam, alongside the jews helping with their immigration loopholes, I wonder what's happening with them and the (((UN))) feeding that people with taxpayer money from other countries, I keep pondering.

Guys, what year is it?



Did the Mexican narcostate carry out the Mandalay shootings? I feel like they're working with ISIS/Antifa.

Read: Shut up you commie junkie, you're going to get Myanmared once SHTF.

Yeah I don't get that either

I hope Ivanka talks some sense into Trump after this and changes his mind about guns. Cross your fingers lads, hope for change.

Current year + 3

>cropping out Muir


How much banter is he gonna drop?

You can call it anything you want. But letting people who are here illegally stay is Amnesty. They get government benefits, something I have constantly been denied despite having crippled knees my whole life. They get free education, something that cost millions of Americans upwards of 6 figures, and in many states they get to vote and influence the political direction of this country. Look at what these people did to California. Look at what these people did to New York, and look at what they're doing to Texas and Florida. These places were once beacon's of America. Now they're alien. And we already know they're spreading their influence into New England, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and so on.

It's going to take a lot to make up for this if he doesn't 180 back towards his base asap.

You're on the losing side, you white retard


What's your point? You really think these nogs walked all the way across Africa from Somalia? Most of the migrants showing up in Jewish NGO ships in Italy right now are Christian Africans. You right wing kikes rub your hands when you see this shit.

Everyone is pissed off and leaving. Me included. Don't even know why I'm here right now. I hate spencer, his followers and his retarded candidate tulsi or whatever, but this nigger here is right (piss on polands grave btw)

People were beaten mugged robbed, and I bet a few of them even died supporting this fucking asshole and this is what we get.
He signs shit condemning white nationalists and fucking gives shitskins amnesty.

A fucking joke, a fucking worthless ass cruel joke.
Just like this fucking country. Trump is betraying every single one of these people, their entire families. Many have lost friends and jobs over voting for this guy, and some, have had their children fucking mudered by illegals.


Press 'S' to spit on the graves of our citizens who were killed by fucking illegals.

We seriously need a new Black Death. If we could make it decimate every country from South Africa to China and not spread to the West I'd be so happy.

> its ok MagaPedes DACA amnesty is just 4D Chess
> its ok MagaPedes, not building the wall is just 4D Chess
> its ok MagaPedes, the assault weapons restriction is just 4D Chess
> its ok MagaPedes, the TPP signing is just 4D Chess
> its ok MagaPedes, importing Somalians is just 4D Chess

We are going to need a special team to mine all the salt for us.

Im so sorry for you user. In your country (and ours under the manchurian traitor hussien) all quotas are always met with a surplus-which is then immediately granted to the (((muslim brotherhood))).
This is a hard truth. We got fucked hard this year, and the numbers actually released prove we are nowhere near expectation. This is what a transparent administration looks like.
>in b4 you lie
I know you're just a muslim canabal working at a police station, or else you would have been arrested by the thought police for posting this. I hope your caliphate rules over its slaves with greater decency than the queen.

Where's my avatar. I lost it.

It's current year :^)

I live in Los Angeles

The Hispanic community has ruined this city. Their children have formed into gangs that commit crimes and murder every day. Our buildings are covered with graffiti. No one speaks English and no one can communicate with them. They are openly hostile and violent to those who aren't Hispanic. They are a nation within a nation, loyal only to themselves.

If trump can see this obvious logic then I am done with him. He's a fucking liar, an idiot and a fraud.

Deep in our hearts we all knew two things. There wasn't going to be a wall. There is no difference between Dems and Republicans. They're all corrupt globalist puppets

Fuck Trump

Isn't there an Awan hearing right now? Does anyone have a stream? I don't understand why more people here aren't talking about this.

the current year of course!

Welp, it was a fun ride. This is it though. It's really the end. The U.S will turn into Brazil, and Trump did nothing but kick the can down the road for 4 years wasting our precious time.

What fucking losers we've all been.
Lame duck, retarded 1 term president here we go.

I'm just going to straight up vote for an unabashed nigger, mexican tossing hat hating hating white supremacist next time. No pussy footing around.

.It's fucking over. Trump is ditching the people he elected for a non-existent centrist voter. THERE ARE NO CENTRISTS IN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY.

It better be on par with this hilarity

It's nothing to worry about. Gee, is anyone else feeling sleepy right now?

I don't think you guys are fully comprehending how bad this can end. This isn't Syria or Bannon firing "concern shilling" you dumbfucks. This is bad, really bad.

If amnesty is granted than it's fucking over. The Dems, faggot "civil rights" groups, and activist judges WILL find a way to expand DACA eligibility or the concessions to other beaners not covered currently.
And yes, the GOP House may very well likely pass this.

>spammer leaf is back
Well this morning couldn't have started off worse.


If he implements DACA into law I'm done. We're done as a country. Anyone with a brain knows that half of DACA recipients are lying about coming here as children. A lot of them came here in their 20s and are now in their 30s. A lot of them do NOT have jobs, they are welfare leechers and professional rioters/protesters. Does anyone believe these statisitcs? That they are only 800K and 91% have jobs? Bullshit! So sick and tired of being lied to. The ONLY way I would ever support this is if someone intelligebt actually went through DACA with a fine tooth comb and ruthlessly deported all of the liars, leechers, and protesters.

I live in CA and if I see spic protests in the street waving their Mexican flags in jubilant celebration over "reconquista" codified by none other than our great white president then I'm officially done.

>What is 3D printing?

The news that a majority of white women voted for Trump really felt like a betrayal to me, as a woman. Not just because they didn't vote for Clinton, but because they voted for Trump, the quintessential chauvinist. Thinking on it further, I remember when I was in school that many girls were just obsessed with having a boyfriend. Boys were more important than studying and getting a career. Maybe the fact that I was more ambitious towards having a career is because I'm ugly: there ain't going to be a prince charming to save me from having to earn my own money. Also, I was raised in a very patriarchal family, and I wanted out because for me, it was like a prison...I just feel like there are way too many women that are stopping progress on women's issues, and it disgusts me.

Spamleaf returns with the vengeance
This was supposed to be comfy afternoon...

/ptg/ is infested with JIDF. They'll tell you not to worry because 50.02% of births are "white"

Women on the internet? In current year +2? Racist.

he's a retarded asshole, no wonder canadians are so hated here

>the spamming leaf is back
>this is okay though
>meanwhile I made an off topic post about infomercials like 24 hours ago and got a warning (at least it wasn't a ban because I actually abide by bans instead of evade. I know honor doesn't matter on an anonymous image board but I still feel the need to abide by them)
I just want to know where the line is. I wish it was all consistent. Spammers get to keep spamming yet I make a single off topic post and I'm walking on thin ice... Come to think of it we haven't had a Hiro-approved meta thread in a while. Maybe I should make one and bring up my grievances there.

You shouldn't be starting yet. Who pays your bills? You're in here for 8hr shifts, day in, day out.

I don't know if even Trump could outdo the Taco Bowl tweet. It was perfect on so many levels.

I said this yesterday, they want to focus on bump stocks so they can move on to banning 3d printing next

Not one inch

Non-Hispanic white

lmao it's not even 8am dumb Czechoslovakian.

>This could be the calm before the storm
>what storm?
>This could be... the calm. before. the storm.

Nobody is spamming nigger. Cry more.

Actually, it is the best thing that could happen. Give the Rats their 30 million new voters so we can start shooting them and they end up with nothing. Bring it.


Go for it m8

Happy birthday, friend


>a woman
>a nog
Don't forget Ted Kennedy
Are they finally understanding?

Non-hispanic white includes the entire middle east. Same with this picture, the kikes vote democrat more than any other race except the feral africans don't forget. It's actually even more stark.

>and conspiracy leaf is off his meds again
Just fucking end me...

Geuss the gender. Any takers?

don't they see how they forced Gamergate?

>Trump is giving amnesty now in exchange for Democrats agreeing to the wall "later"

Is he fucking stupid

>what are timezones

Tits or GTFO!!