You know what to do.
You know what to do.
Uhm, sweetie, he's not wrong. Ever heard of "original sin"? Whites have that, and it's racism.
Keep spewing that retoric, you'll see what's in store for all traitors. Myanmar will look like a fucking joke.
Weak bait.
>needing an explanation from somebody I know for a fact is less intelligent than me
top jej
FUDAO - means a hardcore fucking session in portugues (its fudão actually). You are trully blessed by kek in this bread Croat friend.
>tfw there's a 9/10 half portugese local qt who told me I was cute and wanted to hang out with me
>creeped her out because I'm a massive sperg, now she's dating an uglier guy
>Being to stupid to understand what he says in that video
>gr8 b8 m8
>February 1st
Out of all races, black people are racist as fuck
Imagine going six figures in debt to listen to this monkey several times a week.
Fuck off nigger. Go suck some more globalist dick and shoot some more niggers like all you niggers do.
He is being ironic, it's party "sweetie posting"
Alt-left is trying to get whites killed a long time ago. When SHTF, drop them all. READ THE BREADS IN THE OP.
That is why kikes and traitors have to get Myanmared too when SHTF. Enough of this shit.
mental fitness is part of the game user, atleast you can work on acquiring it
KEK. I'm sensitive to all kind of traitor rethoric, I'm tired of their shit.
they redefined racism as a form of controlling dumb cucks like (You)
lurk more and only consider posting after learning how post mordernism and cultural marxism infiltrate the culture since the 60's
First you get rid of traitors and then your enemies
No wonder the gop isn't getting the wall done in the US
Godspeed portbro
Just like the Anitfa aids ridden faggots redefine "Nazi" to mean not "National Socialist" but "Anyone who is not a Marxist". And of course then they normalise violence against all """Nazis""". When SHTF, traitors shall suffer.
Blacks HATE when wypipo have the means to defend themselves and think that shouting "racist" or "white supremacy" is a sufficient argument for taking away our rights.
Its an emperor has no clothes situation
he is pushing anti-white narrative so why are you upset about it portugal?
Hope you all are moving or are prepared to move to the countryside once the SHTF, because when the social order collapses, negros will be killing themseves en-masse in the cities. It will only serve to make it easier for us to deal with whatever they can rally from whats survived. It will also be the downfall of the liberal whites, who will be killed as well be the coty groids.
The world will be a better place when it's over.
At least in the US
Portuguese are of Iberian ethnicity, so that bait is weak. On the other hand, Pakistan as a pedophile culture that normalised since ancient times the use of little boys as sexual toys. Shut up doll boy, go get raped some more by the other muslim pigs.
Love you portubro, I've seen you around quite a while these past few days and I'm admiring your work and dedication. Your banter is also unmatched, keep it up.
>we wuz white n shitt
Day of the rope soon. No seriously you are fucked.
whats it like knowing that Im whiter then you two faggots?
if you stop being racist
then it will stop
You're filthy subhuman scum that isn't fit to shine my shoes.
>pic related, that shoe-shining nigger is superior to you
>that skin color
Thank you.
Muslim pig, as long as you keep to your muslim shithole countries, you can be whatever the fuck you want. Cheers.
PS: also, given that islam is strongly against pornography, and there is plenty of it here, what would happen if your local community or your parents would find out you come here and see pornography? What is the halal punishment for that? Would your parents chop your dick off?
And BLM doesn't? They kkk and blm are both racist! So any one trying to preserve their race is just rasict!
Your tears feel so good you child raping monkey. We should have wiped all of you out like we did to your Moroccan brothers.
>you keep to your muslim shithole countries
well to late for that my africa friend.
>Your tears feel so good you child raping monkey
My tears? My country is not the one getting anally raped by moroccans.
No appeasement to alt-left domestic terrorists. Patriots will kill you all. You asked for war, you'll get war.
People like you prove it was a mistake for 600000 white people to have died in the USA so nigger could be free from slavery.
>white people to have died in the USA so nigger could be free from slavery
Shouldn't you be happy your brothers in USA are free now?
top jej my black friend
>disagreeing with anything the left says now is "racist"
>being white is "racist"
yeah no I think we'll just do some good old soviet style purges of you lot
somebody's got to build the wall, and I've heard raw human labor is in these days
What about the black man who opened fire on the church goers...
there are just so many that have been there for so long that they are counted as portuguese now.
Lol no, nips are the most racist ones, main reason being that they know more races than niggers to hate.
KEK, when SHTF the West will go full Myanmar on all traitors muslims and jews. Its going to be glorious. Can you imagine how much we're going to save on foreign aid once you niggers get choped up into pieces. LOL
You should stop comming here, someone might tell your parents you've been coming to a pornographic site and then they'll rape you in the ass some more like when you were a little doll boy.
The inbreed retard doesn't know geography.
Careful, or your cousin/father might find out you come here and brand you an apostate. You know what happens to apostate muslim pigs, don't you?
Why are you oppressed with being white? It's sad when nobody in the world Consideres Pakis white...............
Mic. was started by jews by the way.
didn't you hear?
facts are racist
reality is racist
questioning the left and the media is racist
free thought is racist and opinions are illegal
If you feel so offended by bait posts, I think you should have a break from Sup Forums. I'm the same, by the way.
I know you are just trying to rustle. But even if that happened, they would still count as "muslims" you fucking braindead retard. Get well soon, hope you make it through the brain tumor.
Little pig, go squeal somewhere else. And find some different banter material, or are you so retarded from the inbreeding your iq is in the single digits?
pakistan posters are shit tier shitposters
not nearly as bad as leafs or aussies or swedes, but they're usually pretty dumb
Just go back to friendly Africa then problem solved coz we dont want your violent monkey asses here anyway
>be neo-nazi
>complain about racism
What did OP mean by this?
Original sin can be forgiven though. You think liberals will ever "forgive" white people?
No break, shitpoast ery day. Breaks are for cucks and mentally weak shills.
PS: I really like australian cunts, all very nice people when I talked with them IRL.
PSS: I dind't recognized it as bait. Doh!
its not racism if its against a group that is statistically proven to commit more crime and generally be scum
you do realize that most of the board puts niggers in different categories then domesticated africans, right?
fucking shills, you could at least put in an effort and adapt to board culture
>when SHTF the West will go full Myanmar on all traitors muslims and jews
keep waiting for cuckboe.
>The inbreed retard doesn't know geography.
retard. have you looked at a map recently?
I just feel like what's it like being cucked by 5 different groups people. they tell me I can only know if Im white.
Not neo-nazi, not even NatSoc.
And just so you know, if your adversary starts using id politics, you are forced to do the same. You leftard treasonous shit heads started this whole game, we shall play it, till the bitter end, and win. No regrets, no remorse, only victory.
Can we just move to space... and leave niggers, shitskins to destroy each other, imagine what we would achieve with no need to send charity or give welfare to other parts of society
ladies and gentlemen we have stephen fucking hawking him self posting today.
Das ride wabbit, you laysist
Protip: Everyone with a contrarian opinion in Sup Forums is LARPing or being unironic. Everyone.
oh comeon, its already impossible to tell the difference b/w a portuguese and nigger, so who knows how may there are in the country?
>keep waiting
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the inbreed doesn't know what is the looming Sovereign Debt Crisis. Oh man, you're too much friend.
>map recently
>morrocan donkey fuckers invasion
go fuck a goat ahmed, you inbread accidental comedian
being ironic*
>Saying this man is anti-white
>Doesn't say anything that's actually anti-white
>Meanwhile, everyone in this thread is calling him a nigger or monkey. Somehow he's the realist.
Really activates my cashews.
Does you're aunt/mother gets beat up much there in Pakistan, or is your cousin/father not too islamic to her?
Why can't they just say
> Are all people racist? Yes they are.
And they'd be right. In stead they just want to take the opportunity to express their own racism for whites, rather than make any sort of valid commentary on the topic.
>And find some different banter material
oh fucking you get REKT me dude.
you just told me off just like that huh?
if only i had your banter material.
you niggers are just so talented.
What the fuck are You doing here You filthy muzz, go poo on the mosque floor or something
I dot I saw a laysist man
Still, got to counter the shill so new fags can see some truth, otherwise its all for nothing.
got any good insults? Weak stuff like this really isn't helping your "low IQ" reputation
It has to accelerate harder before anything happens. With any luck the shit heads will actually do something stupid on their "coming happening just watch us" day and swing all moderates to the right ending their bullshit in one fell swoop.
Sure budy, sure... Is shit poasting been working to work thru the trauma of having been raped in the ass a small paki doll boy, or do you still wet your bed with the nightmares and have to use a diaper from the trauma?
>Sovereign Debt Crisis
oh no not the debt crisis. anything but the debt crisis.
>It's not racism if I don't call it racism even though I'm treating somebody as an animal based solely on the color of their skin
You do realize that everybody who's not a neo-Nazi puts neo-Nazis like yourself in a different category than non-retards, right?
>fucking shills, you could at least put in an effort and adapt to board cultur
>And just so you know, if your adversary starts using id politics, you are forced to do the same.
who the fuck do you think started the identity politics you fucking retard? Does anybody on this board have any basic understanding of history at all or is Sup Forums as retarded about history as you are about science?
Patience my friend. Nothing is more dangerous than a furious and patient man. In the meanwhile, redpill people online and IRL.
>niggers in american universities
>it all goes to shit
>I wonder why
>looki me, I am da saientists nåv
Read the article you fucking traitor shit head, he his a SJW cunt, SJW cunts are anti-white anti-west traitors that shall be promptly Myanmared when SHTF.
euro cucks are so fragile. poke one and they rise up like maggots.
>You filthy muzz
You? have you looked outside recently sweden? its "us" now my brother.
>minorities can't uplift or help themselves so we must enforce affirmative action for them
>they can't speak up for themselves either so we must screech at others for being racist for them
the left has no moral ground to stand on, you';re just as racist as the far right, even more so and the nogs have caught on, its why BLM split off
you seem to be having a breakdown of some sort there, buddy
Because they don't care about being truthful or honest, they just want to fuck over whites.
>Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault
And this is how you know the inbreed retard is really an ignorant inbreed retard. kys ahmed, you're useless.
>trauma of having been raped
dude you keep confusing me with sweden. its ok its a common mistake.
I know I'm dumb, I'm american
what's your excuse?
no I'm not dump.
>another episode of a nigger calling all whites racist
>like thats a bad thing
>n-no I'm not!!!
>n-nuh uh you are!!!
Bitch, you don't even know the diference between a neo-nazi and a national socialist. You know nothing, you are nothing but a useful idiot, like all intelectually dishonest piece of shit. I know more history than you, and let me teach you something, that kind of shit your kind is trying to pull is exactly what got Hitler VOTED into power in Germany. I'm not even NatSoc, but if you keep pushing the pendulum to the left, the more you swing it to the left the more it will swing to the right, and even if I don't agree with totalitarian govs, if it takes a fucking 4th Reich to get rid of you traitors and dishonest shit heads, so be it. you know nothing, shit head.
You call anyone who disagrees with you a nazi or a neo-nazi, you're going to have lots of "nazis" and "neo-nazis" to fight when SHTF.
Can't wait for SHTF so your kind can be purged.
Go get your face rubbed by naked women dirty feet, stinky muslim pig.
>us now
KEK, when SHTF and your kind gets full Myanmared, we'll send you the webm's so you can see your dear muslim pig friends getting what they deserve.