Slimy kike Harvey Weinstein is going down

This big time Hollywood kike is going down.
Things are looking up.
Thankyou President Trump!

For those that don't know this kike is notorious for buying up all the good scripts so his company Miramax wouldn't have any Oscars competition.
Ever wonder why there's no good movies any more? Harvey Weinstein is why.

Now he's going down for decades of sexual harassment against up coming actresses who are now household names.

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This kike is also notorious for making sure nobody buys your film to offer you shit. Also, is known as "scissor hands weinstein" for having final cut on films and turning them to shit. Hope things get so dark that his only escape is eating the end of a shotgun.

t. Hollywood fag

Is this pic legit? Holy shit these kikes really got to do whatever they want for so long didn't they.

no! it was horrible! the holocaust just ended like 70 years ago and they're still having a really hard time being discriminated against ok

so this is the power of jellywood

Yes and they have dirty on all those involved. Imagine what Weinstein knows about those in Hollywood and everyone throughout the movie/entertainment business.

It would be great that as Weinstein is being attacked if he would just blow the lid off the rest of Hollywood. Take the whole rotten, stinking ship down with him.

post this on Sup Forums

Slimy kike responds to the news with anger and promises of further kikery. This time his target is the 2nd amendment.

This is his apology. Is a one page letter all it takes for a kike to avoid accusations of rape and sexual assault?


>Gets caught sexually harassing little girls
>Blames the 2nd Amendment

Liberals are fucking crazy

Pedofags were ok in the 60s/70s?

Maybe in Israel but not in the US.

White women are chattle and this is your competition.

They're turning on each other

Lisa Bloom was on GMA defending him but they haven't uploaded the video. Slimy Jew Bloom was asked by George Stephanopoulos if Harvey had sexually harassed and she tried to get away from answering the question but little George hammered her. He even mentioned Harvey's studio was working a film based on her book.
Fucking Jews are the worst.
If Pedowood news broke tomorrow, every save the children foundation would defend the rapists

You mean the Weinstein company you dumb fucking nigger Jesus Christ if you gonna drag this cunt through the mud get the fucking name of his production company

Harvey must have pissed off somebody.

Reminder that he asked Gwyneth Paltrow to fuck him, she refused but let him jerk off and cum on her feet.

Harvey pisses off everyone. His own family hates tim.

t. had famiy connections for a while until divorce

Harvey The Hutt.

Come on all you Hollywood Princesses. Choke this fat disgusting lump of cancer to death with your chains.

While he is an ultra-kike, he did fight Disney tooth and nail to be able to produce and distribute the movie Fahrenheit 9/11.

Disney owned his company at the time and tried to force him to drop it, so the fat fuck bought all the rights personally so that he could release the movie.

I don't understand why he did that, though. When it appears that everything else he does is stereotypical to the civilization-destroying-jew.

From wiki
>> She and her mother are Jewish
The tribe defending the tribe.

Would you guys rather him go down, than him doing a hulk hogan on the failing NYT?
Think about it…

Ol skinny Michael is a pedo too ya reckon?

No, this is politics idiot

The jew also has other interests and they are people after all. Not everyone is in line with the overall jewish "plan" all the time.

>this guy is going down, said the increasingly nervous man for the umpteenth time

really circumcises my penis

This is what i'm talking about, you get it man
This IS pedogate
It's fucking happening
Did you expect the Jew York Times and CNN and Haaretz to run front page blaring headlines "PEDOS ROUNDED UP; WE'RE ALL GUILTY"
I wish Sup Forums would get their heads out of their asses here
Harvey Weinstein is moloch tier cultural marxist satanist evilest type of kike. Part of their house of cards. Sometimes you only have to knock one card out for it to all crumble

>T. Pinkus gold gold shekel

Found him

Harvey touched my balls. I let him suck my dick, but when he asked to touch my balls again, I said no

T. Hollywood insider

The jew cries out as he strikes you

Disgusting depraved monsters

You made me read that and none of that was about jerking off. Kys

Rose McGowan was one of the girls who took a Harvey payoff but she tweeted this yesterday when the story broke

Ashley Judd
Gwyneth Paltrow
Rose McGowan

These are major actresses who were scared/shamed/silenced for DECADES after being abused by Weinstein. Look into their personal lives, all troubled during those same years. These "star" actresses are just the ones who handled the kike groomings and "survived"

Bill and Harvey types groomed probably 75% of the actresses who are famous in Hollywood today

Best pic. Checked

>This kike is also notorious for making sure nobody buys your film to offer you shit.
what methods does he employ to do this?
surely other studios would have to go along with him
i'm not disputing it, just interested how he manipulates people/the industry

Did he fuck that bitch?

Raped. Yes

I relish the day we get to hunt and kill the elites of hollywood

every corner and crevice..

I would look at any young actress or entertainer who suddenly cuts off their natural long hair or goes through a public "troubled" period while still in their 20s or early 30s and would bet many of them simply reach a point of maturity where they begin to comprehend the amount of evil and abuse theyve taken and withstood. Katy perry, britney spears, so many more, it's a tale as old basically as when Weinstein and his lecherous kike boomer pals took over and consolidated Hollywood into one big teenage pussy factory for them and their friends

I wish more anons would come together so every post was about him, for a solid week

This bitch used to be cute too until she went mental.


I let this goblin of kike use me as a cum rag but it OK because he made me millions and promotes liberal causes that would fuck over average people for using women as cum

Retarded conspiracy theories about mass pedophilia ITT - the same shit about the Russian Ruling class that the commies used to get the peasants to rise up and overthrow them for glorious marxist utopia. Careful what you wish for kids

>enough about me though, how about that damn NRA and our kooky president!

What an unashamedly Jewish "apology"

her mom was the one who defended Trump's harassment "victims" as well. to me this proves the ingroup/outgroup morality of the jew

This is where you do ops on Tumblr and other social media. Normies will be fucking outraged to hear their favorite actresses were all the product of being mentally and physically abused by a fat lecherous slob like Harvey Weinstein
This is break the illusion time
They dont come much bigger than Harvey, this is a golden opportunity for everyone here who has believed in the existence of wide scale elite human trafficking rings to expose it widely via the vessel of Weinstein's enormous reputation, top level political connections, etc etc

yet take jewgold from hideous monsters to keep silent and let them victimize countless other women



I'll consider a discussion after you've watched and can refute any Ted Gunderson presentation. Look him up on Youtube. Former FBI Bureau Chief in Dallas and Los Angeles

Paltrow is also a jew

she is complicit too then. she is living off the proceeds of him


If true you should have stole the golden smarties bowl

Gwyneth is a kike herself, isn't she?

Yeah yeah, hes gonna go to jail with hillary and comey and the bush family etc etc

all women in hollywood are literally porn stars with close on , you have to be the most naive sheltered fucker world to think that any women and girl who is in hollywood hasnt sold every inch of her body

Nah, not close enough to go to one of his events myself. Just enough to spend the occasional family function shooting the shit with people who do know him personally.

Fat ugly very autistic antisocial asshole who gets by on swimming in his own money and power. The kind of hyperjew that even jews hate.

You can be fucking sure that every big actress had to fuck a couple of directors/producers early on in their careers for it to move forward.

No shit dude but look at them, these are just dumb fucking women. This is one of the problems here is that pol doesnt know when to support women and when not to. Need to empower the ones like McGowan, Judd, Paltrow speaking out to elicit more to come forward, not just call them whores, then nobody else feels like coming forward and we get nowhere in ending the harvest of children


Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?

>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.

A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.

Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.

Why don't (((they))) like (((him))) anymore?

Rose McGowan is a feminist nutjob who has been railing against muh patriarchy for a few years now. Not saying she's wrong about this, but I wouldn't call her credible.

>wouldn't say she's wrong about this


She was a pretty normal chick until....Scream. Remember? That's when Harvey got to her. 23 years old. Then she went almost immediately off the deep fucking end, dressing in the sluttiest outfits publicly, dating Marilyn Manson around Columbine time, yeah. I think its sad how so many beautiful women have been psychologically wiped by gluttons for his lust pigs like Weinstein

Hill be like ((aw yeah! ima hit summa dis!))
Nat be like ((fug, dis bitch comin' at me, dawg! git me outta here!))

Yeah this is weird.

He ain't done shit that every Pedowood producer hasn't done and still does.

>You want this job you suck this dick

he isn't going down
it will be a scandal
and toxic masculinity will be blamed
or more specific straight white men will be blamed
not the jew hollywood elite

Dog bless yuo.

Fuck hollywood.

Its more likely this all once again used to more black pill people into apathy. "The rich and powerful WHITE people never get punished, better just netflix and chill"

This kike is a eye sore, very hard to look at. Fat POS.

they also prefer their women blacked

they also like their women curried

It's a picture of Dorian Gray without the picture of Dorian Gray. There's a reason why a lot of sickos look like hell.

Black and Japanese is a very good combiantion.

Why do people go along with it? The question might seem naive, but with all their collective money and star power, why put up with this bullshit? Emma Watson for example, she has friends like the billionaire bellend Rowling, why not screech along feminist angles to out these slimeballs? Feminists are retarded, but they would get garner a lot of outrage if they played it that way.

Goooood, good goy...

t. Jew

Ever been in a cult? Aside from the psychological dependency aspects, drugs, sex, power, and whatever else, once you get in it's hard to get out.

Consider other any other cults. Jehova's Witnesses or Communists, for instance.

Let the libs devour each other. Conservatives turned off Hollywood long time ago decades ago due because of shit meaningless movies. The mainstream right wingers turned off Hollywood when Alex Jones uncovered the rituals. Since Trump's election they have pretty much revealed their card as anti America Jewish pedophile industry.

Now they can fight amongst themselves until nothing is left but ashes.

people in that industry are naive, insecure, emotional wrecks usually from broken homes.
you cant even be a proper comedian these days unless you came from an abusive home

He'll just apologize and say some bullshit about being a dinosaur in the age of modern feminism, and (((Blum))) will sue everybody to force them to retract accusations, etc.

>MFW this literally crusty fat man gets a piece of Watson while I only have a fleshlight

this doesnt make them better actors/singers/comedians
it does however, allow the jews to control them all the more better.

I live in a Yellow Peril zone and just yesterday I saw additional blasians. Past few years it was just one curious case. At this rate the trends are going to get big before anybody knows what's happened.

because watson wants to be a star forever so she won't risk being blackballed by everyone in hollywood. there are a lot of people who have a say and while some might be women execs, it only takes one person to reject an actor from a movie.

watson could have her $100 million and her comfy life at the UN supporting women, but she wants to be a megastar. so she sucks dick like everyone else

good luck - they are behind a 4D chessboard of lawyers, judges and maybe even politicians. NYT is already being sued over this


Here's a good documentary on the sick shit that goes on in Hollywood

leftism in general is full on mental psychosis. regardless of how you view dictatorship, leftist dictatorship is just insanity with power.

It is a body blow though. Future earnings are slashed. And the legal fees can be fucking terrible. Still not enough though, I admit. Not even close.

>good luck - they are behind a 4D chessboard of lawyers, judges and maybe even politicians.
And they have the same thing opposing them. Rich people are tasty targets. And never underestimate how child sex abuse claims can bring someone down. Hell, we lost a pope over this. And he wasn't even doing the molesting.

he's not going to sue the fucking new york times. it's bullshit posturing

Maybe so - The pope was an easy target though. They're easily replaceable and have super high conduct standards, at least publicly

Prepare for all the "WHITE MALES OF HOLLYWOOD ARE BAD" headlines when this guy is clearly a jew

Once we get to Hollywood and find those Miramax FUCKS who's making the movie, we're going to make them eat our shit then shit out our shit then eat their shit which is made up of our shit which we made them eat.

That's called foreplay in Hollywood.


Where is /htg/ on this? Weinstein was a big dem donor, friends with the Clintons, hung out at the White House, etc.

Here is your Hollywood to Washington connection

The communists used this propaganda to overthrow the tzar. Its a lot less widespread than the tinfoil hat crowd are making out. They just want someone to pay for their unhappiness