Whites and Asians get the fuck out of Berkeley!
lol don't they remember the last time whites and asians teamed up? It's like they want another Nazi regime more than the Nazis do.
God yes please.
The balls it takes to go to someone elses country, school, whatever, and just ruin everything.
And don't they realise that they're basically just campaigning for Trump 2020 at this point.
wtf why are they protesting Asians. Califroniasians are liberal as fuck more than half of the teens in k-town are retarded blm supporters.
Post something recent at least you fucking mongoloid
Because Asians are honorary aryans and model immigrants.
Basically they actually fucking work when they get here.
>white/asian vs the world is starting to begin
2016 reposted video from something that happened in 2015. This is news.
>implying that Oprah wont win in 2020
Berkeley is the most stereotypically liberal-marxist shithole
I went to the international science fair in high school and they offered a free college tour bus thing, first thing I saw walking off the bus were two kids handing a hobo a wad of cash. The next thing I saw was a poster "white council for more diversity" with a tagline along the lines of "the fact that this club exists is a problem, come and discuss why there should be less white admittance"
Need my assistance America-kun?
I told y'all this would happen,.
As long as there's no racemixing I'm in
The light-skinned races team up to defeat the shit-colored races
I am agreeable for this plan
We will be unstoppable!
How can these shitkins be so oblivious to fact that the are antagonizing the whole of white america regardless of political affiliation with this?
>whites and asians literally the minorities at Berkeley
maybe they should take the hint and leave?
it's not gonna get easier you know...
It's literally an American tradition
anti-Asian stuff is really starting to ramp up now, keep it up retards
Probably should specify East Asians
Unless you want to include Indians, Filipinos, and Arabians under the 'Asian' flag like UK news does when refugees have been found abusing kids
The libskins in Berkeley should go on a full on rampage and start invading white and asian homes South Africa syle so that shit could be plastered across the internet and marry the two races in America.
>don't they realise that they're basically just campaigning for Trump 2020 at this point.
This. I already didn't vote democrat for the first time last election. If this SJW snd "white racism" shit keeps up it will just push me and other moderates to the right.
lul who could be scared of these faggots? I would tell them to fuck off and go right on to class.
Identity politics is always a dead end.
Cultivate your own gardens fellow anons and Sup Forumsacks.
Fire up the Gundams, call Godzilla and assemble the Samurai class! I'll get the guns.
Hopefully "the 4th" will be the day libfucks blow their load too soon and that pendulum swings in like a fucking peace-mobile on Swedes.
Acceleration to this bullshit is the only way to fix this problem.
I would have followed each one home at night and sapped them over the head and threw them in some river. People need to stop protesting against this all organized and just follow them all home one by one.
Ski mask and bear mace. Hit the whole entire chain. Then beat them with bats. They need physical discipline
it's happening
history is a fucking cycle
Whites compared to many other people on earth are extremely meritocratic no bullshit and hard work and don't fucking complain oriented. And i'm continually amazed these days of discovering how many groups of people on earth aren't, but seem to think it's ok to act like completely lazy and whining parasites who expect someone else to sort out their problems and blames every little problem they have on somebody else. And then not putting 2+2 together and realizing that this is a MASSIVE part of why their societies and nations become dysfunctional. So from white peoples perspective seeing things like this more and more, can you even fault us for wanting to for the most part be left the fuck alone so we don't have to deal with having societal obstacles REINTRODUCED into our societies that we thought we conquered/overcame long ago.. And we did, it's just that others didn't and they bring their luggage and dirty laundry with them, throw it in our face and go HERE YOU GO BUDDY, clean up our mess.. I'd rather not! I'd rather you clean up your own fucking mess.
These people like in the above video also lack total discipline and act like big babies as i described earlier. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE PARENTS? These people could benefit from going through army training, not to enjoy warfare and these things, but because it instills in you that you need to stop being a fucking pussy, not to take it to heart if someone says something that "insults your sensitivities" and give up the moment you face adversity, but pull your shit together and if something seems impossible to do, you try harder! THAT'S a big part of how a successfull society is achieved.. Because it's only as strong as the sum of its parts. And it's something you either learn there or through your parents. And whilst you think it might be unfair during, afterwards you realize how beneficial it was for your character and discipline.
Vid related.
>wtf why are they protesting Asians.
Cause asians do well whilst these are a bunch of whiney bastards that think that crying like a little baby over non issues somehow helps them get what they want in life, which is obviously a free ride at whites and asian peoples expense.
I've been telling people for a while now that leftists hate asians for the same reason they hate white people, but people don't believe it. They consider asians priveledged just likes whites because asians do and perform well in society regardless of what kind of a bucket of shit they might have to walk through in life of various bad shit happening to them, they get up and keep going instead of giving up and having a cry about it, don't mess shit up or complain all the fucking time, and tend to be rather successfull.
...They do....
this is the future they have chosen :)
Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a slanty eyed nip.
Flips count. Duterte proved it.
Senpai noticed!
I wish they would. I want to see all the people who actually want to learn and have the ability to pass courses leave higher learning and go learn elsewhere.
We'll see how the liberal shitholes get on when the only students left leave halfway because their courses are too difficult or graduate with worthless diplomas like liberal arts or feminist studies.
This quite frankly
Based nip economist defending SWEDEN of all countries saying it has been ruined by mass immigration, and explaining how sweden might be saved.
Nips are already trying to help white people. And their tough immigration stance pisses also these assholes off. Japan has almost zero immigration and the police (wielding samurai fucking helmets) are bored as fuck because they haven't had a murder there since 2015 or something.
They do because it's supposed to legitimize their talking points.
>Remember the evil Asians and Nazis?
>Remember when Stalin pushed them back?
>Communism: For a Hitler Free Future
It's all retarded but it wouldn't surprise me if many think this way.
Paco wouldn't be a bad addition persay, it's just the hordes of other anti white mexicans that would be a problem.
>whites and Asians against the rest of a world
It would be like the Zanzibar war on a global scale
so who is left, the punjabs?
>Paco wouldn't be a bad addition persay, it's just the hordes of other anti white mexicans that would be a problem.
I feel sorry for the immigrants who went through the legal immigration process to america, where you separate the wheat from the chaff for PRECISELY THIS REASON. Some people just DON'T get it and go "hurr durr why legal immigration no borders one peoples" BULLSHIT.. and things like these is EXACTLY WHY.. these people just virtue signal but if they realize they have to be around these people and put up with this PERSONALLY for the rest of their own fucking life! They would think twice but this hasn't dawned on many of them yet. Legal immigration is precisely to avoid having millions of people around who are incompatible with your society and even hates everything about it.
These legal immigrants have paid their dues and most of them i assume love america and wants to be nowhere else. I would be pissed the fuck off if i was one of them and saw this kind of behaviour knowing that THESE are the kinds of people you now in the minds of people are associated with! Not only are they total garbage which is why they try to come illegally instead, but they will destroy the society for both the multigenerational americans AND the legal immigrants alike if nobody puts the fucking foot down.
So! More to your point! When the legal immigrant paco's put their foot down to these idiots of illegal immigrants who ruin their image, then perhaps they will not be a bad addition.
>Diesmal ohne Italien
Hello Martinez Rodriguez
But theyre not. A large portion of white America is cucked and passively supports their own races genocide.
Hell yeah, fuck smart people!
>keep them from going to class!
>by forming a human chain and not going to class!
>A large portion of white America is cucked and passively supports their own races genocide.
The left has pushed the overton window so far to the left in the US it seems, than even critique of these assholes is considered the vilest of racism and a desire to genocide them or whatever. That might get you fired from your job or other things. So let that sink in, critique of bad behaviour of anyone who isn't white is considered the epitomy of evil. So they learned all they have to say is "racism" and people give them what they want. You critique or insult a black person, this is almost illegal. So all these illegal aliens realize that they can get away with anything by accusing others of racism and whatever. So what happens?
Americans let them walk all over their people, their values and their culture. Stop giving them a fucking inch! Then they have to decide if they want to play ball and be in america, or they want to fuck off. THEY ARE USING/MANIPULATING YOU!!! It's like a child testing boundaries, and if you don't put your foot down things are going to just get worse.. And what americans will lose is their own fucking country and everything it is about, to a bunch of people that don't even want to be there. If they don't want to be there and hate it so much and hate white people. They should probably FUCK OFF!!! DON'T GIVE THEM A FUCKING INCH OF COMPASSION OR SYMPATHY, the moment you don't they have a little cry and then watch them stop when they realize it's no longer working, showing you clearly that it's all insincere manipulation that they've been shown they can get away with! Show them that they can't get away with it, and watch them stop on a fucking dime!
But don't let these fucking BIG BABIES boss you around in your own country, they go waaa waaa and you go "what can i do for you baby". Tell the baby shut up and NO! Just because the baby/young child is crying doesn't mean what it wants is what it should get! Also realize that ITS NOT A FUCKING BABY, so STOP TREATING IT AS IF AN ADULT SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE A BABY! These cunts are one step away from sitting with a pacifier in their mouth and going googogaaa me cute minority baby give me what i want or you are meanest person ever!!!
Nope, because were putting the Zodiac in the Whitehouse in 2024, Reign of Runes soon.
please help save our race, honorable Japan-kun
Fair enough.
The crazy cultural marxist left is about to make this real.
>Race is black and whites
Wtf is happening.
Kek'd and checked, Japanon-san.
Much appreciated Yamamoto
In my day, we would have plowed through those shit skin whores and betas.
This better not spread to other UCs, I currently attend one.
>start a riot by just trying to get to class
sounds comfy
>start a riot by just trying to get to class
>sounds comfy
Here's a "novel" idea. If you are at school and don't want to study, then you should be expelled. Afterall, why are you taking up space for people who actually want to study and make something out of themselves? If you don't care about it?
you could always chimp out. the weak should fear the strong.
>pic related, based captcha
>This better not spread to other UCs, I currently attend one.
Think about it all this information at their disposal, all the opportunities to learn that people in the past would consider a gift from god or something.. and what do they do.. form a human chain and act like complete idiots without any real purpose whatsoever but total nonsense.
Simply a waste of time for everyone involved to entertain including themselves. They should get a job and make money if they don't want to study for a higher paying one in the first place, why waste their own time and everyone elses with nonsensical bullshit?
>stand in a place of many opportunities to learn according to their merit.
>complain they don't have enough opportunities and that they can't get enough out of life because of oppression
>literally stopping by force others from learning and making something out of themselves.
>themselves not learning a damn thing that day other than showing to themselves how to be an irellevant idiot and wasting their own precious time.
>more than likely failing their own studies because they spend their time on garbage like this.
>as a result ending in a job they don't want to do, and instead of improving themselves complain about it and act as a victim.
>ends up in some ghetto as a single parent with one of the other useless people they fucked afterwards who left them behind, child grows up pissed off and blames society instead of their parents.
It's almost like a self fullfilling prophecy that they do it to themselves! Multigenerational stupidity and unwillingness to learn and change. And making excuses for it.
>To Protest Racism, Students Block White People From Getting to Class
blocking someone based on their skin color? how progressive. I wonder if there's a term for that
And pathetic asian cucks will STILL side with leftists 90% of the time.
But aren' t asians yellow?
>cowering in fear and going around because too much of a beta
sounds pathetic
yes I agree
I fucking loved that episode.
w-what about just a little racemixing?
Whites and asians are the only nice people to me. Hispanics don't like me because I look white and can't speak Spanish.
Hahha. No it’s beautiful
These people do not understand is life of what you make of it, and you are the author of your own fate.. Only when you have done EVERYTHING RIGHT, and done things to the best of your capacity/ability including trying to improve yourself and doing everything right in trying to improve yourself. And admitted failure in things you could not accomplish, and success in things you can. ONLY THEN can you begin to start to say ok man i do everything right, perhaps these things is someone fucking with me. But even then, you should continue to do the right things and correct the errors you make and try to make the best out of the situation.
If you have done neither of the above.. Don't ever have the audacity to complain that someone else is doing things to you, the epitomy of standing in a UC in america where you have every opportunity to study according to your merit, and then not studying, and then complaining about a future failure you can percieve when you are to a large part responsible for that potential future failure BY YOUR OWN ACTION of what you are doing.. Then go fuck yourself! Nobody should take you seriously or give you even the time of day, why should you help someone who does not want to help themselves?
White people and asian people and many other successfull people get this, these people do not, and that is why they fail, they fail because they aren't even trying not to in the first place!
Further proof that racism is correct. Shitskins are afraid.
The empire of the rising sun and the land of the setting sun shall unite as one!
How do they have time to protest? Get the fuck back to class.
>protest racism by being racist
At least this'll bring whites and Asians closer together.
I hope one day they'll let me move to Japan before America turns into Detroit: The Country.
Does anyone actually think this stuff is legit? It's a bunch of useful idiots and some agitators to get whitey to go kristallnacht.
I live around a ton of latino students and they're all just doing what they're supposed to do.
Asians being pushed to join whites in the race war is pretty great. I mean we would've won it solo too, but getting some help won't hurt.
More enraging to the left, they have the IQ to go with it.
The left is basically looking for every edge, for "equity", to compensate for their intrinsically lower ability.
I'm glad they are, as Asians are not only soulless but they have the advantage of actual smarts, AND they like to play the victim at the same time. I see it all the time in San Francisco(yeap I'm in lefties hell) and the Bay Area and its fucking nonsense. Asians are the most 'privilged' race of all, bar none because of this factor so if they can get a taste all.the better. I hope all the niggers spics and chinks eat each other alive trying to win their oppression Olympics
>why are they protesting Asians
crabs in a bucket my friend. If you do well then you become the oppressor.
>I live around a ton of latino students and they're all just doing what they're supposed to do.
I know a few people and they're good so that means all of them are good. This is what you're saying. You might also know some black people and they're totally nice and doing well, but that doesn't change that blacks commit half the homocides in the entire US. Your samplesize is too low user, it's a naive mistake.
These jackasses are obviously failures making no attempt of not being so, but it's a symptom of an underlying belief many of them but far from all of them might have. And they shouldn't be rewarded by pretending their bullshit is legitimate when it obviously isn't.
Americans sure love to roleplay.
Fucking nazi larper boi
A lot of niggers consider Hispanics as Whites, which is ironic
I'd like to include poos, they did invent algebra after all. (Muslims copied it from them, according to article in latest issue of Saudi Aramco World.)
>I have small sample size
>I do not
>no explanation given.
These people seem like they are trash but that doesn't mean we should constantly be using the exception as a rule. I'm just sick of it. It shapes public perception in a dishonest way -- which is exactly why it gets undue coverage.
This is what I love about the left. They cannot control their own storm troopers.
The funniest shit about all this is California has so many Asians in the competitive pool of prospective college students that affirmative action actually keeps the percentage of Asians accepted LOWER it should be.
The sun rises.