How would these people get rid of hundreds of wild hogs that wreck hundreds of thousands worth of property damage?
No one needs a machine gu-
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Sound eerily familar where have I heard that before oh yes the Tropicana gate 7 shooter....
Fucking rednecks. The Earth is to be shared with nature not to be taken over.
The hogs are being themselves, they dont kill people, they just want to live in Nature.
Buuuu uuuu, we lost some corn, poor us. Fuck you people, i really wish aliens or some shit one day come down and do exactly the same due to futile motives like, we make to much noise.
FUCK YOU AMERICA, NATION OF WAR FIRE AND DEATH, you deserve to burn into ashes.
Fucking retarded europoors knowing nothing about pests and normal animals.
what kind of a pussy cant choke out wild hogs with his bare hands
Poisoning your own field with lead from ammunition.
Ever consider the possibility that they are using lead free ammo, which is becoming more common and cheaper each day, and is generally better for hunting anyway?
Hi user. Boars are a serious problem, and it's our responsibility to clean it up.
T. Wildlife biologist
Euro cuck kys
That tannerite didn't even kill them though.
It made them deaf and go into shock.
t. wild boar
>Texan Pest Control
Death to america, death to rednecks, death to jews and israel.
it's pretty much agreed that the gun sounds in the shooting videos are fully auto machine gun fire.
there was a man arrested the next day with a fully auto machine gun, modified ar's 6000 dollars worth of ammo and bomb making materials
Deputies found Scott Edmisten, 43, of Johnson City, carrying a .357-caliber Magnum, a loaded .45-caliber semi-automatic, a .223-caliber fully automatic assault rifle, a .308-caliber fully automatic assault rifle, more than 900
Graybeal asked the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to help investigate, since the automatic weapons aren't registered and lack serial numbers. He told CBS affiliate WJHL that Edmisten had apparently modified the AR rifles to make them automatics.
a 308 fully auto rifle sounds a lot like the vegas shooting
pretty weird coincidence
Typical rural retards who can't come up with actual solutions.
Instead they go apeshit, heavily wasting resources with their expensive toys and vehicles.
Keep putting that lead in the ground where the crops grow buddy... fml
Why would texas of all people be against this?
>machine guns
m16 and shotguns shown in video
learn what a machine gun is you fucking pleb
I'd like to see some wolves deal with the problem.
then watch the video
>confirmed nogun faggot from cali
it's not lead
I love the United States of America. This should be made a sticky by mods for its sheer epicness.
>Implying they're using lead ammunition
>introduce wolves
>instead of hogs killing crops, there will be wolves killing cattle
Nice thinking, retard.
Robbers tried to break down the front door with a car, store owner/worker scared them away with an assault rifle.