Was Las Vegas a new Israeli+Saudi 9/11?

The top floors of the Mandalay Bay are run as a Four Seasons hotel. The Four Seasons chain is jointly owned by Zionist Jews and Saudi royal family. Did the weapons come *down*? Was Las Vegas meant to be another Israeli+Saudi 9/11? And for war on North Korea, Iran...or both?

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what about the delano

Zionist Jews lmao proofs pls stormcuck


for what porpouse exacly?

That would be the 64 quadrillion dollar question.

My first guess was to set off a small nuke - to then be blamed on either Iran, or North Korea, or both.

It's essentially "9/11, The Sequel."

The Four Seasons having close Saudi *and* Israeli ties would

1. Give another access direction to the suite - from above (and the FS has private elevators from garage)
2. Make it easier for hotel staff to be part of the plot
3. Explain rumors of a VIP being guarded
4. Explain presence of the Israeli consul


While Isadore and Rosalie Sharp probably aren't as hardcore Zionist as the eradicate-the-goyim Kushner family, if the Wiesenthal Center is honoring them they're probably not big in the BDS movement.

"Stephen Paddock" could simply have been a cover identity (for whom we don't yet know). He listed his income as "gambling," which would make it easy to disguise true sources of income. He paid cash for his house.

Connections with the Saudi royal family, part owners of the Four Seasons, would explain why all hotel records of "Stephen Paddock" were immediately deleted.

That the larger plot was a nuclear 9/11 would explain why the concert shooting makes little sense. It wasn't an event by itself. It's a piece in a much larger puzzle.

People orchestrating this shit must be thrown into a fire, I feel sick

While figuring out puzzles usually makes me feel happy about being smart, right now the thing I feel most is nausea.

>Was Las Vegas a new Israeli+Saudi 9/11?
no it was a staged hoax with crisis actors u disinfo shill

veterans today is very aware+red-pilled of these soros funded hoaxs. should always be 1st place to browse when kikes do a hoax

I'm so glad I live out here and knew people who were there. I know for a fact it wasn't staged. Could be a false flag, but definitely not staged.


>i have an uncle who friend's nigger was there
>therefore i know 100% is was real
merifat logic

oh fuck

The concert shooting may have merely been a partially staged event. The casualty counts don't seem to match well with scenes from hospitals. Pushing 500+ wounded through trauma overwhelms any group of hospitals, and we've seen very little in photographic evidence from any of them. (The same was true in Orlando and Boston.) Yet it also seems like real people were injured and killed. Perhaps it was like Boston, partly staged with other, real casualties.

But the participation of the mysterious "Stephen Paddock" identity makes it seem very much like the shooting itself was only a piece. If one wanted to demonize guns and push for installation of national package scanning-surveillance one could have done it using the usual medicated young patsy.

And the government spin on this also has a feel very similar to 9/11.

I hope I'm wrong.

OK what the fuck we need iron clad proof. I heard he rented those rooms through airbnd.

No need to bring Frankie Valli into this

Oh fuck is right.

Oh fuck.


what is supposed to be the significance of this?
pretty clear the mandalay plebs shall not have easy access to the four seasons overlord floors, that is to be expected...

that seems breddy stupid to me.
I mean, if your plan is to nuke a city, why bother with a shooting at all? Clearly jeopardizes main mission.



I suppose the significance depends on how paranoid one is. Or depending on how paranoid one is...how sensible.

At the least it's a confirmation of the idea that the Four Seasons is operated as a separate hotel above the top floors of the Mandalay Bay, and those floors have private elevator access. That alone opens a new direction of inquiry about the entire event. The Israeli+Saudi connection makes that even broader.


with you. been through infantry school. more like a GPMG on a much lower floor.

>im just gonna buy missle defense from my enemies, nothing to see here

yes, but that they have to distinguish themselves from the mandalay is pretty trivial desu.
this demands separate operations, otherwise they'd come of as an even more expensive mandaly with a different name, no one would book that..

The Saudis also own the Plaza Hotel in NYC which that paricular hotel is half owned by India Indians.

If I do the math right, the CEO of MGM (owners of Mandalay Bay) sold 90% of his stock in the 60 days before the event.

I think I'm going to throw up.

Save this picture

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it

Yeah, and check the T-SHIRT. Its from a NON PROFIT related to jewish holocaust memorial.

>Better pic

i can't believe i live another 9/11 on my life time

No. No no no no no.

I agree it sounds like more than one gun, of more than one type, but how and where and why I don't know.

What are the clues that have you think it's a GPMG? And why would that one be on the lower floor?

Are conspiracy theories the most bluepilled brainlet opinion to have?

>Hurr, it must of been of been a plot by da jooz, CIA, George Soros, that pizza parlour or whatever the fuck it was, just like Sandy Hook!!

Like you literally have to concoct up these completely inane hairbrained plots, complete with big collage pictures with red circles and text all over them, because somehow in your mind that some B-movie plot conspiracy is somehow easier to accept than the fragility of human life, and how easy it actually is for one person to be able to kill that many people.

I wondered when you might show up. Shalom.

This is a picture of Stephen Paddock's father, Benjamin Paddock (who also lived under an alias, "Bruce Ericksen").

Can anyone identify the pendant he's wearing?

so? thats stupid, dumb meme, stfu

I found a higher-res picture (for reference).

Who stayed at Four Seasons during the event? Who left the tarmac at McCarran afterwards? Find those and blow it open. Doubt we can though

And here's the pendant worn by Stephen Paddock's father.

Damn that's an owl charm on the chain if I'm not seeing things.

Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?

>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.

A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.

Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.

oh shit

Could be anything. Nothing adds up, nothing makes sense. The leftist media has never been this indecisive before too.
My bet is that they will just bury this, and the (semi)truth will come out oly years later.


I agree, I thought it looked like a golden owl. (I wanted an unbiased read, that's why I didn't say it.)

BREAKING: Multiple reports say the shooter was part of isis cell in the US. There were others and are still on the run.

The news will break today or tomorrow. Also Trump's calm before storm comments are about North Korea war this month


>oh its just an owl nothing to see here

It's a general unease of "things we've figured out make sense in retrospect but we're pretty much powerless to really predict the next domino that will fall."

Yep, nothing to see here. Please disperse.

Not that the number 32 has any relevance to anyone.

For me it's the general unease of just having survived a horrific car crash. The realization of coming so close to death.

See if you can find a connection between the reverse of the 32nd degree Mason fob, with its Knights Templar emblem, and the shirt worn by Stephen Paddock's father.

safety bump

b u m p

"In Hoc Signo Vinces" = "In This Sign Conquer"

>No need to bring Frankie Valli into this
OK, now I understand the Frankie Valli reference. Thanks (even though I didn't immediately appreciate it).

Sorry I'm a bit slow today, all this has me pretty upset.

>No need to bring Frankie Valli into this
Though maybe you meant this.

Central Florida Community Arts is very popular with the Paddock family.


Anonymous (ID: my2VhN/e) 10/06/17(Fri)14:15:36 No.144297541▶
There was a big thread about MGM CEO Jim Murren last night regarding Mandalay Bay. A very curious article from Feb was scrubbed on Wednesday after it was posted on Sup Forums.

But we archived it before they killed it.

See the archived version (save and spread this link, guys): webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:TzBZd3q18lgJ:pacevegas.com/2017/02/mgm-earnings-10-jim-murray-blames-jews/&num=1&hl=en&gl=us&strip=0&vwsrc=0

James Murren blamed "the Jews" for the Mandalay Bay losing money. Moreover he blamed Jewish holidays for the hit. Mandalay Bay is mentioned as suffering the most in the final sentence of that article. Murren mentioned this to shareholders to MGM which owns Mandalay.

Who tf names Jews in a financial report. After backlash, Murren via MGM began donating millions to Jewish orgs, the ADL and SPLC being the big ones. He also publicly decried Charlottesville and white nationalists.

>blame Jews for lossses at Mandalay Bay in Feb
>spend all summer making public amends
>sell $10 million in 250K shares of MGM venues in Sept, Sept 8 to be exact. Many MGM execs including Sanders dump stocks
>then "-John" predicts Vegas happening involving two Jews on Sept 10, mentions metal detectors and scanners at Vegas venues
>Mandalay is host to biggest shooting in US in October
>October 1 when the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur just ended
>Yom Kippur when Jews sacrificed thousands of chickens in major cities to atone for sins, in 2000 year old "ritual"


>shooting occurs at "Harvest" festival
>on Sunday, the Christian Sabbath
>country music concert attended by white Christians
>murdered in front of black pyramid with "illuminated" capstone
>terrorist group named after Egyptian goddess Isis takes credit. Note that Isis is not a Muslim deity which is heresy based on their ideology.

Note that Israel's Supreme Court features a giant pyramid with "illuminated" capstone featuring eyes on all sides. The court was funded and designed by Dorothy Rothschilds. A portrait of the Rothschilds overseeing a model of the Court hangs in the lobby. The Luxor Pyramid bears resemblance to the one at Israel's highest court.

You could also note the two construction pillars erected behind the concert stage that many Sup Forumsaks mention looks like the WTC. The concert was also held under the label "Route 91."

But don't let /x/ish stuff distract from the fact that an article where MGM CEO's blamed Jews directly for Mandlay losses was scrubbed one day after appearing here, though it was published in Feb.

According to Templar legend, "In Hoc Signo Vinces" was a phrase uttered to Constantine by Christ himself, as he showed Constantine the first two letters of His name (the Chi-Rho). Constantine ordered the Chi-Rho to be painted on all his soldiers' shields.

The next day Constantine and his army attacked and overthrew Rome.

Prove that The Four seasons is owned by Jews and not the Saudi family.
Also, they own it from what, the 35th floor? He was on the 32nd.

Mandalay's CEO blamed Jews for the hotel's losses in February.


I saw that, checked it out, read the relevant parts of the financial report. Here's the exact quote (from page 2):

>"The Company's domestic resorts were impacted by a lower number of convention room nights compared to the prior year quarter, primarily driven by the October holiday calendar shift as well as the rotation and timing of certain conventions."

So he's talking about Rosh Hashanah, which in 2016 had shifted from September (3rd quarter) into October (4th quarter) - the sense of that being a large amount of their business was from Jews who instead of not traveling in September (like 3Q 2015) opted not to travel in October (4Q 2016).

He doesn't call out "The Jews" by name, anywhere. There isn't even reference to holidays other than that phrase.

So the "MGM CEO blames it on The Jews" seems to be an utterly sensationalist clickbait headline, not backed up by the financial report itself.

That having been said, I'll bet that headline didn't sit well with Sheldon Adelson. And that they scrubbed the article is troubling, if only for the Sup Forums surveillance (like what happened with Jared Kushner's CADRE official corporate logo just days after its resemblance to the Masonic compass was mentioned in Sup Forums).

The Bohemian Grove owl?
What is the Grove's motto about secrecy?

looks like an owl.

>Prove that The Four seasons is owned by Jews and not the Saudi family
What makes the Four Seasons sitting on top of the Mandalay Bay so important is it's owned by *both Jews and Saudis*.

The ownership, as I can best determine, is

47.5% Gates
47.5% Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal
5% Isadore Sharp (founder, Wiesenthal-honored Jew)

Sharp still runs the company. He told Fortune that he took up Gates and Al-Waleed on their offer to take the company private so he could retain control, and never again be subject to the whims and dangers of the capital markets (a very Hebraic approach to risk management).

>"Some years later the prince spoke to his friend Bill Gates, and the three of us took the company private in 2007, in a deal valued at $3.4 billion. I wanted to create stability and certainty for the future by having ownership that would never have to sell again. I know that the legacy of the company is in solid hands, and I now own 5% of the company."

Important quote for relevance to Las Vegas plot:

>To this day, he says, if developers want to launch a new Four Seasons, “we control what will be built and hire the people who will work there."


no if it was israeli he would have been found with qurans and multuple attackers.
50 dead? why not 500?

Thanks. The more independent confirmation the better.

Bohemian grove owl logo:

Motto: "Spiders Come Not Here Weaving"

The worshipers of Moloch are supposed to keep secrets, but they can't help showing off to the slaves how much better they are.

That's why they, like all cartoon villains, always leave little signs for each other. It's actually a plea for attention (from their parents, not that they'd understand it at that depth).

(To make matters worse, Paddock's father was a bank robber and FBI informant. Not really low profile.)

>Chrysler Pacifica

fml.... It's not just the Challengers anymore.

Notice Paddock's car is parked on 9/25 - which is earlier than the official story said he checked in (9/28 iirc).

I wonder if that car is a rental, and to whom it's registered?

>Did the weapons come down?
Well they certainly didnt come up from his VALETED car

Notice how on the LAST day Paddock had changed his room to 61104! He was in the Four Season Hotel on the top floors but was killed back in 32135!!!

My guess is The shootings took place on the roof w/ Silencers on the AR's, as well as an M240 or M249 machine gun, this way no one would see or hear the muzzle flashes on the roof. Paddock was then killed back in 32135 to make it look like a lone wolf attack. Everyone else involved then retreats to the higher floors....


Probably just a coincidence that the attack took place the day after Yom Kippur.

>Notice how on the LAST day Paddock had changed his room to 61104!
The way I read that entry is that's his room record from an earlier stay - best I can make out from the pic the date might be 09/01/2017. But it does confirm he's staying in the exclusive part of the hotel

The 61st floor is part of the penthouse area.

Seems a good time to emphasize we do not know if Paddock was one of the shooters in the plot, or merely the schmuck the plotters wanted to use as their cutout.

Looks like "Big Daddy" Paddock also had a fondness for "wayward youths."

Ah yes you are correct, that was from 9/1/2017, still that is the exclusive area. He may have connections to the Jew & Saudi elites & royalty who own the hotel. This would explain the lack of video released thus far, as they could erase it.

And to not fall prey to confirmation bias ourselves, he might also have stayed on the penthouse level just because he was wealthy.

Though that then leads to the question why if on his previous visit he stayed in a Four Seasons penthouse suite on his next visit just two weeks later he opted to go slumming with the Mandalay Bay hoi polloi.

damn are things moving fast today - bump

One of the other aliases was "Leo Genstein."

>BREAKING: Multiple reports say the shooter was part of isis cell in the US
Since ISIS is a proxy army run by Israel+Saudis+US, it would make sense the next shift in cover story would be to ISIS.

Especially if the intent was to draw attention away from Israel and Saudi Arabia.

So since "Big Daddy" Paddock was known to the FBI for decades, and was supposedly on the Most Wanted List, one would expect Stephen Paddock to be well known to the FBI as well (as part of watching for family contact).

This knowledge and surveillance would be especially true if Stephen Paddock were a million-dollar-a-year gambler - which would also have his assets under the eye of the IRS.

So why would the government claim Stephen Paddock is an unknown loner?

Holy hell - threads are sliding at a minute a page.

To fight (((Isis))).

To fight (((Isis))), or fight for (((ISIS)))?!?The Paddock family seems to have lots of options!