hate on this shithole here
Daily poland hate thread
fuck poland
Answer me. Why do Poles stink so often? Is it the meat they eat?
>Hating Polska
>Boar taint
It's this isn't it? You eat male pig pork. That stuff is illegal to sell in the West.
They don't have enough money for water so they don't shower
Kurwa, boooooring.
gives us our land back!!!!
It's onion and garlic. We love them vegetables.
No. I love onion and garlic. It's Boar Taint. How can you eat that filth?
Fuck off kraut.
I don't care what Poland did before WW2, they are now fighting off rapefugee hordes, unlike my fucking goverment in Germany.
poles r buncha homos desu
I hate each and every one of my countrymen, fuck you guys
>faggot wearing what appears to be a roman armor
Holy shit, a based German. A rare sight indeed.
And a daily reminder that the Poles, and their leadership are 100% woke.
i was gonna tell you to fuck off and leave poland alone but
hello my socialist friend
kek, accurate
Listened to tonnes of shit from my Polish friends in the UK about how the British are racist and stupid for voting for brexit and not bowing to the eu.
Now Poland is refusing to bow to the eu they say that they don't have to abide by European law if they don't agree with it and they shouldn't accept Immigrants because it will destroy Polish culture. While standing in a british pub that was converted into a Polish centre.
We just economize on water, you fucking huwhite males. We are the Jews of the Europe, you subhuman scum. Also, the reek deters insects, so it's all good.
>Defeated Islam
>Most Uncucked nation besides Goymany
>Had a huge commonwealth
>Defeated the SFSR in 1920's
>Had best Calvary
>Wasn't cucked like Germany or Russia
>Was anti-communist/Fascist
>Biggest and Most rapid-growing Nationalist nation to date in Europe
>Anti Islam rapefuges
>Strong Culture
>Most Churches
>About to become next fascist/nationalist nation in the world and in Europe
Tell me, how can the Fucking German's compare?
It's actually a hood of a Fiat 126p.
You have to admit though, Poles are better immigrants than pakis at least.
They at least acted in their own self-interest. I cheered for you guys to get brexit, but then it became obvious, it'll change nothing for better. You don't need EU directives to enact lefty laws, you do it just fine by yourself
they hate us cause they aint us
germany is mad that 1000 years of backstabbing only caused us to develop thick skin, not die
russia is sort of mad, but tries to not show it, but wants us to be in their orbit, again
ukraine is mad because they are just borderlands
EU is mad because they are cucks
Hussar cuirass
this is a medieval armour thread now
>you wake up
Poland is a great nation.
also: we are currently going for miracle victory by abusing our Christian powers
while in west muslims pray and do their heathen rituals, in Poland millions of zealots will go to all borders and pray on rosary, as asked by Our Lady of Fatima
get rekt
They hate us Cause they ain't us
God Bless Poland!
This is now an "I LOVE POLAND" thread
Are you implying he is not proxyfaggot?
Poland will integrate. By 2022 the Euro is the new currency in Poland. Poland will accomodate more and more immigrants. Forced cross-migration will come to pass.
"our" weirdass nationalist jews > european commie jews
polish people seem alright
sage this bullshit
>based german
>reporting a thread made by a polish
No one is dumb enough even in our government to accept € in 2022, it would shatter our economy and any sort of profit we currently make. We will just play dumb and not fulfill one arbitrary requirement no to accept euro.
Only reason we are sort of competitive these days is thanks to PLN.
sounds pretty jewish for me. Another day with polish tricks.
> hate on le traditional marriage resistance
plz. t. cia
If PO wins they will gladly do anything goymany asks us to because they have no problem with doing stupid shit just to be rewarded by frau merkel, just like Tusk did.
Stop hating Poland.
>if PO wins
Chopin's only photo
Chopin was based. People think he was French.
Nope. I met an actual WW2 Polish RAF fighter pilot when I was a kid. He seemed like a cool dude.
>tfw you smell so bad that you can keep shit eating insects away.
Well my Russian friend - majority of Poland Hate threads are done by Soros sponsored shills that take jew money and shit on their own country. We try to hunt them down but as soon as we get one of them - Soros just founds another fundation and is on the same shit one more time. Big Jew is not amused by how we Slavs (this means Russia too) are immune to his cuckery and refuse to import sandniggers